Manly Essential Oil Beard Blends

Manly Essential Oil Beard Blends | Growing Up Herbal | Today I'm sharing 2 manly essential oil beard blends that husbands, wives, and the kids will love!

Today’s guest post is from my friend Jamie who blogs at How To Just About Anything. but before the post, let me explain why I’m talking essential oils, men, and beards today.

A while back I started noticing a huge amount of traffic coming to my site from At first, I was completely unsure of what was going on. I mean, what does a beard board want with my site. Then I started getting the emails. Emails from men asking me about essential oils, therapeutic properties, combinations, and blending techniques for their beards. That’s when I got it.

I have written several very popular posts on GUH about using and blending essential oils, and these guys were wanting my advice on how to combine the right kind of essential oils together to nourish and soften their beards! I kindly replied that I wasn’t an aromatherapist, but the post was based off how I did things at home for my own personal skincare products. Many of these guys wrote me back asking me to create a manly smelling blend that they could use on their beards to keep them healthy. I explained that my blog was mostly for natural-minded moms of young children looking for inspiration and information on raising their children naturally, but I have a hard time saying no sometimes so here we are. And you know what. I think it’s great that these guys are wanting to rock their manly beards the natural way! Go! This post is for you! I hope it inspires you, my friends!

Now here’s Jamie to tell you more about how you can make a beard oil for your men… if they have beards of course.

Throughout high school, my husband attended a private school that had pretty stringent standards. Collared shirts had to be buttoned to the top, your hair could not touch your ears, and most importantly, no facial hair! Battling with psoriasis that caused inflamed and highly sensitive skin made daily shaving difficult at best. So when we got married, he announced that he was going to grow a beard.

Instead of making life easier, though, he still dealt with sensitive skin, redness, and itching on a daily basis. The beardruff and acne were very noticeable and a source of embarrassment for him. And every time I kissed him, I felt like I was kissing a Brillo pad. I even avoided kissing him for awhile because it was so uncomfortable, which was of course not good for our marriage.

I knew there had to be a solution. He couldn’t be the only one with beard problems. My research brought me to the wonderful world of beard oil. I spent time researching which essential oils were good for hair, which ones helped with acne, dandruff, redness and patchy growth. My first attempt may have been really good for beards, but it smelled pretty awful!

I have since learned that essential oils have top, middle and base notes that can be combined in particular ratios. This yields a blend that is not only effective but much more pleasing to the nose. Meagan wrote a great article on blending essential oils here.

Essential oils are quickly growing in popularity and for good reason. They pack a powerful punch when it comes to natural health. Below you can see how helpful some of the oils used in the two manly essential oil beard blends I’ve formulated for you at the end of the post are.

Essential Oils For Beard Blends

  • Lavender – Very soothing and healing for skin, including acne burns, rashes, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. It also supposedly has aphrodisiac properties to spice things up a bit. Helpful against dandruff, dry and fragile hair, hair loss, skin inflammation, itching, rashes and wrinkles.
  • Cedarwood – A woodsy base note that is particularly helpful for acne, oily skin, psoriasis and inflammatory skin conditions. Anti-fungal and astringent (tightens pores).
  • Tea Tree – Very popular for acne, dermatitis, eczema, inflammation and rashes. Good for healthy skin in general. This has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Patchouli– Combats acne and dandruff. Has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and astringent properties.
  • *Lime – Skin revitalizer, tightens skin and connective tissue. Anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.
  • Rosemary – Helpful for greasy hair, hair loss, and inflammation. Has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • Black Pepper – Stimulates the circulatory system to help with beard growth. Anti- inflammatory and aphrodisiac properties.
  • *Bergamot – Helps relieve stress, calming and uplifting. Good for acne, oily skin and eczema. Has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

This list of conditions these oils assist with is not exhaustive by any means, but this is what’s beneficial in a beard oil.

Because essential oils are so concentrated, they need to be diluted with a carrier oil to avoid irritation. There are tons of carrier oils out there, but I have my favorites when it comes to skin care.

  • Grapeseed oil – A light, fast absorbing oil. I like that this doesn’t leave a greasy look.
  • Jojoba oil – Closely mimics skin’s natural oil, sebum. Also, has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Avocado oil – Useful for dry or mature skin. Improves elasticity as it moisturizes and promotes cell regeneration.

A good beard oil will help with skin irritation and flaking, soothe and condition, stimulate growth and soften coarse hair. Men can grow an awesome beard and smell amazing at the same time! Wives will be happy to have something a little more kissable to work with.

