3 Ingredient DIY Shaving Cream For Lazy Shavers

3 Ingredient DIY Shaving Cream For Lazy Shavers | Growing Up Herbal | Don't be a lazy shaver. Here's an easy DIY shaving cream recipe to make quick work of it.

Have you ever had one of those weird days when something keeps coming up over and over again? It’s like everywhere you turn or random things you see or what people say just keep reminding you of it. 

I had one of those days recently that revolved around shaving your legs. Weird, I know!

Below, I’m gonna tell you about how this shaving topic wouldn’t leave me alone and then share a recipe for a simple 3 ingredient DIY shave cream that you and your legs are gonna love. Trust me, mama. Mine are singing its praises!

Hi. My Name Is Meagan, And I’m A Lazy Shaver. 

So, apparently, I’m really lazy when it comes to shaving. At least, that’s the conclusion I’ve come to after the day I had the other day.

I had one of these weird, random days where this odd topic of shaving kept coming up again and again. Sure, the girls and I used to discuss shaving practices here and there, but that was back in high school. I must say that this particular topic hasn’t been on my priority list in, oh, let’s say the last 8 years or so. How long have I had kids?

First, I shave incorrectly.

So, the first time it came up was after I had shaved (because I was going somewhere) and noticed that my legs looked red and bumpy. I thought that was strange so I Googled it and found out that shaving with soap, even natural soap, is a big no-no. The reason is because it doesn’t have enough slip to it and your legs will get razor burn… hence, the red bumpy look my legs now had.

Yes, I used to buy shaving cream or gel and shave with it, but then I got this crazy notion in my head to minimize the chemicals I was putting on my body so at some point I ditched the store-bought shaving creams and started using plain soap. Not only is it healthier, but it’s cheaper and faster. 

Oh. I also don’t change out my razor often enough. That’s a big shaving no-no too.

Secondly, I don’t shave often enough.

The next time it came up was when I took my kids to Awana that evening at my parent’s church. I told you I was going somewhere. 

Anyway, during dinner, I sat down with some of the moms, and I happened to sit down right in the middle of a conversation about how often everyone shaves their legs. Thankfully, I sat down on the side of the majority of moms there… you know, the side that still has little kids at home and doesn’t shave as often as they used to before littles ruled their lives. Yeah, I remember those days.

The mom that was sitting alone has older kids, and she said she shaves her legs every day. I hope she wasn’t taken back by the look on my face when she said that. All I know is this mama “ain’t got no time for that!”

Lastly, making my own homemade shaving cream isn’t as difficult as I always thought.

That night, after putting the kids to bed, I was browsing through a past issue of Mother Earth Living magazine, and I came across an article on several different ways to use aloe in day-to-day life. Yes, one was on how to use it to shave. Apparently, making your own homemade shaving cream isn’t as difficult or as time-consuming as I had previously thought so I figured I’d give it a try.

It worked perfectly, and I knew I just had to share this recipe with you, my natural-mama friend!

3 Ingredients DIY Shaving Cream

3 Ingredient DIY Shaving Cream For Lazy Shavers | Growing Up Herbal | Don't be a lazy shaver. Here's an easy DIY shaving cream recipe to make quick work of it.

Before I share the recipe for this shaving cream, let me tell you that it’s not for all mamas. No. Unfortunately, it’s not.

If you love your thick shaving creams… it’s not for you. You see, this isn’t so creamy. At least not like traditional shaving creams you buy at the store. Instead, it’s more liquidy, but I find this to be better than thicker homemade shaving creams where the oils and butters tend to get stuck in between the razors. Gross! At least, with this recipe, your razor comes clean when you rinse it once you’re finished shaving. 

Also, if you don’t like it when oil and water in creams or lotions separate, this probably isn’t for you either. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to fix that if it’s a big deal to you. First, you can make sure your lid is on tight and shake it like crazy to mix them back together. Easy-peasy! Next, you can dissolve a tiny bit of borax into your aloe gel before blending your oil into it. That tends to help keep the oil and water combined.

Okay, on to the recipe.

3 Ingredient DIY Shaving Cream For Lazy Shavers | Growing Up Herbal | Don't be a lazy shaver. Here's an easy DIY shaving cream recipe to make quick work of it.



  1. Combine all ingredients in your magic bullet (any ole blender or immersion blender will work too).
  2. Blend on high for 3-5 minutes. The mixture will turn yellow and creamy. 
  3. Pour in a glass jar, label, and store in the fridge. Use as needed. 

To Use:

Wait about 10-15 minutes after getting into the shower to shave. Next, pour a small amount out in my hands, slather it on, and then shave away. The razor glides smoothly and those irritating red bumps don’t show up afterward. 

So tell me mama, are you a lazy shaver like I am? And, do you use a homemade shaving cream to shave? If so, what’s your favorite recipe? I’ll have to give it a try when this one runs out.

xo, Meagan

  1. Jill@JillsHomeRemedies says:

    I actually do shave every single day with rare exception, but that’s only because I have to in order to keep my legs smooth. I know a lot of people’s leg hairs don’t grow as fast, but mine does. I just have this thing with keeping my legs shaved all the time. I know this is more info than you want to know! lol I typically just use soap, but I will have to try this simple recipe! I’m excited that I have all the ingredients on hand. You are awesome! 🙂 Pinning and sharing!

    • Meagan says:

      Thanks for sharing, Jill! Soap has been my go-to for so long, but I’m loving this new recipe. It’s easy to make and cheap. It takes a bit getting used to because it’s runny, but it thickens up in the fridge. I love that it leaves my legs feeling so smooth too. Plus, I get no bumps or irritation so I’m guessing that means my razor is sliding better than it does when I use only soap.

