Raw Maca & Ginseng Aphrodisiac Truffles For A Valentine’s Day Treat

Raw Maca & Ginseng Aphrodisiac Truffles For A Valentine's Day Treat | Growing Up Herbal | Try these delicious, sweet, and healthy herbal aphrodisiac truffles this Valentine's Day. Perfect for dessert or to accompany a thoughtful gift!

Love is in the air, and these herbal aphrodisiac truffles make the perfect sweet treat for Valentine’s Day.

Use them in place of traditional (unhealthy) sweets to accompany the special gift you’re giving to your sweetheart or bring them out for dessert as a way to complete a perfect homemade Valentine’s Day dinner. No matter, these are sure to cure your craving for something sweet while offering a bit of nourishment to some of your body’s most important body systems!

What’s So Great About Herbal Aphrodisiacs?

Yes. There is a category of herbs referred to as aphrodisiacs, but don’t get the wrong idea. These herbs are not going to have an immediate action like some might think. Instead, they are a means to an end. 

Herbal aphrodisiacs are used to nourish and balance the nervous, reproductive, and cardiovascular systems – systems that are responsible for desire and performance. Aphrodisiac herbs work to nourish, stimulate, and/or tone these systems in order to bring their functions into a balanced state. This then helps to enhance physical desire (libido) and improve performance (Tierra, 1998).

Learn more about herbal aphrodiciacs, some common aphrodisiac myths and the truth behind them, and how you can learn to use herbal aphrodisiacs effectively here: https://growingupherbal.com/herbal-aphrodisiac-misconceptions/.

So This Isn’t A One Time Thing?

No. Herbal aphrodisiacs are considered tonic herbs which means they are to be taken for longer periods of time to bring about change in the body.

Herbalist Jane Metzger explains tonic herbs by saying, “Tonic herbs slowly build and strengthen, restoring our body systems to a balanced state, thus supporting optimum function of our physical bodies as well as enhancing our emotional well-being. They reflect the essence of herbalism – integrating plants into our diets on a daily basis as supportive, building, strengthening allies used as preventative medicine or to heal chronic disease” (Metzger, 2015)

If you’re looking for increased libido right away, a glass of red wine may be just the thing you need! And yes, red wine is toning to the cardiovascular system as well as relaxing to the nervous system, but that’s not the main reason wine tends to increase libido. My guess is it has a little more to do with the alcohol than the health benefits. 

About The Herbs

Raw Maca & Ginseng Aphrodisiac Truffles For A Valentine's Day Treat | Growing Up Herbal | Try these delicious, sweet, and healthy herbal aphrodisiac truffles this Valentine's Day. Perfect for dessert or to accompany a thoughtful gift!

Ginger (Zingiber officinalis)

Ginger is a warming, stimulating herb that has a positive effect on both the male and female reproductive system. It stimulates circulation to the pelvic area, therefore, enhancing sexual vitality. Join my free Herb Folk Ginger study here!

Maca (Lepidium meyenii)

Maca is a starchy root from Peru that is known to balance the hormones, increase libido in both men and women, increase energy while decreasing anxiety and stress, and stimulate the circulatory system. You can learn more about maca here.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng)

Ginseng is considered a sexual stimulant and is known to increase testosterone and increase circulation to the sexual organs. It’s also an excellent tonic for the nervous system and also helps to boost energy. 

Raw Maca & Ginseng Aphrodisiac Truffles For A Valentine's Day Treat | Growing Up Herbal | Try these delicious, sweet, and healthy herbal aphrodisiac truffles this Valentine's Day. Perfect for dessert or to accompany a thoughtful gift!


Vanilla gets its reputation as an aphrodisiac due to its relaxing effect on the nervous system that often results in a feeling of happiness and euphoria as well as its aromatic stimulant qualities that are said to put you “in the mood.”

(Herbal Academy, 2015)

How To Make Raw Maca & Ginseng Aphrodisiac Truffles

Raw Maca & Ginseng Aphrodisiac Truffles For A Valentine's Day Treat | Growing Up Herbal | Try these delicious, sweet, and healthy herbal aphrodisiac truffles this Valentine's Day. Perfect for dessert or to accompany a thoughtful gift!

