Herbal Education At The Academy: The Cardiovascular System

Herbal Education At The Academy: The Cardiovascular System | Growing Up Herbal | Interested in going to herbal school? Here's a sneak peek at the Herbal Academy's Intermediate herbal course!

“The cardiovascular systems job is to move oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, and to send deoxygenated blood and gaseous waste to the respiratory and urinary systems for removal.” – The Herbal Academy: Intermediate Herbal Course This system is made up of the following:

  • heart
  • arteries
  • veins
  • arterioles
  • venules
  • capillaries

Today I want to talk to you more about what you’ll learn in the sixth unit of The Online Intermediate Herbal Course from The Herbal Academy which is on the cardiovascular system. I’ll be sharing 3 key take-aways from this unit as well as a recipe for a yummy cardiovascular tonic tea that will please the whole family!

The Cardiovascular System

What I Studied

The sixth unit in The Online Intermediate Herbal Course is all about the body’s cardiovascular system, and it covers some of the following topics.

  • anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system
  • common cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, inflammation, arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, heart failure, and metabolic syndrome along with lifestyle and herbal interventions for each
  • nutrition for optimal heart health
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine’s take on the heart
  • herbs for the heart
  • glycosides
  • emotion & energetics of the heart

Interesting Things I Learned

Below you’ll find 3 things that stood out to me most about this unit of study in HA’s Intermediate Herbal Course.

  1. High cholesterol is one thing that can lead to coronary artery disease, but hypolipidemic herbs can help to lower cholesterol. These herbs work because they contain a chemical called “saponins”. These saponins are like soap, and they bind to cholesterol causing it to be secreted into bile. This decreases the amount of cholesterol that’s reabsorbed back into the body. It’s so cool to know the “why” behind how herbs work, isn’t it?
  2. Optimal heart health includs things like stress reduction, whole foods with an emphasis on plant foods, exercise, hydration, anti-inflammatory foods, sodium reduction, and healthy relationships.
  3. There’s more to the heart than pumping blood. It’s also a sensory organ and is in constant communication with the brain via neurotransmitters, hormones, and electrical impulses. It communicates information about our emotional state to the brain as well as the rest of the body. It also generates more electromagnetic activity than any other part of the body… including the brain! Positive and negative emotions create changes in the heart’s electromagnetic activity. This activity determines one’s energetics and can be sensed by others without even opening our mouths. Think about it, you can tell someone is in a good mood or a bad mood just by being around them, right?

A Recipe To Share

The following recipe is for a delicious tea that you can drink to tone the entire cardiovascular system.

NOTE: Don’t use if you’re currently taking heart medications before consulting your doctor because many cardiovascular tonic herbs are contradicted with these medicines.

Hawthorn Rose Cinnamon Tea
Shared with permission from The Herbal Academy 



  1. Measure 1 1/2 to 2 cups of water in a pot. Place soaked, crushed hawthorn berries into pot and cover. Bring water to a boil, then lower to a simmer. Simmer 15-20 minutes covered.
  2. Place roses and cinnamon into a teapot, cup or jar. Pour hot water and berries over roses and cinnamon, cover. Steep 10 minutes, then strain and serve.

So there you go! This is what is covered in the sixth unit of The Online Intermediate Herbal Course from the Herbal Academy. Be sure you checkout HA’s online herbal programs, introductory, intermediate, and advanced, if you’re interested in getting an herbal education that is convenient, affordable, scientific based, and will meet you wherever you’re at!

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