
Welcome to the Growing Up Herbal Journal where you'll find information on herbal education, recipes, tutorials, natural living tips and tricks, and behind the scenes glimpses of how I live life naturally.

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Guest post by GardnersPath.com There’s a chill in the air, and the leaves are starting to turn yellow and red. It can only mean one thing: winter is coming. This means it’s time for gardeners to start preparing our herb gardens for the cold days ahead.  This article will discuss things you can do before […]

February can feel never-ending, making it hard to enjoy winter at this point in the season — at least here in East Tennessee. While this month is home to Imbolc — the symbolic festival marking the transition from winter to spring, it’s still freezing cold, either raining or snowing, overcast and grey, and much of […]

I’m not sure what it is about winter, but when dinner rolls around, I’m either motivated to cook healthy meals for my family or too tired to bother, which means I’m looking for quick, healthy winter dinner recipes that get everyone fed. If you’re like me, then you’re going to love today’s post. Today, I’ve […]

Umm, there’s nothing better on a cold winter day than a warm cup of spicy tea. Wouldn’t you agree? Here’s the thing though. While I love me some chai, sometimes I’m in the mood for something else — something like orange spice tea. This orange spice tea blend will not only warm you up as […]

January days can feel long, so we often have to get creative in how we bring joy into our day. For me, music is one of those things that helps to lift my spirits and set (or shift) the emotional tone for my day. Does it do that for you too? While I have a […]

October came and went, and so did my 10-year blogiversary! Can you believe I didn’t even celebrate it! Crazy, right? I mean — 10 years of writing and documenting my journey to natural living! There have been ups and downs, steps forward and several steps back, some ego boosts and some moments of humility. But, […]

Are you interested in learning how to use plants to support your health in as natural a way as possible — plants that grow in your backyard or in the forest behind your home or can be found in the local herb shop? If so, here's how you can become an herbalist!

How to Become
An Herbalist

Looking for books, recommended courses and workshops, and my must-have herbal supplies. You've got it. I'm dishing out all my favorite herbal resources with you!

My Favorite Resources for the Home Herbalist

behind the scenes

get my free home apothecary guide  here

ready to stock your home apothecary?