Let’s Have Some Fun Learning! Are You Up For An “Herb Challenge”?

I’m ready to do something fun… something different from the normal. You see, I get bored easily, and I like to challenge myself to new things a lot. Plus, I wanna interact with you a bit more. Wouldn’t it be nice to do something a bit different than simply reading a blog post and then going on your way? I think so.

Enter… a monthly herb challenge.

I’ve recently been thinking about this blog and my business in general, trying to see what direction I want to go in, and this is something that I thought would be fun to try out. An experiment of sorts.

I’ve always said that this place, GrowingUpHerbal.com, isn’t just about me. It’s about you… it’s about natural mamas and their desire to raise their children in a healthier manner… it’s about building a community. In a community, everyone works together to grow the community and help it succeed. This Herbal Challenge is a way to do that.

Let me tell you about it.

About The Herb Challenge

During the month of June, I’ll be focusing on one single herb that can be used with adults and children alike in order to keep things simple. Each Wednesday, I’ll be posting a weekly challenge about that herb that will help you grow and further your herbal knowledge a bit.

This challenge will hopefully stimulate different types of learners. For you verbal learners, I’ll be covering a good bit of written information. For you visual learners, I’ll be using lots of photos. For you physical learners, there will be hands-on, DIY projects each week. If you’re a social learner and you like to work with other people, grab your kids or a friend and work through the challenges with them.

How It Will Work

When I was thinking about how I wanted this challenge to go, I knew I wanted it to be interactive, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to go about doing that. So here’s what I’ve come up with.

Each week you’ll need to read over the post information and take part in the weekly project. Once your project is completed, take a photo of your project and share it on your Facebook or Twitter accounts. Be sure to tag @GrowingUpHerbal and use hashtag #GUHjuneherbchallenge so I can see them. It would also be nice for you to share something about the challenge in your update or in the comments. You know, what you learned, what your photo is of, what you’re thinking of the challenge so far… just anything. Your friends and family will be interested in what you’ve just made!

At the end of each week, I’ll search for the tags and look over all the photos and updates, making note of who participated. At then end of the challenge, I’ll choose one challenge winner to win the nice herbal giveaway below. The winner will be announced right here on the blog, so if you’re participating, be sure you pay attention to see if you win!

What am I looking for in a winner? Well for one, that you participated in all the projects. Two, creativity counts… pretty pictures go a long way. Three, your updates and conversations surrounding the challenges… with me and on Facebook or Twitter. Be sure to use the tags above!! Basically, I’m looking for participation and engagement from you. Remember how I said this was an interactive challenge?

What You Can Win By Participating

The winner of the June herb challenge will win an Herbal Facial Kit from Mountain Rose Herbs valued at $29.

It includes the following:

  • Herbal Steam – Open pores with skin nourishing plant oils.
  • Cleansing Grains – Gently exfoliate dead skin and clear pores.
  • Green Clay Mask – Absorb toxins, stimulate circulation, and deep clean pores.
  • Wild Rose Facial Oil – Moisturize, protect, and balance your skin.
  • Rosewater Toner – Invigorating astringent to tighten pores and seal in moisture.

I wanted to pick a little something nice for you mama… you do so much to care for your sweet little ones, and you deserve something that will help you refresh and rest from those long hard days of mothering!


What You’ll Need

Okay, so if you wanna participate in June’s herb challenge, listen up.

We’ll be focusing on the herb Calendula because it’s a great herb to have on hand and it can be used in so many ways for children and adults. Below is a list of all the things you’ll need for the next four weeks projects. Rest assured, these are basic, minimal projects. Calendula can be used for so many things as you’ll see once we get into the challenge, but I’m keeping your projects simple. You can always go above and beyond and move further with this herb. I’ll be including additional resources and recipes each week if this is something you’re up for.

The first thing you need to do is to make sure you’re signed up to receive my weekly Letters To Natural Mama emails in order to stay up-to-date on info about the challenge.

Next, you’ll need supplies. Below are what you’ll need for this herb challenge. Be sure to order them as soon as you can so you’re ready when June rolls around. Below are the minimal amounts needed for the projects. You can always order larger quantities if you prefer.

You’ll need:

  • dried organic calendula flowers (get it here)
  • organic sweet almond oil (get it here)
  • organic calendula hydrosol (get it here)
  • small bottle of liquor (vodka – 80 proof – cheap/brandy – tastes better)
  • glass jars: preparation – small mason jars, storage – colored glass jars are ideal (4 oz. screw cap and 4 oz. dropper)

You will only need small amounts of each of the above supplies, but depending upon where you order from, amounts will vary. Don’t worry, you’ll always be able to use any extras! You can also find your supplies on Amazon and possibly at your local natural health stores if the above places are out of stock.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or email me at meagan (at) growingupherbal (dot) com. Just put “June Herb Challenge” in the subject line.

See you in two weeks!

Are you participating in this herb challenge? If so, what is one thing you’re hoping to learn?

