How To Win Some Amazing Kid-Friendly Essential Oils

How To Win Some Amazing Kid-Friendly Essential Oils | Growing Up Herbal | My friends at Plant Therapy are giving some KidSafe blends away to 5 GUH readers!

It’s unfortunate, but these past couple of months have been full of sickness for my kids and their cousins. 

Everyone has been swapping one virus after another with one another.

It started with a simple runny nose and cough. That went away for 2 weeks and then came back, but this time, there was thick, sticky mucous involved and a couple cousins ended up with pneumonia! Now, right on top of that, another cold has settled in with more runny noses, sore throats, and coughing.

And yes, I’ve caught this stinkin’ cold! Ugh! I can’t remember the last time I had a cold.

So as you may have guessed, I’ve been doing a serious immune nourishing protocol with foods, herbs, essential oils, and extra supplements for the whole family, and I think we’re just about to come out of this mess.

We’ve been faithfully drinking our elderberry syrup and taking mega-doses of vitamin c. We’ve been taking our anti-microbial herbal tinctures when needed. Plus, we’ve been using our steam vaporizers and diffusing KidSafe essential oils at night.

And that, mama, brings me to the point of this post. 

Today is the day that Plant Therapy is giving away more of their KidSafe essential oils. Read on to find out more about the oils you can win as well as how I personally use them in my home!

Win A Set Of 3 Plant Therapy KidSafe Synergy Blend Essential Oils (+ Learn How To Use Them)

How To Win Some Amazing Kid-Friendly Essential Oils | Growing Up Herbal | My friends at Plant Therapy are giving some KidSafe blends away to 5 GUH readers!

Over the past three months, I’ve been sharing about how I use some of the individual KidSafe synergy blends with my kids.

The oil blends I’ve covered have been:

  • Sniffle Stopper
  • Germ Destroyer
  • Calm The Child

If you missed reading the posts where I share how I use these blends, check out the following blog posts:

(If you missed my past KidSafe posts, CLICK HERE for part 1 and CLICK HERE for part 2.)

Not only have these blends been formulated by a world-renowned aromatherapist, Robert Tisserand, for some of the most common childhood complaints, but they give you, as a mama, peace of mind knowing that you’re not using an essential oil one your sweet kiddo that could be harmful to them. As long as you use these pure essential oil blends correctly when applying them, you should be good to go.

This time of the year, Sniffle Stopper and Germ Destroyer get a lot of use in our home. From being diffused in the air at night, to hand soaps and handcrafted hand sanitizers, to vapor rubs, and more. We put them to good use, and they pair perfectly with the herbs I use for my family as well. It’s like cheese and wine, baby!

Okay, so enough about how much I love these oils. You wanna know how you can win these amazing essential oils for your kiddos, right?

How To Enter The Giveaway

How To Win Some Amazing Kid-Friendly Essential Oils | Growing Up Herbal | My friends at Plant Therapy are giving some KidSafe blends away to 5 GUH readers!

  • This giveaway will run from today, Thursday, December 31st at 12 am EST, to Monday, January 4th at 12 am EST.
  • 5 winners will be chosen at random and announced right here on the giveaway form. All winners will receive email notification from me as well.
  • If a winner does not respond within 24 hours another winner will be chosen in their place.
  • Prize substitutions are not allowed. (Exact prize is shown in photo at the top of this post.)
  • Entry is open to domestic and international residents.
  • There are several options for entering… nothing is mandatory so only use entries you feel comfortable with. Entries vary in their value… some get your name in the bucket more than others! Some entries are 1-time entries and others you can do on a daily basis.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck mama, and above all – have fun!! I know you’ll love these worry-free essential oils for your little ones as much as I do for mine!


Congratulations to:

  • Anastasia for sharing this giveaway on Twitter
  • Elizabeth for following GUH on Pinterest
  • Kim for leaving a Facebook comment
  • Chrissy for signing up to receive Plant Therapy coupons and discounts
  • Sandra for leaving a blog post comment

Ladies… your prizes will be mailed to you ASAP!

EASY ENTRY –> Tell me, which KidSafe blog post has been your favorite so far.
  1. Danielle says:

    I love immune boom, especially during these winter months.

  2. Alisa says:

    My fave post is the one about how to not get sick at holiday parties. That is some great advice.

