The Secret To Getting Children To Take Herbal Bitters

The Secret To Getting Children To Take Herbal Bitters | Growing Up Herbal | Bitters are great for digestive health, but it can be a struggle to get your kids to take them. This secret can help!

Herbal bitters are gaining popularity these days among adults, and it’s no wonder why. They’re a great way to support one’s digestive health.

They’ve not only been found to help stimulate digestion, but they’re a great way to increase the amount of prebiotics in one’s diet and support healthy bowel function, too. 

But, no matter how great bitters are, convincing kids to take them is a struggle most parents face. 

Thankfully, there’s a solution to this problem. Not only is this a great solution for mom and dad as it gets their children to take their bitters, but it’s great for the child too because it tastes so good.

Read my post and get a delicious bitters recipe over on the WishGarden Herbs blog!

  1. Angela Knapp says:

    Is this blog still available? Either the wishgarden website is down or the post is no longer available. I would love to read it. Thanks!

    • Meagan says:

      Humm, I’m not sure what’s up with their site, Angela. I’ll try back tomorrow or the next day, and if it’s not back up, I’ll email and ask about it. I’ll definitely get back to you, though!

  2. Dee Ann says:

    I would like to read on the bitters, but I can’t find the information. My email address; I’m signed up with you ?

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