Manly Essential Oil Beard Blend #1: Earthy

Per 1-ounce of carrier oil add:

Manly Essential Oil Beard Blend Oil #2: Woodsy

Per 1-ounce of carrier oil add:


  1. Combine your oils in a dark glass bottle and shake well to combine. I like using a dropper bottle, but you can also use ones with an orifice reducer.
  2. Since this is a 2-3% dilution it’s safe for daily use, but always listen to your body.
  3. To apply, massage about 5-7 drops into the skin underneath the beard, and smooth over the hair as needed. Less is more!


Cold-pressed bergamot and lime essential oils in the chemotypes recommended in this posts can cause photosensitivity when diluted oils are applied to the skin and exposed to sun within 24-48 hours. Keep this in mind, and try to keep beard oil off of skin exposed to direct sunlight. To decrease risk for photosensitivity, reduce bergamot to 1 drop per ounce of carrier oil and lime to 4 drops per ounce of carrier oil. (Harris, 2013)

Don’t have time to make your own beard oil, or don’t have the oils you need on hand? You can buy some beard oil ready made from my Etsy store. I currently offer Bergamot Cedarwood, Citrus Clove Beard Ultimate, and Patchouli blends. Need a custom order? Let me know, and we’ll work something out!

Meagan here… my husband always has scruff (cuz I think it’s sexy), but during hunting season he goes along with some sort of hunting tradition and grows his facial hair out into a beard. I’m not sure what I think about it, but Jamie sent me some of the beard oil she makes and sells in her shop for my husband to try out. I’m happy to report that it’s working great. He says it smells nice (not too girly) and it does make his beard softer. Anyway, I may just start liking this whole beard thing. You never know!

Jamie | How To Just About AnythingJamie Larrison is wife to Devon and mother to Liam. She loves reading a good book while sipping herbal tea, baking and creating new recipes in her kitchen, and natural medicine which has lead her to pursue a certification as a master herbalist. She also feels strongly about being a good steward of our God given resources and she blogs about how she and her family do that at How To Just About Anything. She also crafts natural herbal body and oral care products in her Etsy shop, This & That Herbal.



  1. Carla says:

    I infused my oils with frankincense, just that alone is awesome…

    • Meagan says:

      So are you taking actual frankincense and infusing it into the carrier oil? And it smells that way? That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing Carla!

  2. Rebekah K. says:

    So the Bergamot is ok to use at that dilution on an area that will be exposed to the sun? or are you using the one without the sun sensitizing chemical?

    • Meagan says:

      Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention Rebekah! I just added a warning into the post to include this info. Thankfully the lime EO is at a low enough dilution to not cause problems and the higher quality bergamot EO I linked to does not contain the sun sensitizing chemical. Thanks again!

    • Jesse James says:

      I’m a certified aromatherapist and just thought that I’d mention, if you wish to use bergamot in a blend that may be worn during the day, a bergaptene-free bergamot would be advised. Anything citrus in it has natural ripening chemical components, but knowing this, many producers have alternative options of distillation that allow them to be used in daytime blends. Look for citrus blends in 3 or 5-fold alternatives, where they have been distilled several times to eliminate the components responsible for photosensitivity. Bergaptene-free Bergamot is the only Bergamot I use in any of my blends, just in case. And others like lemon 5-fold still have a wonderful scent and strong healing effects, while carrying limited risks as the single distillation.

  3. Bruce says:

    Yep. There’s a lot more men lurking here than you might realize. It’s manly, even Kingly, for men to know have the knowledge and wisdom to use the plants in God’s creation for good (1 Kings 4:29-34)

  4. Mathew says:

    Thank you for the post. I have a tendency toward over use of oils, as I want a strong and lasting scent. I therefore construct my beard oil similar to a perfume, comprised of three chords, of three oils each, about 80 drops per 20 ml of carrier oil. Is this an unhealthy amount to use four drops in the beard once or twice a day

    • Meagan says:

      WOW Mathew… again, I’m not an aromatherapist so I can’t answer this for certain, but that seems REALLY strong. A 1% dilution is 6 drops of EO for every ounce (roughly 30ml). I’ve never seen anything recommended over 2.5%, but that’s for therapeutic uses. I did find this online however.

