Natural Mamas – I Need Your Help!

Natural Mamas - I Need Your Help! | Growing Up Herbal | Can you take 4 minutes of your time to tell me what you'd like to see here on I'd appreciate it so much!

Over the last four years, Growing Up Herbal has grown into a successful blog because of YOU!

You read and share my posts. You buy my books. You follow my recommendations. You tell other people about me.

Thank you SO MUCH for all of that. I could not do what I do without you. 

Speaking of doing things together, creating the content that I put on the blog is a huge part of that. Sometimes blogging can feel like a one-way conversation where I’m simply sorting out my thoughts or creating resources to refer back to when the time is right, but it shouldn’t be that way. Growing Up Herbal isn’t just for me. It’s for you too! I want to help you make living life naturally more doable and more exciting. And, I know with your feedback I could be doing an even better job.

I’m in the midst of planning some things for Growing Up Herbal (a new website design, a new program, and blog content), and I’d love your feedback before I finalize things.

This survey takes an average of 4 minutes, and it would mean so much to me if you could take just a few minutes of your time to fill it out.

I will read every single answer and use them while planning my upcoming content and program. Thanks so much for your help! Again, I could not do this without YOU!

Thankful for you,

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