How To Make Jethro Kloss’s Herbal Liniment

How To Make Jethro Kloss’s Herbal Liniment | Growing Up Herbal | Here’s a recipe for an external herbal disinfecting solution to include in your natural medicine cabinet!

One of the first herbal books I owned was Back To Eden by Jethro Kloss. It was given to me by a friend who knew I was interested in herbalism and wanted to encourage me to pursue this path. At first, I didn’t realize what a treasure I had been given, but over the years, I’ve come to cherish this book for the wisdom it holds and the inspiration it was to me during those early years as an herbal student.

Where herbs are concerned, Back To Eden contains some great examples of what herbalism looked like back in the late 1800s. While many modern-day herbalists still incorporate both the art and science of herbalism in their herbal practice, it’s beneficial to look back to our herbal ancestors and their teachings in order to glean information about the way they used herbs during their time.

Today, I’m over at the Herbal Academy blog sharing one of my favorite recipes from the Back To Eden book… Jethro Kloss’s Herbal Liniment. This liniment is listed as being beneficial for pain, swelling, bruises, boils and other skin eruptions, headaches, rheumatism, toothaches, mouth sores, painful cramps, and more. I prefer to use it externally to cleanse the skin, minimize the chance of infection, ease swelling, and promote circulation to the area.

CLICK HERE to read the rest of the post and get the DIY over on the Herbal Academy blog!

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