DIY Passionfruit Kissing Cordial Just In Time For Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it, and while my husband and I are heading out on our traditional Valentine’s Day date to Cafe Lola in Johnson City, Tennessee along with several friends this year, we still like to have some special Valentine’s Day treats here at home. 

One of my favorite ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day is to make some DIY herbal aphrodisiac goodies as the day draws near.

Now, I’ve spoken before about some herbal aphrodisiacs misconceptions and the truth behind these types of herbs, so I won’t get into that here today. Today, I’d like to share one of my FAVORITE Valentine’s Day treats with you that definitely has some aphrodisiac qualities about it. It’s a Passionfruit Kissing Cordial, and it is delicious!

DIY Passionfruit Kissing Cordial

passionfruit cordial next to wedding photo

close up of Valentine's Day passionfruit cordial

A cordial is typically a mixture of liquor, honey, and fruit of some kind. They are very sweet and are often enjoyed as an after-meal dessert. 

This Valentine’s Day inspired Passionfruit Kissing Cordial is just that, and it will not disappoint!

Imagine sitting with your love on a cold evening before a crackling fire, bellies full after a healthy and hearty meal, kids in bed, sipping this tasty cordial, and spending some much needed one-on-one time together. At least, that’s my plan. 

Now, ideally, this cordial would have a full 4 weeks to sit, but depending on when you get around to making it this week, you’ll get 3-4 weeks which is close enough. You can always pour a bit out to enjoy on Valentine’s Day and then put the rest away to fully enjoy a week or two later.

Hope you enjoy this simple recipe, friends!

Passionfruit Kissing Cordial

close up of Valentine's Day passionfruit cordial



  1. Combine all ingredients in a pint-sized glass canning jar. Cover your jar with a piece of parchment paper and screw on the lid.
  2. Label the jar and give it a good shake to combine everything well. Place this in a dark location for 4 weeks or longer, shaking as often as you remember.
  3. Strain the liquid through a fine-mesh sieve or layered cheesecloth. Reserve the liquid in a decorative bottle with a lovely label. 
  4. Store refrigerated or at room temperature, and enjoy a small amount after dinner. You’ll be kissing in no time!

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends!

Love and light,

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