The Magic of Winter

The Magic of Winter | Growing Up Herbal | Grab a cup of hot tea and stop by to read my thoughts on the magic of winter today!

While each season is enjoyable for its own reasons, winter is one of my favorites. It’s just so full of warmth, magic, and meaning.


Thanks to my pitta dosha, I prefer to be warm all. the. time. so winters here in Tennessee can be hard for me. Thankfully, though, there are things I can do to stay warm amidst the cold.

First, I always bundle up. I layer all of my clothes (even in summer), our warm coats are always near, and our closets are filled with wool socks, sweaters, toboggans, scarves, and boots. We bundle, especially when it snows.

Next, I don’t mind to keep our woodstove going non-stop. Yes, it means braving the cold to go outside and bring up pieces of wood a couple times a day, but it’s totally worth it. It’s a good reason to get outside, breath in fresh air, and get some exercise at the same time. Plus, having a fire burning is so comforting, and it makes home more of a sanctuary during the long, cold days of winter.

Lastly, I don’t mind eating hearty soups every day, and neither does my family. Warming foods that are easy to digest are at the top of our list come winter. So are root vegetables. We’re definitely seasonal eaters, or at least, I strive for us to be. 

The Magic of Winter | Growing Up Herbal | Grab a cup of hot tea and stop by to read my thoughts on the magic of winter today!


Am I the only one that thinks the long, cold, dark days of winter are enchanting and magical? If so, then you need to spend a winter or two in the woods.

You see, I used to dread winter. However, the more I slow down and spend my time doing things that nourish my body for the busy year ahead, the more I enjoy winter. I not only find time to nourish my body through food and herbs, but I nourish my mind and emotions by living slower, journaling, reading, working on creative projects, and spending time with friends and family. To me, winter is a time to fill my own cup so I can pour from it once spring arrives. 

And then there are the woods during winter. Everything is bare and vulnerable, and that’s how I feel too. But I’m finding that in that vulnerability, we find ourselves, or little pieces of who we want to become. There’s truth there, you know? Also, when it snows, the woods are lovely. There’s a white dust that settles on everything. Everything is calm and quiet. The animals are buried deep inside their warm winter homes, and so am I. But then the sun comes out, and the white begins to melt. You can hear little drips of water everywhere, and if you pay attention, you can catch little quick movements of animals that venture outside of their homes to play and forage in the snow. Again, it’s magical!

The Magic of Winter | Growing Up Herbal | Grab a cup of hot tea and stop by to read my thoughts on the magic of winter today!


Living slowly and intentionally is my goal during this cold, barren season, and while I personally learn so much during this time, I hope my children are also learning. One of my goals as a parent is to set an example of slow, intentional living for my kids so they learn to appreciate this way of life. It’s so easy to get caught up in the rat race and to live at that pace all the time. However, winter is the time to step back and slow down. It’s needed for our health, and I want my children to see me doing this. 

As a child, the days can meld together, especially during winter when you’re stuck at home. Life can feel mundane and boring, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We parents can bring meaning into our children’s lives on a daily basis, and winter is a perfect time to do that, especially if we’re living slowly.  

Because the winter season is filled to the brim with holidays, celebrations, and traditions, it can be a very meaningful time of the year for us as well as for our children. And while all holidays are meaningful in their own way, winter seems to be even more so because of the traditions and celebrations we incorporate into this time of year. Many traditions are the same year after year (like our Christmas Eve rituals), but some are new. In an effort to bring meaning into our and our children’s lives during this season, some holidays our family celebrates include Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. We also incorporate traditions such as Advent, 12 Days of Christmas, Winter Solstice, and other Old World Yule rituals into the season as well. 

The Magic of Winter | Growing Up Herbal | Grab a cup of hot tea and stop by to read my thoughts on the magic of winter today!

So these are the thoughts going through my mind on this cold, snowy day. Thanks for reading them! Before you go, I’d love for you to share ONE of your favorite things about winter in the comments below (although you can share more than one if you’d like!).

  1. Monica says:

    I love winter, especially this year, why ? We got a new furnace and it’s nice and warm! This house use to be a horse barn in the olden days, so it didn’t have sufficient enough heat and the way the house barn was built..I’m grateful for the things that God has given us. Yes like your article Meagan, Winter is the time for slowing down.. well sorta has picked up, grateful, for a furnace is needed in the tech building..
    Back to winter, people are slowing down, staying in on their computers, like now, freezing rain and couple inches of snow felled..just looking out on my live view on my doorbell I can see what is going on outside..without looking out the window or opening the door. Neat huh? I think so, but that’s technology! the peace and serenity I feel looking out there, not many cars or truck riding the road, everything is slowing one walking the sidewalk but as the night comes upon us,our little town is beginning to light up with Christmas decorations! “Oh little town of Bethlehem “, I would hum for this is the town of New Bethlehem! Oh it is pretty in the woods as you say Meagan, but this little town is also pretty. Life is slowing down, people are smiling more to one another. Me that is the gifts of others, you gotta love people, like Jesus did. He gave his life to you and me and I’m thankful.. Merry Christmas everyone!

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Well said, Monica!! The holidays do seem to bring out the best in most people. If only we could keep those thoughtful attitudes going year round! It sounds lovely where you are. Thanks for painting that picture for us. We’re supposed to get a big-ish snow/ice storm this weekend (around 12-inches snow) so I’m sure we’ll be hunkering down inside and staying cozy for several days. I’m kind of looking forward to it!

      • Monica says:

        Yike 12 inches! All I see on the radar is rain coming your way…. it must be really cold up in the mountain! Keep warm,have that fire going, that so cool!
        I’m making rest of my candy cane cookies. Yesterday I made cylcops son loves those cookies, almost gone! Have a wonderful day!

  2. Tarica says:

    Your article has given me a deeper appreciation for winter. Thank you for sharing! I love watching the snow flakes fall, and trying to notice each snowflake’s shape. It’s enjoyable to know I am the only one to experience that snowflake’s beauty since they are all unique.

  3. Moonsparklw (ZM) says:

    Lovely article! 🙂 I’m not a fan of winter because I don’t like the cold and I’m more of a summer person, but there is beauty in this season too. Since we don’t get snow very often where I live (SE England), I like it when we do get some. And I enjoy celebrating Yule/the Winter Solstice and Christmas. Thanks for a new way of looking at winter 🙂


  4. Kelly says:

    I love winter as a time to go inward and reflect.

  5. Anonymous says:


  6. Anika says:

    I was looking for ways to keep the lively spirit throughout the long cold months of winter in the upper midwest, where winter lasts between 7-8 months long. I enjoyed this article and the other ones on this page. I am going to incorporate some yule traditions with my family and friends. First snow coming this week and lots of joy for the rest of the year hopefully.

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