Treating Fevers Naturally: Your Most Frequently Asked Questions Answered And A BIG Giveaway

Treating Fevers Naturally Giveaway -

This week is the week! The week that Treating Fevers Naturally – my digital guide – is relaunching, and to kick things off the right way, I’m giving away over $135 in natural fever goodies!

But, before I get to the giveaway details, let me answer some of your most frequently asked questions about this guide.

Treating Fevers Naturally -

1. Who is this guide for?

This guide is for naturally minded moms who are looking to find another way of helping their children through a fever besides opting for fever reducers right off the bat. They want to know how to treat their child’s fever in a more natural, holistic, and most of all, safe way.

Treating Fevers Naturally is for all ages of children… and honestly… the information in this guide is for adults too. Fevers work the same in an adult as they do a child. Adults and children will benefit from this information!

2. Honestly, is this guide just based on your opinion or research?

Oh my word!!! Research is totally a part of this guide!

Anytime I write something, whether it’s here on Growing Up Herbal, in a digital product, or as a guest post on another blog, I always try my darndest to find research to back up what I’m saying. I don’t wanna be one of those people who just say whatever they want like it’s fact. Oh no!

I want you to feel confident in the information I put out there. I try to look to the modern medical community and the natural, herbal community for information that I can use in what I write. I’m always learning and always researching something. Granted there isn’t a lot of “proof” in natural methods in the modern medical realm, but it’s getting there. And I base a lot of my knowledge of herbalism and other natural therapies from what I’ve learned in my herbal and nutritional studies.

Plus, there’s a whole source list at the end of the book so you can look into where I got my information if you’re interested.

3. Do I need to have a medical background to understand it?

Absolutely not! This guide is written exactly like how I write anything else here on Growing Up Herbal. I take what I’ve learned from my research, and I reword it so anyone can understand it. It’s written in my voice… the way I’d normally speak.

4. I already know that fevers are good for the body. Will I learn anything new in this guide?

The answer to this question is a big fat “YES”!!

Beyond learning that fevers serve a purpose and that they should be left to do their job, I get into things like different degrees of fevers (how high is too high), when it’s wise to get concerned with a fever (common concerns like brain damage and febrile seizures), and about stages of fevers and how to work with each stage in a natural method in order to help your child through it as best as possible. I give you resources and links to herbs so you can do your own research to learn more.

Now I will add that if you’ve already done a lot of research on fevers and your methods are already working in your family, you may not get much out of this book. I definitely think this book is superior to a lot of what I’ve found online… especially since it’s so thorough and the information is all in one place, but I want you to be fully informed and confident with your decision before you buy.

5. Fevers scare me. I’ve heard some really scary stories about them, and I don’t feel confident to deal with them myself.

Well sister, let me tell you, this guide is for you then! My whole goal is to teach you the important things you need to know in an easy to understand way and give you a guide you can follow each time your child comes down with a fever.

I want you to learn all of this because it will make you more confident. Not only will you be more confident in yourself, but you’ll also be more confident in your child’s body. Plus… I address these scary concerns in detail in this guide so hopefully you’ll learn more about them and they won’t be so scary to you later on.

6. What’s up with the $14.97 price tag?

This guide took me over a year to write and perfect, I’ve done tons of research on this topic, and I’ve written and rewritten sections multiple times to make them the best they can be.

Plus… think about how much it costs to take your child to the doctor when they have a fever only to be told to go home and take some Tylenol or Motrin! That’s a lot of money and time that you could have saved if you’d only invested $15 little dollars into something that teaches you how to take charge of your child’s health yourself… naturally.

7. Will I receive a physical book in the mail?

No, you won’t receive a book in the mail, but upon payment you’ll be redirected to a page where you can download this guide right to your computer. No waiting at all! And if you really want a physical copy, you can print it off and store it in a notebook so you have easy access to it when you need it. In fact, I recommend that. It’s only 50 pages… very readable… and you can make notes in the margins if you want.

8. What are my payment options?

PayPal. Credit cards. Aromatherapy classes. Herbs.

9. I don’t wanna wait on the giveaway. I want a copy now!

Okay so this isn’t really one of my most frequently asked questions, but I wanted to let you know that you can go ahead and buy the guide if you want it and still enter the giveaway as well.

If you end up winning, I’ll refund the money you paid me for the guide. Sound like a deal?

Great! CLICK HERE to buy now!

Okay, so now let’s get on to the giveaway!

Treating Fevers Naturally Giveaway

One lucky reader is going to win over $135 worth of products… all natural, and all fever related! How cool is that!

Below is what’s included in the giveaway:

  1. 4 oz. Herb Pharm echinacea tincture ($34.01)
  2. 4 oz. Herb Pharm lobelia tincture ($34.24)
  3. 10 ml. Eden’s Garden organic lavender essential oil ($4.75)
  4. 10 ml. Eden’s Garden organic peppermint essential oil ($7.25)
  5. 1/2 lb. bags of dried organic herbs from Bulk Herb Store: licorice root ($5.90), cinnamon sticks ($5.50), catnip ($13.00), yarrow ($9.90), peppermint ($5.50)
  6. 1/2 lb. bags of dried organic herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs: elder flowers ($9.50), boneset ($7.25)
  7. Bulk Herb Store tea mug strainer ($5.95)

So there you have it… one winner… $135+ worth of natural fever aids including herbal tinctures, essential oils, and organic dried herbs… 4 days only. All of these products are discussed in my guide so you’ll definitely walk away knowing how to use all of this when your child comes down with another fever!

How To Enter

All you have to do to enter is fill out the Rafflecopter form below. There are several entries that are one-time entries, and if you really want some extra chances of winning, there are some daily entries you can get as well.

This giveaway will run for 4 days… starting today and ending on January 23rd at midnight EST.

One winner will be drawn at random on January 24th. If you really want to win you’ll want to have as many entries as possible. Each entry is like putting your name in the hat again. The number of times depends upon how much the entries count for. The more times your name is in the hat, the better chance you have of winning. Make sense?

The winner’s name will be announced in the Rafflecopter form below on Sept. 25th, in a blog post, and on Facebook. The winner will have 72 hours to contact me with their name and shipping address to claim their prizes.

Enjoy, and best of luck to you!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  1. krystle says:

    Thanks for a wonderful giveaway, what a perfect way to get started on the right track!

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