Welcome to the Growing Up Herbal Journal where you'll find information on herbal education, recipes, tutorials, natural living tips and tricks, and behind the scenes glimpses of how I live life naturally.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed when it comes to making the best choices for your family? I mean, there are a lot of different options out there. I get asked A LOT of questions about natural living, natural health, and natural parenting, and no matter how often I share what I personally know and do […]
I’m a busy mama of 3 (almost 4) little boys so I try to find meals that are healthy, not too time consuming, use minimal ingredients that are common, and are delicious so my sometimes picky kids will eat them. These meal plans are traditional whole food style plans meaning they are not vegetarian, gluten-free, […]
Have you ever had one of those nights where your baby just does not want to sleep or where your older kids are running around the house like wild hooligans? I have those nights. Quite often to be honest with you. My kids are still small and they have LOTS of energy. Being that it’s […]
When you’re a parent that’s not walking on the straight and narrow path towards conventional, modern day medicine, where any time something isn’t right with your child, you hop in the car and head over to the pediatricians office, it can be very common to doubt yourself. I’m talking serious, scared out of your boots, […]
I’m a busy mama of 3 (almost 4) little boys so I try to find meals that are healthy, not too time consuming, use minimal ingredients that are common, and are delicious so my sometimes picky kids will eat them. These meal plans are traditional whole food style plans meaning they are not vegetarian, gluten-free, […]
How many remineralizing toothpastes are out there on the web? Now how many of them remineralize using food… herbs to be exact. I searched 10 pages of Google to find “herbal remineralizing toothpaste” and a few other targeted keywords and didn’t come up with a single recipe that used an herb as the remineralizing source. […]
Are you interested in learning how to use plants to support your health in as natural a way as possible — plants that grow in your backyard or in the forest behind your home or can be found in the local herb shop? If so, here's how you can become an herbalist!