  2. Nicole says:

    I’ve been using soap (or my hubby’s shaving gel, which I’d like to replace with something more natural…). I’ve thought about doing my own shaving cream, but also thought it was just “one more thing” that I don’t really have time to make right now. But this looks easy! Do you find that the olive oil makes the tub floor slippery during/after your shower? I’ve had that problem when using homemade body scrubs in the past. Thanks!

    • Meagan says:

      Yes, Nicole. It does do that a bit, but it’s not horrible. I just try to be careful afterwards. And, a lot of the time, I clean my shower at the end of my shower so it gets rid of the slipperiness from the oils I use in my body scrubs and shaving cream. Hope you like this easy version as much as I do!

  3. Sarah D. says:

    Okay, I’ll admit it: I’m a “lazy shaver”. Like you, I have many little ones (#5 due any day) and don’t have time, or even want, to shave daily. I shave at least once a week; usually twice a week in the summer or when I’m wearing a shorter skirt/ dress and it’s too warm to wear knee socks. 😉 I still use store bought shave cream/ gel, but only because I’d stocked up when it was on sale. I’d love to get away from all the chemicals and this shave cream looks easy enough! Thanks for the recipe!

    • Meagan says:

      It is easy and simple to make. I think it does take getting used to though, especially if you’re used to store-bought creams that stay put on your leg. Best of luck with it though. It’s worth a shot!

  4. Grace says:

    What essential oils do you recommend?

  5. Michelle says:

    Ummm, after you’ve been in the shower 10 to 15 minutes?? That would be nice. ;). Don’t get me wrong I get clean, but it’s get in and get out as quick as I can most days. (And yes, I’d be a “lazy” shaver, who just uses soap!) I would love to try this, just wondering why you need to wait 10 to 15 minutes, sometimes I need to just shave at the sink, not during a shower, so that’s why I’m asking.

    • Meagan says:

      From what I read about the “correct” way to shave, Michelle, you’re supposed to wait 10-15 minutes so the hair softens up before you shave. Not only does this give you a closer shave, but it can reduce the razor burn and red bumps you get if you shave too quickly. Hope that helps!

      • Michelle says:

        Thank you Meagan for your reply! I so appreciate how you take time to respond to comments. Have a blessed day!!

  6. Cara says:

    It works! It was more runny, but NO razor burn…just smooth legs! I really didn’t need moisturizer afterward, either! Thanks, Meagan, for another wonderful DIY. I love your blog, and always feel like I am hearing from an old friend!

    • Meagan says:

      I too have found that I don’t need to put oil or body butter on afterwards as often, Cara. I’m glad it worked for you, and I’ve found that it thickens up a little after sitting in the fridge and getting cold. I think the next time I make it, I’m gonna try to see if I can get it a bit creamier. If I’m successful, I’ll update the post.

      And thanks for your kind words. I’m glad you’re enjoying GUH and the information you find here. I’m grateful you take the time to visit!

  7. Mihela says:

    Hi Meagan,

    Thanks so much for sharing this recipe. My legs are forever dry… no matter what I do. Will definitely make this! Excited to reduce toxins in my life too! Thank you, you are so very inspiring to me.
    Much love from Mihela.
    Oakville, Canada

  8. Brittany says:

    Thank you for the recipe! Shaving gel is one thing I have not tried to make at home yet, but this recipe sounds very do-able! For years, I have been using a combo of conditioner and Dr Bronner’s, which is still a good option in a pinch.

    • Meagan says:

      Oh interesting, Brittany. I’ve not tried that one yet. I’ll have to give it a go when I’m out of this one. This one is very simple and easy. I’d like to find a way to make it creamier without adding more work too it. I’m planning on playing around with the recipe more to see what I come up with. For now, it works (and smells) great!

  9. 7 Natural Hygiene Products You Can Make At Home - Coupon Connections says:

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  10. Monica says:

    Ugh, me too, I still hate to shave. I use soap too, but herbal ones. I’ll have to try your new shaving cream, maybe it will encourage me to shave more often?
    Thanks Megan

  11. Savannah says:

    At 27 weeks pregnant, shaving is far too much of a hassle than it’s worth, haha! Since it’s getting so warm out, and I’m more in the mood for shorts and dresses – I find myself doing it probably once a week (or two!). This DIY shaving cream sounds so so awesome – I bet it really is so moisturizing! Thanks for sharing <3

  12. Janell says:

    Your link for aloe gel does not work. Were do you get your aloe gel?

  13. Jennifer says:

    Do you have to keep it in fridge all the time or just at the beginning?

    • Meagan Visser says:

      You will want to keep it in the fridge to help it to last longer. Aloe gel contains a lot of water, and bacteria can easily grow in it. I always make it in these small batches and use it fairly quickly.

  14. Christina Gómez says:

    Oh my gosh, I recently used my husband’s bar soap to shave my legs as I had run out of shaving cream. I had the WORST red, itchy bumps after that. I had no idea the soap was to blame! I’ve switched back to store-bought shaving cream, but am interested in trying your homemade version.

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Yes! If you try it, I’d love to know what you think. The oil in it helps the razor to slide over your legs much easier than soap does!

  15. Lucy says:

    I tried this recipe, but it totally gunk’s up my razor! Perhaps I’ll try less oil next time…

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Yes, I’ve found that it does that for me as well. It’s probably because there’s no soap in the recipe. I just run my razor under hot water while tapping it on its side to unclog it, and that always works really well for me. I’m not sure if I’d use less oil when you make it again though. It’s the oil that helps it slide over your skin and minimize razor burn. If you do tweak it, and you feel like it works better, I’d love to know about it so I can give it a try! Thanks!

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