Access June Herb Challenge Posts Here

  1. Tracy Spangler says:

    This is such a great idea! I love that you’ve thought up something so interactive! As a herbal medicine using, essential oil educated/ing mama I love sites like yours where I can learn new ways to heal myself and my family, but I have to admit, the days are sometimes lonely. There is no reason for me to create other than the fun of the activity and that I know it will help us out down the road. Perhaps I miss a bit of the elementary school homework hung proudly on the fridge- we do that for our children to encourage their creativity and acknowledge the importance of their creations, but as a mama you often make, make, make without another person outside the family ever noticing. I recall how important it felt to me in younger years that I could make and do interesting things-write, create, explore. I’m so happy you’ve created a spot where mamas like myself can show off our work, hang up photos right next to my children’s art on the fridge, and talk about our shared learning with others. I can’t wait to get started, and calendula is such a great place to begin! Thanks so much for all the thought you’ve put into this project! It’s going to be such fun!

    • Meagan says:

      I TOTALLY hear you Tracy! I want this challenge to be fun, interactive, and a great way to show off how you’re using herbs to your friends and family on FB, Pinterest, and anywhere else you decide to share them! I personally love formulating products with herbs, and thankfully I can show those things off here on my blog. Thanks for your comment. I can’t wait to begin!!

  2. Mrs. B says:

    This is a great idea. I love learning and “concocting” in my little “lab”. Although I plan to participate, I don’t do FB or Twitter. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and being an encouragement to others.

    • Meagan says:

      I’m excited to have you take part. If you wanna enter for the giveaway, you can always email me your weekly project photos and that will count! Thanks so much!

  3. Melissa says:

    Just a thought: I don’t know how far ahead you have planned each herb to include in your challenge, but I wonder if it might be possible to get a list of supplies needed for a few projects at a time in order to save on shipping?

    • Meagan says:

      That’s a great idea Melissa, but the whole month of June is centered on the herb calendula and all the supplies you’ll need for the entire challenge are listed in the post above. If you order everything above, you’ll be all set! Thanks!

  4. Kaitie says:

    Super excited to try this out. I am a young single mom of a 4 month old baby girl. I have always tried to be as natural and organic as possible and I’ve always wanted to be an “herbalist”, just can never figure where to start. I love your site and follow your blog religiously. Having my baby has just given me more motivation to enhance my knowledge and put my skills to the test. 😀 I plan to participate but may miss a few here and there. The real prize will be my ability to help my little family with everything I learn. Thanks for all you do!

  5. Becky says:

    This is a very exciting challenge for me.

    My husband and I (with the little helping hands of our three children, 4 and under) grow organic produce for a CSA. I have always grown herbs along with all the wonderful vegetables.. specifically with the desire to DO more than just eat them.
    I have a number of Rosemary Gladstar books, and have been to a couple of afternoon tutorials at a somewhat close-by urban homestead on how to make baby balm and that sort of thing.. but I haven’t been challenged to grow in my own personal confidence to make products for my family from the herbs that we grow.

    So.. (sigh) we eat them..
    While I dream of being courageous enough to be the more hands-on-I-can-do-this-Mama.

    I’m excited to realize the initial practical steps to just step out there and do it!
    I’m excited to bless my family and friends with awesome stuff from our garden.
    I’m excited to grow in the kind of knowledge and know-how that is important to me.

    I’m so excited!!

    Thank you for the challenge..
    I hope that I can keep up!

    • Meagan says:

      Good for you Becky… I’m so glad you’re going to be joining us! I hope you learn how to make some great medicine with your herbs with this… although eating herbs are very good for you as you know.

  6. Renee says:

    Ordering my stuff today! Thanks for this challenge to help me broaden my herbal knowledge.

  7. Kimberly says:

    We have a nut allergy in our house, we can not use almond oil. Is it possible to use another oil or does that mess up the project?

  8. Bonnie says:

    I’m so excited about this opportunity. Quick question…do we just need one of each style colored bottle (one 4 oz dropper, one 4 oz screw top)?

  9. Hanie says:

    This time to go back to the herbal and nature… go..go..go…

  10. Shenna says:

    I’m lookin forward to starting this challenge!! I agree with Tracy; I make things and most goes unnoticed so I look forward to posting my results 🙂

  11. jalice klein says:

    I am so excited to do this and learn more about creating with herbs 🙂 I am just starting to learn how to live more naturally and organic and this challenge will be a huge help. I look forward to sharing everything with my friends and family on Facebook as well. I know they will enjoy it! Thanks for doing this!

    ~Jalice K.

  12. Sami B says:

    I know it has been said but Thank you for such a fun way to learn and use our herbs more. I also am new to learning and using the herbs that I am growing and this will be just the greatest way for me to use some of what I am growing. Thanks again!

  13. Growing Up Herbal Challenge. | The Herbal Healing Mama says:

    […] Here you can find the introduction to this amazing challenge. […]

  14. Jalice says:

    Hey Meagan,
    Did I miss the announcement of the winner for the challenge or has it just not been announced yet? Thank you

  15. Tesia says:

    I’m brand new to the herbal remedy world, and JUST discovered your website as I was doing some online research. I’m SO excited about your site and herbal challenges! (admittedly I was feeling overwhelmed on where to start) Thank you!
    So far I only see the Calendula challenge. In your post, I read that the next had been planned for around Sept/Nov? It’s almost the new year now, and am wondering how to access your other challenges.
    Thank you again, I truly appreciate what you’re doing here!

    • Meagan says:

      You’re right Tesia. I only have the Calendula challenge up right now. I was planning one for yarrow, but I got SO busy that I just didn’t have time for it. I still want to do more. I just have to figure out how to make it happen. Thanks so much for your comment, and I’m so happy to have you here!

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