How To Make Scented Rose Dust Valentine’s Day Cards For Kids

How To Make Scented Rose Dust Valentine's Day Cards For Children | Growing Up Herbal | Make DIY Valentine's Day cards with herbs and essential oils for loved ones this year!

Valentine’s Day is a day for showing and telling those you love just how much they mean to you.

When it comes to teaching my kids to do this each year, we show our love by making fun Valentine’s Day goodie bags for all their cousins and close friends. Inside we put lots of fun toys and activities for them, and of course, a Valentine’s Day card.

Some years our bags are simple and other years they’re more elaborate. Some years we purchase fun toys and activities and sometimes we use handmade things. But no matter what the Valentine’s Day goodie bags consist of, everyone who gets one feels special and loves them. And that, is the whole point. 

This year we decide to make our Valentine’s Day cards that we were including in our Valentine’s Day goodie bags instead of buying them. Our cards are small and simple, and thanks to the herbs and essential oils we used, they smell wonderful!

Join me today as I share how we made this year’s Valentine’s Day cards, complete with a photo tutorial and a downloadable printable if you wanna use them yourself.

Scented Rose Dust Valentine’s Day Cards

How To Make Scented Rose Dust Valentine's Day Cards For Children | Growing Up Herbal | Make DIY Valentine's Day cards with herbs and essential oils for loved ones this year!

Your kids will enjoy making these simple but fun Valentine’s Day cards almost as much as they’ll like giving them to friends and family.

Not only are they pretty, but they smell great too!

You will need:


How To Make Scented Rose Dust Valentine's Day Cards For Children | Growing Up Herbal | Make DIY Valentine's Day cards with herbs and essential oils for loved ones this year!

  1. Print above card template on cardstock paper.
  2. Write a message on each card, and cut cards out along black lines.
  3. Fill a coffee grinder 1/3 full of dried rose petals.
  4. Grind petals into a fine powder. Place rose powder in a small cup or bowl.
  5. Add 1-2 drops of rose essential oil (any variety) to powder. Mix well to disperse scent.
  6. Using a glue stick or liquid glue, coat the bottom third (1/3) of your Valentine’s Day card with glue.
  7. Quickly, sprinkle the rose powder over the glue. Shake the excess back into the cup. Allow cards to dry overnight.

See how quick and easy that was? Now your little ones will be proud of the Valentine’s Day cards they’ve made, and they’ll want to share them with everyone they know!

How To Make Scented Rose Dust Valentine's Day Cards For Children | Growing Up Herbal | Make DIY Valentine's Day cards with herbs and essential oils for loved ones this year!

Don’t forget to print your card template! – CLICK HERE to download the Scented Rose Dust Valentine’s Day Cards printable PDF template.

Now it’s your turn mama! 

If you decide to make these Valentine’s Day cards with your kiddos, share your photos with me on Facebook or on Instagram using the hashtag #growingupherbal!
  1. Jill@JillsHomeRemedies says:

    What an awesome idea! Love it!

  2. Herbal Academy Heart Happy Herbs for Valentine’s Day – Herbal Academy says:

    […] Roses are fun for kids, too! This wonderful craft can be made by kids as a great gift for classmates, friends, siblings, and grandparents. Plus rose scented cards for kids are a simple and lovely change from store-brought greeting cards! […]

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