Welcome to the Growing Up Herbal Journal where you'll find information on herbal education, recipes, tutorials, natural living tips and tricks, and behind the scenes glimpses of how I live life naturally.
Having a kid with a sore throat is no fun experience, but it happens. I should know. I have four kids. That’s four little people who could come down with a sore throat for any known reason at any point during the year. Heck. Even I could come down with a sore throat! Think with me […]
If you’ve ever had a baby with a yeast issue or had them yourself, you may be wondering how you can fight yeast in the body… your body and baby’s body, in a safe, natural, effective way. Yeast overgrowth, whether it’s in your gut or on baby’s bottom is no fun thing to deal with. I […]
I was recently asked a question about whether or not common flower garden echinacea could be used as medicine. I’m sure you’ve seen it. You go to the local garden store to purchase some flower seeds to plant. I mean, fresh cut flowers are the best, right? You glance at the back of the seed […]
Wanna know what my biggest annoyance is? Itching. Yep. I detest it. Whether it’s from a sunburn (and I’ve had some bad ones back in my tanning bed days) or from poison ivy (had lot’s of that too)… the resulted itching could dive me CRAZY!!!!! Ugh! Seriously. It’s annoying me just to think about it. […]
Like most illnesses go, when one child comes down with it, the others are sure to follow. Same goes with the flu… especially when there’s a group of kids involved. Sure, you know how to keep from spreading the flu. You do your best to isolate the sick child from the rest of the family, […]
Ummm… I’m all about sweets. Healthy ones… unhealthy ones… and everything in between. Sure, I try to always choose healthy over unhealthy, but sometimes my sweet tooth wins and unhealthy desserts make their way into my mouth. Thankfully, that doesn’t happen all too often if I plan ahead and have healthy versions of sweet treats […]
Are you interested in learning how to use plants to support your health in as natural a way as possible — plants that grow in your backyard or in the forest behind your home or can be found in the local herb shop? If so, here's how you can become an herbalist!