Things I Love: March 2016

Things I Love: March | Growing Up Herbal | Easter, lip butter, ginger soda, natural home cleaning, and my crazy boys! Come see what I've been loving this past month!

Hey, mama!

I hope you’ve had a great March and that the weather has warmed up in your area like it has here for me in Tennessee.

I’m back today with another sneak peek into my life by sharing 5 things I’ve loved this past month with you, and as usual, I’d love to know what you’ve been up to this month too!

Favorite Holiday

Things I Love: March | Growing Up Herbal | Easter, lip butter, ginger soda, natural home cleaning, and my crazy boys! Come see what I've been loving this past month!

Okay, okay. So, I know I said that Valentine’s Day was one of my favorite holidays last month, and I wasn’t lying. It is, but Easter is up there on my list of favorite holidays too!

Easter bridges the gap between winter and spring. It’s time to switch out darker winter colored clothes for more bright spring colored ones. It’s a time of new life. The flowers begin to bloom. The days grow warmer. Mountain birds wake me in the morning with their songs. I get the itch to get outside and dig in the dirt. I want to clean my home and clean my body from the heavy burdens of the colder months.

Now as lovely as all of this sounds, and it is lovely, the most important thing about Easter is the significance of the season. To me, it’s a reminder of hope and assurance. Hope in my future and my children’s future. Not because of anything that I have done or will do, but because of what’s already been done for me. I pray you have that hope and assurance too!

Happy Resurrection Day!!

Favorite Handmade Product

Things I Love: March | Growing Up Herbal | Easter, lip butter, ginger soda, natural home cleaning, and my crazy boys! Come see what I've been loving this past month!

I’m a sucker for lip balms… chapstick… lip gloss… whatever it is that goes on your lips and makes them super soft and shiny. Yep. I’m kinda addicted to that stuff. This month I’ve been LOVING this blood orange lip butter from Herbivore Botanicals. Not only does a little go a LONG way, but it makes your lips oh so soft. This is great stuff for dry, chapped lips. 

I will say that I wish they’d put this in a screw-top tin because when it gets warm in your pocket or purse, the slip-on tin lid is practically impossible to get off. It’s really annoying. Anyway, the lip butter itself is great, and you can always scoop it out and put it in a screw-top tin yourself. Maybe I’ll do that.

Favorite Book

Things I Love: March | Growing Up Herbal | Easter, lip butter, ginger soda, natural home cleaning, and my crazy boys! Come see what I've been loving this past month!

Spring is here, and I’m gearing up for some serious spring cleaning. When it comes to cleaning my home naturally, I’m really in love with how easy Branch Basics makes cleaning my whole house (I’m not joking), but there are times when I like making my own homemade cleaners, especially for tedious cleaning that I don’t do all that often (like cleaning my stove). 

Anyway, the book, The Naturally Clean Home, is my all time favorite DIY guide to cleaning your home naturally. I have a favorite ebook all about natural cleaners too, but there’s just something to say about a physical book. Holding it in your hands, dog-earing the pages, writing little notes in the margins, the smell. I could go on and on.

Favorite Herbal Product

Things I Love: March | Growing Up Herbal | Easter, lip butter, ginger soda, natural home cleaning, and my crazy boys! Come see what I've been loving this past month!

Back in the day, I used to love sodas. Coke, Dr. Pepper, and Sprite were some of my favorites. Anyway, since moving toward a healthier diet, I’ve nixed the sodas and replaced them with healthier versions… only when a craving for something fizzy hits me, though. And yes, this ginger soda curbs the craving and tastes so stinking good!

(Psst… I’m in the process of working on something extra special for you all, and this recipe for ginger soda is a part of that special secret. Don’t worry… I’ll tell you more about it soon, but it’s gonna be big and fun. I’m giddy… really. It’s my first big offering here on GUH, and I can’t wait! Don’t forget… if you get my email Letters, you’ll be the first to know about it.)

Favorite Photo

Things I Love: March | Growing Up Herbal | Easter, lip butter, ginger soda, natural home cleaning, and my crazy boys! Come see what I've been loving this past month!

This has to be one of my favorite photos from this past month. The boys just look so stinking cute here, and it totally shows off their personalities. 

We had just finished up one of our homeschool science books on different types of heat and energy, and we were running around the house taking pictures of some of the things they’d learned for our lapbook. This is the picture they took to remind them about light waves reflecting off of mirrors and how reflection works.

Judah has his “sweet kid” face on, and Isaiah is practicing his “cool dude” look. What a bunch of nuts!

So that’s it for this past month!

I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my favorite things from March, and I’m looking forward to hearing about what you’ve been up to this past month in the comment section below!

Be sure to follow me on Instagram to see more of my everyday life!
  1. Betty Newman says:

    As as “older” Mom (and Mamaw) I enjoy reading your blog and Facebook posts. As the old Beatles song goes, “In my life I’ve loved them all”. I’ve canned and preserved and lived the “natural” life all my life – indeed I was raised that way by Depression-era parents and grandparents. It is extremely encouraging to watch younger folks embrace this life.

    I too, live in Tennessee – over in the Eastern part – on a farm that’s been in my husband’s family since the late 1700’s. We love it! Keep up the good work – and hang in there when times are tough. (PS – Resurrection Day is one of my favorites, too. 😉 )

    • Meagan says:

      Thanks for sharing Betty! I love hearing from seasoned mamas like yourself. I can use all the advice, help, and encouragement I can get!

  2. Aviva says:

    I have a Judah too! I just wanted to say that as I haven’t come across many people who have named their son Judah. Nice pick! I absolutely love spring, it’s by far my favourite time of the year! Looking forward to checking out some natural cleaners for my cleaning this year.

    • Meagan says:

      I know Aviva! It’s definitely rare these days. Thanks for your comment, and best of luck on your spring cleaning!

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