
Welcome to the Growing Up Herbal Journal where you'll find information on herbal education, recipes, tutorials, natural living tips and tricks, and behind the scenes glimpses of how I live life naturally.

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Have you ever had one of those weird days when something keeps coming up over and over again? It’s like everywhere you turn or random things you see or what people say just keep reminding you of it.  I had one of those days recently that revolved around shaving your legs. Weird, I know! Below, […]

Hey, mama! I hope April has treated you well. I can’t believe we’re 4 months into the year already. Time flies, I tell ya!  I’m back today with another sneak peek into my life by sharing 5 things I’ve loved this past month with you, and as usual, I’d love to know what you’ve been […]

Spring is here in Tennessee, or has been here I should say, and every time I walk out onto the porch and look over the yard I see the bright, happy faces of spring dandelions looking back at me. And you know what? All I want to do is eat them. Yes, you heard that […]

Herbal bitters are gaining popularity these days among adults, and it’s no wonder why. They’re a great way to support one’s digestive health. They’ve not only been found to help stimulate digestion, but they’re a great way to increase the amount of prebiotics in one’s diet and support healthy bowel function, too.  But, no matter […]

I’m not sure what the draw is when it comes to “reality this” and “lifestyle that,” but I’m sucked into just like you probably are.  I like seeing how people similar to me go about their lives, or how they approach different situations. It helps me to think about how I’d handle a similar situation, […]

Growing up, I wasn’t much of a tea drinker. Sure I drank plenty of southern sweet tea, but herbal tea wasn’t even on my radar. However, my eyes were opened to the world of loose leaf herbal tea when I got married. You see, someone gifted us with a Bigelow tea sampler box that we […]

Are you interested in learning how to use plants to support your health in as natural a way as possible — plants that grow in your backyard or in the forest behind your home or can be found in the local herb shop? If so, here's how you can become an herbalist!

How to Become
An Herbalist

Looking for books, recommended courses and workshops, and my must-have herbal supplies. You've got it. I'm dishing out all my favorite herbal resources with you!

My Favorite Resources for the Home Herbalist

behind the scenes

get my free home apothecary guide  here

ready to stock your home apothecary?