Raw Maca & Ginseng Aphrodisiac Truffles For A Valentine's Day Treat | Growing Up Herbal | Try these delicious, sweet, and healthy herbal aphrodisiac truffles this Valentine's Day. Perfect for dessert or to accompany a thoughtful gift!

These herbal aphrodisiac truffles are easy to make, and they’re healthy. They’re definitely not as sweet as traditional chocolate truffles that are full of butter, cream, and sugar, but if you’re looking for a sweet treat that’s more on the healthy side, these will fit the bill.

Makes 32 truffles

Ingredients For Truffles:

Ingredients For Royal Icing:

  • 1 large egg white
  • 1 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice (helps keep the icing white)

Ingredients For Rose Sugar:

Raw Maca & Ginseng Aphrodisiac Truffles For A Valentine's Day Treat | Growing Up Herbal | Try these delicious, sweet, and healthy herbal aphrodisiac truffles this Valentine's Day. Perfect for dessert or to accompany a thoughtful gift!Directions:

  1. Combine all truffle ingredients together in a bowl or food processor and mix until well incorporated. Your mixture should end up forming a ball.
  2. Cut the ball in half and roll each half into logs. Cut the logs into equal pieces. You should end up with close to 32 pieces. 
  3. Roll each piece into a ball and place on parchment paper. Set truffles aside.
  4. Combine all icing ingredients together in a mixing cup. Blend with a hand blender (using only one whisk) or an immersion blender with the whisk attachment until well incorporated.
  5. Immediately drizzle truffles with icing and sprinkle rose sugar on top. You can also completely cover your truffles with icing by dropping a truffle in the icing and rolling it around with a spoon. Carefully remove the truffle from the icing and place it back on the parchment paper to dry.

And there you have it. Some festive, sweet treats for Valentine’s Day with some nourishing aphrodisiac herbs thrown in. Enjoy, and Happy Valentine’s Day mama!

Be sure to print this recipe for safekeeping, and don’t forget to pin this post to your Valentine’s Day Pinterest boards!
[yumprint-recipe id=’55’]

Speaking of Herbal Aphrodisiacs? 

Herbal aphrodisiacs have the ability to relax the body, open the mind, and stimulate the nerves. They often trigger feelings of love with that special someone, even when that special someone is you!

If you’re interested in learning more about herbal aphrodisiacs and how to use them effectively, as well as the truthful answers behind the other two common misconceptions surrounding herbal aphrodisiacs, let me invite you to the Herbal Aphrodisiacs Intensive by the Herbal Academy.

Herbal Aphrodisiacs Intensive by the Herbal Academy

This 3-part intensive on herbal aphrodisiacs and sexual health (that I helped to write) explores this topic further. In this intensive, you will learn all about the physiological processes that play into your sexual experience, and you’ll get an entirely new approach to using classic botanicals to not just support, but enhance your sex life

CLICK HERE — Registration is now open!


Herbal Academy. (2015). Love it up with herbal aphrodisiacs recipes. Retrieved from https://theherbalacademy.com/love-it-up-with-herbal-aphrodisiacs/

Metzger, J. (2015). Tonic herbs for daily health. Retrieved from http://herbarium.theherbalacademy.com/2015/09/tonic-herbs-for-daily-health/

Tierra, M. (1998). The way of herbs. New York, NY: Pocket Books.

  1. 6 Ways To Use Leftover Valentine’s Day Roses | Growing Up Herbal says:

    […] grind in a coffee grinder or a mortar and pestle to create a lovely rose powder. Rose powder can be sprinkled on food, used like glitter for craft projects, sprinkled on wounds, or packed into capsules and taken as a […]

  2. Rachel says:

    Where’s the PRINT button on this recipe? I have clicked on everything…LOL saw it first one my phone, then switched to my laptop. You forgot to give us a handy print link…

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Sorry about that, Rachel. There was a printable recipe, but something happened to it so it wasn’t showing. I’ve fixed it so you should now be able to print it. Enjoy!

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