5 Things Beginning With “S”

5 Things Beginning With “S” | Growing Up Herbal | Here are five random things that begin with the letter “S” and some of my thoughts about each one.

Every once in a while, I’ve purposed to write a fun, personal post as a way to open up and share myself with you all a little bit more. I won’t hide behind the reasoning that it’s all for you, dear reader, because, while that’s true to some extent, writing these kinds of posts are good for me too. Not only do they challenge me to open up to you, but they also challenge writing skills and stimulate my brain to think outside its usual box. Most times, I don’t even plan these posts. I simply read some inspirations lifestyle blogs, and then I sit down and write whatever comes to mind that I want to share.

Here’s something fun I wanted to try out this week.

5 Things That Begin With “S”

Saute: I made mushroom soup tonight as the first course of our meal, and I can tell you — there aren’t too many things that smell better than sauteing onions, garlic, and mushrooms. It just sets the stage for a meal. Forget herbal bitters! Smelling this was all I needed to get my digestive juices flowing tonight! And yes, the soup was delicious. All four of my kids ate it. I’ll have to share the recipe with you all sometime.

Sun: Looking up through the trees and seeing the sun shining down is one of my favorite things. Not only are you nice and cool in the shade, but there are bursts of warmth if you need them. Plus, watching the suns rays glitter and twinkle as the wind moves the trees is so peaceful and calming. I think I could lay down and watch the show all day.

Sundays: Sundays are family days around here. First, there’s church followed by lunch at my in-laws with all our family, and after that, it’s whatever we feel like doing. A lot of times we’ll hang out at my in-law’s all day and have dinner there in the evening, but sometimes we go for a drive or head out to do something on our own. It’s simply a day for us to spend together — no work, no school — and enjoy time together.

Sons: I am a mom of boys. People often ask me if I’m going to try again for a girl, and my answer is always the same. If God wanted me to have a girl by now, he’d already have given me one. Ha! In all seriousness, Dean and I do not plan on having more kids. The four boys we have already keep us plenty busy, and we want to have enough time to spend with each of them. Not only that, but they’re all at an age where we can go on trips and to events a bit easier than we can with a baby. All in all, we’re happy and content with the size of our family. However, I will say that if a baby surprise comes our way, we will be more than happy to add a new little one into our home.

Simple: This is a word I keep coming back to no matter the season of life I find myself. Simple. I have a tendency to overthink and overcomplicate everything, so I have to continually remind myself to keep things simple. Things don’t have to be difficult, and they don’t have to be perfect. If I can cut out all the unnecessary details and focus on the things that are most important, my days are much smoother. 

And there you go — five things that begin with “s” and some of my thoughts about each of them. As always, thanks for reading my blog! I love reading your comments and getting to know you online. Isn’t the Internet amazing in how it can bring so many people together in one place that are so far apart? Yep… I feel it, and I’m guessing you do as well. 

Love and light, 

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