      Perfume/Cologne contains 90-95% alcohol and 15-30% essential oils or fragrance. Eau de perfume/cologne contains 80-90% alcohol and 8-15% essential oils or fragrance. Eau de toilette contains 80-90% alcohol and 4-8% essential oils or fragrance. Eau de cologne contains 70% alcohol and 3-5% essential oils or fragrance. Splash colognes contains 80% alcohol and 1-3% essential oils or fragrance.


      From what you said you do, it looks like you’d be falling on the upper end of the perfume range. Again, I’m not sure if that’s “right vs. wrong” or “harmful vs. not harmful”… my guess is that it depends on the EOs you’re using. Thanks for your comment though. I didn’t know there were actual percentage recommendations for things like this. Good to know!

    • Jamie Larrison says:

      From my understanding certain essential oils are harder on the skin in high dilutions, like citrus oils, peppermint and cinnamon. Aromatherapists tend to be more conservative than aromatologists on their dilution rates, but the blends above are formulated at about a 2% dilution rate which aromatherapy considers safe for daily skin care for the average person. According to this site, up to 10% CAN be used, but like Meagan said, it does really depend on which oil you’re using. You can also refer to the IFRA guidelines which are the recommended safe guidelines for individual fragrances .

  5. Naturally Loriel / How to Ensemble the Perfect Stocking Stuffer Gift Bag - Naturally Loriel says:

    […] Manly essential oil beard blends […]

  6. tammi says:

    How would you instruct someone to use this? I’d love to give this as a gift this year, and would have to give directions. 🙂

    • Meagan says:

      The directions for use are in the post. You could write them on the label or attach them as a tag to the bottles. Best of luck!

  7. Johnny says:

    Great article! When I came across this blog I read through, and I really love scented beard oils (especially patchouli). Unfortunately, I can’t do scents. I break out really bad, sneeze, headaches, etc. I’m looking at beard balm at and also unscented beard oil at this place

    I’m thinking about either purchasing them out right or making my own. What would I need to do to make my own? It may be cheaper that way and I’d get a lot more. Can you let me know? Thanks!

    • Meagan says:

      I’m not sure what the beard balm has in it Johnny, but the lumberjack’s beard oil is almond, jojoba oil, and vitamin e. You can get all of those things at Mountain Rose Herbs and blend them together and try that out to see if it works for you. And yes, it would definitely be cheaper to make it yourself, but you may want to purchase some products first to see which you like and which works best before making your own. Good luck!

    • Matt says:

      Beard balms are quite easy to make. I’ve been using them for about 6 months now and am currently making my second batch. Ingredients are beeswax, oil (I’m using avocado oil but there are a variety to choose from) and a butter. I’m using shea butter but mango butter is also very common. You can use EO to add some scent but typically, balms have a very small amount of EO so the scent is weak, or you can skip it all together.

      Add 1:1:0.5 beeswax:butter:oil. You can play with the ratio to get a texture you are happy with.

      Far cheaper to make your own and all ingredients can be found on amazon for a good price.

  8. DIY: How to Make Beard Oil. Quick & Easy Recipes says:

    […] Growing Up Herbal […]

  9. Joshua says:

    I’m almost embarrassed to even post this….but as I have a beard (more of a really long goatee), I was going through your recipes, wondering what you consider to be a drop concerning the carrier oils? I’ve been buying beard oil made locally in Iowa…I would like to get into making my own. I obviously don’t want to go through 10 batches to get a good one. If you could expand on this a little more for me I would greatly appreciate it!! I’m bookmarking this site. You sound like you definitely know what you’re talking about and doing in your own creation of different oil types.

    Thanks again in advance for any information. It is much appreciated. 🙂

    • Meagan says:

      If you follow the directions for these blends Joshua, you shouldn’t have any problems and should get a good batch each time. Jamie has tried and tested these EO combinations, and they work well together. As far as using a certain amount of drops once everything is all put together and finished, the bottles to use are linked in the directions found in the post. There are two options you can use to get “drops”. Hope that helps, and good luck!!

  10. Tony says:

    I am looking for a leather scent. Any suggestions on what oils to blend?

    • Meagan says:

      Sorry Tony… I’m no help here. Maybe ask some aromatherapists. They’d be more knowledgable about scents. You can also Google it. Thanks!

