A Drive Along The County Backroads Of East Tennessee

One of my favorite family activities is driving around the backroads here in East Tennessee. Now, if you’re not from this area, but you’ve visited before, you may think I’m crazy. One of the first things visitors notice is just how curvy and windy the roads are here. Yes, the roads are all built around mountains which mean they curvy back and forth as they work their way up and over each mountain. If you suffer from motion sickness, be sure you come prepared if you ever find yourself driving along our roads. Ginger chews and other products that ease motion sickness are a must!!

Nevertheless, these country backroads are something I’m very used to, and driving around on them is one of my favorite things to do any time of the year.

If we find ourselves with a bit of free time, we love piling in the car, picking an area of our county (or a surrounding one) to explore, and just driving. Dean and I love seeing how and where roads connect. Sometimes we play games with the boys where we pretend something has happened that causes us not to be able to take the main roads home so we have to drive the backroads only.

A Drive Along The County Backroads Of East Tennessee | Growing Up Herbal | Driving along the county backroads of East Tennessee is one of my favorite things to do on slow evenings.
A Drive Along The County Backroads Of East Tennessee | Growing Up Herbal | Driving along the county backroads of East Tennessee is one of my favorite things to do on slow evenings.
A Drive Along The County Backroads Of East Tennessee | Growing Up Herbal | Driving along the county backroads of East Tennessee is one of my favorite things to do on slow evenings.

Yes, driving the backroads definitely takes longer, but it’s worth it. Not only does it allow us time together away from distractions that can be found at home, but it gets us out in nature and helps us see our local area a bit more.

Last Saturday, we had a slow evening planned so we decided to go for a drive and get some dinner while we were out.

We’re trying to do better at not eating out so often, but the busier we are, the more often it seems to happen. Plus, I don’t LOVE cooking at home. I do it, but I wouldn’t say I enjoy it all the time. It really just depends. No matter, eating out is much easier, although, usually less healthy and more expensive. It’s a tough choice, but this year, we’re trying to keep eating out to one, sometimes two, meals a week. I digress.

Anyway, this past Saturday, we decided to drive a familiar route because we needed to scope out a fence that some of the men in our church were going to fix. Someone had run a car through it and torn a huge section of it down, and Dean needed to look at it to see what would be needed to fix it.

So we drove from one backroad to another until we reached town where we picked up some dinner and movies before heading back home. Later in the evening, Dean was planning to head to his shop to work on a project, and I was planning to have a Mamma Mia fest!

A Drive Along The County Backroads Of East Tennessee | Growing Up Herbal | Driving along the county backroads of East Tennessee is one of my favorite things to do on slow evenings.
A Drive Along The County Backroads Of East Tennessee | Growing Up Herbal | Driving along the county backroads of East Tennessee is one of my favorite things to do on slow evenings.
A Drive Along The County Backroads Of East Tennessee | Growing Up Herbal | Driving along the county backroads of East Tennessee is one of my favorite things to do on slow evenings.
Do you like going for a drive? If so, where do you go?
  1. Rita says:

    Your website is just beautiful and I love working with herbs and essential oils for a healthy home and life. Love Tennessee! We visited there one year and look forward to going back. Love the mountains and the mist! We live in Ohio, out in the country and we too love taking drives just to go on roads we have’t been on yet to see where they go.

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Thank you, Rita! My family and I just visited Ohio last summer on vacation. We went to King’s Island while we were there. It was a blast!

  2. linda spiker says:

    I have never been to Tennessee. It looks beautiful:)

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