6 Teething Remedies You've Just Got To Pin

I’m sure you’re like me, and you just hate it when your little one is in pain from teething. They’re so pitiful (and grumpy if truth be told), and there’s not much you can do to help them except wait for their tooth to come in… or is there?

I’ve been looking in to teeth related things here lately, and I decided to pull several remedies that I think would be helpful when it comes to relieving teething pain and share them with you all today.

Be on the lookout for more teeth related goodies coming soon! Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, and be sure to subscribe to GUH blog posts so you don’t miss any of the good stuff coming your way on the blog!

Here you go! Don’t forget to pin this on Pinterest or repin it via my board here: http://pinterest.com/pin/52846995599920337/

Check out these great links below:

  1. Growing Up Herbal
  2. Small Fry Blog
  3. The Holistic Mama
  4. My So-Called Mommy Life
  5. One Good Thing by Jillee
  6. Apple-n-Amos

xo xo, Meagan

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