  3. Ashley C says:

    We use germ destroyer and calm the child in the roller bottles and love them. The sniffle stopper is next on my list to buy so I was excited to read about that one!

  4. Amy Hegwood says:

    I love the vapor rub post! So useful when littles are having cold issues!!

  5. Jill@JillsHomeRemedies says:

    The vapor rub post. 🙂

  6. Kimberly says:

    Thank you for sponsoring this give away. My family hasn’t been sick in ages either, but they have been now for 2 weeks. I could really use these oils right now 🙂

  7. Amy says:

    The vapor rub

  8. Megan says:

    Both! I love using EO’s and do so often with my soaps 🙂

  9. Anastasia (@ANAWINSblog) says:

    Loving the immunity one! My kids catch everything!

  10. jo n says:

    I like the vapor rub post the most. I have used vapor rub on the feet for a cold, it was so helpful. I have told others and it has worked for them too. I would prefer to know what is in the vapor rub and feel good about it.

  11. Amber says:

    Love the vapor stick post and have been dying to make it!

  12. Vedatree says:

    I make my own kid friendly versions of essential oil blends, but this is good too.

  13. Maggy Heinrichs says:

    Vapor rub!

  14. Gretchen M says:

    I would love the opportunity to use essential oils to boost immunity, and I think it is a far better option for me than having to go to the doctor for antibiotics that aren’t needed!

  15. Franchesca says:

    What a fun giveaway! Hope I win!! 😀

  16. asia says:

    Meagan just love your vapo for kids, don’t have your oils but I’m using this what I can find near me 🙂
    Great blog…… 🙂

  17. Alissa L says:

    Vapor rub post. Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Leah Romin says:

    We use immune boom a lot for my boys! We would love to try more!

  19. Jessica Siebert says:

    Having 3 boys are constantly bringing germs home from school we are in need is kid safe oils. I have been researching what and what should not be used on children! So thanks for the info about this on your blogs!

  20. Rebekah says:

    Not to get sick at holiday parties!

  21. N says:

    I’ve wanted to try these

  22. Michele Lieb says:

    I love the vapor rub post – it came in very handy as my toddler is very congested with a wet cough 🙁

  23. Melissa Nichols says:

    These would be great for us, I have 5 kids and of course they pass the colds around, but one of my son’s gets very sick because of his asthma so we try very hard to cut down on the sickness. I am going to read your series now, thanks for the chance!

  24. Jessica Hays says:

    I like the one about Christmas Eve.

  25. Missy says:

    Would love some more kid oils as we just added another one to our growing family!

  26. Stephanie Murphy says:

    I’m raising my 2 year old grandaughter and your site has been very helpful! I use calm the child in a roller at bedtime and during challenging days! Have also ordered more of the kids safe oils and look forward to trying them.

  27. Monyka says:

    It’s a struggle to find and buy from the best company. I am being exposed to more and more companies who sell EO and claim to have the purest or at least boast their quality. A myriad of information…

    • Meagan says:

      I understand the frustration Monyka, but personally, I think there are many companies that sell high-quality oils as opposed to just one or two. I love that Plant Therapy offers a kids line. I think that makes life so much easier on us mamas!

  28. Sindy Murray says:

    I like the post How to help your child focus using essential oils.

  29. Sandra says:

    I have just recently found your blog while researching oils. There is so much info and opinions on oils out there! So glad to have come across your blog!! I have been going back and reading all your blog posts about safe essential oils for kids. So great to find out plant therapy has a kids line and really like how regular plant therapy oils have kidsafe on the label if safe for kiddos!! Makes things so much easier. I’m new to essential oils and am wondering what is your favorite brand? Ive read some of your posts about Eden’s Garden as well.

    • Meagan says:

      I am not a “one oil company” kind of person Sandra. I use Plant Therapy, Edens Garden, and Mountain Rose Herbs essential oils for diffusing and topical applications. I love Plant Therapy’s KidSafe blends, and I’ve just recently been using their single oils. Other than that, I have mostly Edens Garden which are great too. I also use Now brand oils for cleaning only. So as you can see, I have the companies I like, and I’m still getting use to which ones I like for certain uses.

  30. Chrissy P says:

    I love PT oils. Calming the Child is the Best!

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