Herbal Education At The Academy: The Beginning

Herbal Education At The Academy: The Beginning | Growing Up Herbal | Interested in going to herbal school? Here's a sneak peek at the Herbal Academy's Intermediate herbal course!

Here at Growing Up Herbal, I do my best to bring you solid, well-researched information on how to use herbs in your daily life, but what about when you’re ready to take your herbal education one step further? Where do you go to get more information?

What About Herbal School

I get asked ALL. THE. TIME. about recommendations for herbal schools which brings me to this new monthly feature here on the GUH blog. Each month during the course of 2015, I’ll be sharing my monthly experiences with my studies at the Herbal Academy (HA)… or “The Academy”. It’s been almost a year since I enrolled in the Online Intermediate Herbal Course at the Herbal Academy… and no, I’m still not finished. My goal was to finish the entire course (10 units) in 10 months, but life is busy. My 10 month goal has slipped past me which is partly the reason for this new feature. It’s time to buckle down and finish up my studies so I can move on to other areas of learning… like aromatherapy school or an advanced herbal program, and some accountability is just what I need in order to help keep me on track. The other reason for this new feature is to give you an inside look at the course so you can decide for yourself if it’s a good fit for you or not.

Why I Chose To Study With HA

There are a lot of different kinds of herbal programs or schools out there, and they each have their own style which is largely based on the founder of the school and/or the course instructors. Some schools are more well-known than others, some offer certificates of completion and “titles”, and the price for these programs varies greatly. When it comes to choosing a school, the reasons will vary for each person. Below you’ll find some of the reasons I chose to study with HA.

  1. It was an online program that I could do from home, and with four young children… that was a must.
  2. The program was broken up into different levels which worked great for me. I was way beyond a beginner herbalist and well into an intermediate level of learning, but not quite at an advanced level yet. This helped to place me in an area where my time was best spent instead of starting at the beginning and studying a lot of things I already knew.
  3. The program is evidence-based (instead of based on traditional or folk information only) with a list of experts that help fill the program out.
  4. The info I’d already seen from HA was easy to understand, formatted well, and perfect for my learning style so I figured the course info would be very similar.
  5. I knew and respected several of the herbalists that inspired the information and learning styles that this course contains.
  6. Completing this program would help me position myself as more of an expert and prepare me for the next step in my herbal journey.
  7. The price was the best I’ve ever see for a legitimate herbal program.

Your reasons for choosing a place to study will differ from mine, but I want to let you in on why I made my decision.

What To Expect From This Feature

Each month’s post will be broken down into two sections. The first will be centered around what I studied the previous month along with a few interesting facts I learned and a recipe or two, and the second part is where I’ll answer your questions from the previous month’s post on my experiences. I hope you enjoy this feature, and it really helps you to decide on whether pursuing further herbal studies with the Herbal Academy is for you or not.

Now it’s your turn. Have you checked out the programs offered by HA? If so, what do you want to know about them? What’s holding you back from continuing your herbal education? Let me know your questions in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to answer them in next month’s post!
  1. Renee Kohley says:

    Ohhh! I would LOVE to go to school like this someday! Congrats – have fun!

  2. Ariana {And Here We Are...} says:

    I would love to go to herbalism school! Really excited for you!

  3. Krystal says:

    This sounds like a really good school. The fact that the course is online and evidence based really appeals to me. I’m gonna check them out!

  4. Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. says:

    Thanks. I have a huge respect for herbalists. I wish doctors would also learn more about herbal healing in medical school…

    • Meagan says:

      Agreed! Maybe then they wouldn’t scare people so much about using them because they’d know how safe they actually are!

  5. Emily @ Recipes to Nourish says:

    How exciting! I love herbs and would love to know more about them.

  6. Kim says:

    That seems so fun! Definitely worth checking out. Good luck with your class! 🙂

  7. Kylie @ Everblossom says:

    I’ve had my eye on their courses for quite some time!

  8. Megan Stevens says:

    What a wonderful opportunity. I’ll head over and read your other post as well. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Chloe @ How We Flourish says:

    Thanks for sharing! I’m always looking at options for continuing education.

  10. April Emery (Holistic Homemaking) says:

    Woohoo! Congrats! I would love to do what you are doing.

  11. Loriel says:

    I love that you are furthering your education. I’m just getting into herbs and could really benefit from a class like this.

  12. DeZZ says:

    Hi Meagan,
    I know I’m late to this post, but I just want to say thank you so much for doing such thorough reviews on the course. I’m seriously thinking about taking the Intermediate one. I have been using herbs only casually for me and my family. I read a few books and practised some of the recipes. Do you think it’s better to start with the Beginner level or can I just jump on the Intermediate one?
    Thank you in advance!

    • Meagan Visser says:

      I really think it depends on where you feel comfortable. If you still feel like you need to establish a firm foundation and learn more about making herbal preparations, I’d suggest the Introductory Course. However, if you’re ready to dive into anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and how herbs work in those areas, then the Intermediate is a good choice. You can find a comparison chart of the courses on this page (https://theherbalacademy.com/courses-classes/?ap_id=GrowingUpHerbal) that may help you decide. It’s just below the four foundational courses! Good luck with your decision!

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