  11. ZAQ | 5 Essential Oil Gifts for Dad says:

    […] your dad a beard man? Essential oils will help keep his chin mane glowing and soft. Read “Manly Essential Oil Beard Blends” on Growing Up Herbal for the full details on how you can give your dad the best gift… the gift of a beautiful […]

  12. Essential Oil Gifts For Dad! | Mom Spark - A Trendy Blog for Moms - Mom Blogger says:

    […] dad is rockin’ a beard, he’s going to love a little homemade beard oil! If he’s not already using a beard oil, he might be surprised to see the difference it can […]

  13. Brian Cornwell says:

    Great job Megan and Jamie! You really nailed it on the beard oil recipes. Would love to see more men’s DIY guides like this out there. 🙂 Cheers! Brian

  14. DIY Manly Beard Oil - For Kissably Soft Beards! - The Herbal Spoon says:

    […] Get the recipes and read more here at Growing Up Herbal […]

  15. Styves says:

    Really good article; just one thing: don’t daily use lavender or tea tree essential oil in product for men, cause it can may mimic estrogen and counteract androgens.

    • Meagan says:

      Thanks for sharing Styves. Fortunately, the 2007 study has been dismissed as it wasn’t done properly and therefore can’t be taken as fact, but I’ve not looking into the 2010 article. Lavender and tea tree oil supposedly do mimic estrogen, but from my understanding, not so much that it does harm. I think scientists have had a hard time getting those findings to show up consistently in their clinical trials which means that there are variables happening that are responsible for the negative results rather than the EOs themselves. I hope that makes sense. Interpreting studies can be difficult and not something that I claim to be good at. I’m going off of what I’ve read and understand and what other respected peers have researched as well.

  16. Jared says:

    I’m pretty new to the beard oil thing. How do you feel about coconut oil as a carrier?

    • Meagan says:

      I think I’d use fractionated coconut oil before solid coconut oil. Hope that helps!

      • CHRIS BROWn says:

        I use solid virgin unrefined coconut oil in my beard regimen. It’s not something you’d wanna use daily. Once every week or so is a great moisturizer. Take a half a teaspoon or so and rub between warm palms until liquified and work into wet beard after shower. do this before bed not before going out and it will have time to soak in. Then in the morning comb/brush your beard. It’s pretty amazing. To add oils to solid coconut oil just warm the oil in a sunny window sill or with a hair dryer and add the oils while it’s liquid. Then place the container in freezer to re-solidify. I use tiny Mason jars. It will stay solid as long as it’s stored under 80 degrees or so.

  17. 50 Last Minute Handmade Gifts You Can DIY in 60 Minutes Or Less! - Hello Creative Family says:

    […] Essential Oil Beard Blend (5 minute project)  […]

  18. Michelle says:

    I just made a first batch (a small one) for my son and so far he’s loving it! Bookmarking the page as I’m sure I will be back. He wants to soften and condition it for his little nieces who adore his beard. 🙂

  19. The Best Essential Oils For Men says:

    […] goes in your beard oil, you can ensure it’s comprised solely of natural ingredients. Check out this article for a guide to using essential oils to create your own beard […]

  20. Mauricio says:

    Thank you for these recipes! I have tried them both and they smell great!

  21. CJ Hunter says:

    Hi Meagan! I have a question. I have a thick beard and need beard oil and want to make my own. I love the smell of roses, it reminds me of my grandmother and mother growing up with all the happy memories, so I would like to have a rose scent but it is definitely more of a feminine scent. Can you suggest a way to have a subtle rose scent but be more masculine? Like maybe mixed with something complimentary that would have a masculine base, but go with a subtle rose smell? Thanks! Love your beard info!

    • Meagan says:

      Hey CJ! I found a really great post that gives you some base, middle, and top note oils that blend well together, and rose is one of the middle notes. Plus, the post details how to test different oils to get the scent you’re looking for. So if you pick 3 base note oils, rose as your middle note, and 3 other top note oils then you can test different oils with the rose to see which you like best. It’s worth the time it takes to find the scent you like because you’ll probably stick with it for a while. Hope this helps, and don’t forget to check out my Blending Essential Oils For Beginners post as it really breaks down the blending steps and tells you which categories of oils blend well with others.

  22. Adam says:

    Very informative article! should we stick with one carrier oil or is mixing several carriers recommended?

  23. The Best Essential Oils For Men – Miracle Essential Oils® Blog says:

    […] goes in your beard oil, you can ensure it’s comprised solely of natural ingredients. Check out this article for a guide to using essential oils to create your own beard […]

  24. Anonymous says:


  25. Anonymous says:


  26. Gary says:

    My Beard needed this. Thanks 🙂

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