Things I Love – March

Things I Love - March | - Sharing some of my favorite things from March 2014!

Another month has come and gone. It’s hard to believe that March is almost over and April is here. Baby Ezrah will be here before I know it, and I have so much to do! From finishing up our home-school year, to spring cleaning, to getting our garden ready, to blogging to-dos, to making homemade baby products and labor aids, to, to, to, to… oh how I could go on. Thankfully I know it will never all get done so I’ll prioritize and not beat myself up when all my to-dos don’t get marked off my list. That, and I’ll delegate some tasks to some capable people!

So with a new month ahead of us and a new paths to forge, let’s look back at some of the things I’ve loved this past March and also take a glimpse into April and what awaits us this Spring!


DIY Natural Sanitizing Spray - Bringing Out The Big Guns | - I'm sick of being sick this year. Now I'm bringing out the big guns to disinfect and sanitize my home from all these illnesses going around.

It’s no secret… I don’t like cleaning. But, I do love making DIY things so making natural cleaners from this DIY Cleaning Recipe book brings plenty of cleaning motivation to my house… which is a good thing. Plus, it’s 25% off when you use coupon code “SPRING25” until March 31st! I love the info and recipes Heather has put in this book!

Things I Love - March | - Three DIY home decor projects I've been working on this month!

This month the man and I have been searching antique shops in our area looking for some specific items for these three DIY projects we’re wanting to get going in our house next. We’re looking to find old produce boxes to make a bookshelf, an old door to put photos in on our living room wall, and an old toolbox for storing bathroom must-haves in. Check out my My Style: Home Pinterest Board if you wanna see what else I’m loving for my home!



I found this post this month and fell in love. 25 Rules for Mothers of Sons… wow! A perfect fit for me as I have 4 little men to train and love!



Things I Love - March | - Here's a recipe for a nourishing, all-natural hair oil that is great for long hair or split ends!

I bought this hair oil set from Eden’s Garden on Amazon last year, and I’ve still not used it! Thankfully I found this post from Scratch Mommy on how to make DIY hair oil so now I feel like I can really get going with it! Since my hair is long, it tends to get dry at the ends and split easily. I think this hair oil will be perfect!


Things I Love - March | - Looking for some easy vegetables to grow? Here are 12 of the easiest to start with!

So this will be the first year of gardening at our new house and we’re not really sure how it will go. So what we’ve done is installed some temporary raised beds on our mountain side and we’re gonna keep it small this year. We’ll most-likely focus on planting some of the easiest vegetables to grow just to see how it goes!

Things I Love - March | - Delicious, not your everyday, strawberry balsamic black pepper jam. So good!

My kids LOVE jelly. Toast and jelly for breakfast, PB & J’s for lunch, or jelly on biscuits for dinner… doesn’t matter. They like jelly, and buying healthy jelly in the store can get expensive so I like making my own when I can. This month our local health food store had a great sale on strawberries so I stocked up. Then I found a recipe for Balsamic Strawberry Jam that is delicious, but not like your ordinary, everyday jelly. It’s so good, and the kids love it! I do cut out the black pepper in this though as my littles aren’t too fond of spicy foods yet.


I love roundup posts as these are great to pin and refer back to when needed. I LOVE this one that was put together by Bulk Herb Store called 100+ Resources for Using Herbs with Babies and Children! Talk about a keeper! This definitely went on my Natural Medicine Pinterest board.

Things I Love - March | - I love learning how to identify and gather herbs in the wild. Here are several that are easy to find and make great teas!

I’m all for learning how to identify plants in the wild and learning to grow or gather them myself. Why? Because having the convenience to buy them online may not always be an option and I wanna still be able to care for my family naturally if need be. That’s why I’m loving this post on foraging for teas from Oh, The Things We’ll Make! Spring is here… new plants are growing all around us, and it’s a perfect time to get outside and learn to identify, gather, and try out this great gifts!

Sneak Peek Into April:

I can’t believe spring is here! Time sure does fly. I’m sure this month will pass before I know it too. This month I’ll be in major prep mode for Ezrah’s arrival as I said at the beginning of the post. I’m sure I’ll be cleaning, finishing up house to-dos, and making lots of homemade baby products.

As far as blog plans go, I’ve got some posts coming up on teething babies, spring herbs that are nutritional and great for kids as well as discussing supplements for kids, and maybe even some natural birthing info. All things that are on my mind lately. I’m hoping they’ll be of help to you as well as me!

  1. Whitney says:

    Will you address info on the vitamin d supplement that pediatricians recommend for a breastfed baby in your supplement post, please?? 🙂 I still dont fully understand the need and if there are any alternatives … I am also concerned about overdose/underdosing. Thank you!!

    • Meagan says:

      I will totally tackle that Whitney. Lots of mamas ask me about it. I’ll probably touch on it briefly in the supplement post, but in the meantime, check out this post on understanding vitamin d that I wrote a while ago. I address the supplement thing, overdosing, and natural sources.

  2. Kristine-Real Food Girl: Unmodified says:

    Great post Meagan! I love the DIY projects that you and your hubby have on your to do list! So fun!

    If it helps, the jam is not spicy. It just has a nice hint of heat. I should go re read my post to make sure I didn’t make it sound like it was spicy. I feel bad if that is how I came across. It’s not like a jalapeño jelly. 🙂 Glad you kiddos love it, the balsamic is a very nice touch. 🙂

    Thanks for including one of my links! <3

    • Meagan says:

      Thanks for clarifying that Kristine! You definitely didn’t make it sound spicy… I just assumed it may have a little kick because of the black pepper. Good to know it doesn’t and my kids will eat it even with it in there. They sure do love PB & J’s!!

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