Hail To The Queen: Queen Anne’s Lace Identification, Folklore, & Wellness Benefits

Do you ever look at herbs growing around your home or in your local area and think to yourself, “I should really learn more about that plant,” or “I wonder how that herb can be used?” I do it all the time. 

There are so many plants right outside our front door that can be useful to us, but if we don’t take the time to pay attention to them, learn about them, and use them, we’ll never know what we’re missing.

This very thing happened to me this year with one plant in particular—one that isn’t used all that much these days except by folk herbalists. Some call her the queen of herbs, which is quite fitting, seeing how she’s named after a queen. Others call her wild carrot due to her edible, carrot-flavored root, and others sometimes refer to her as bird’s nest because, as her flowers age, they curl upward looking like a cupped bird’s nest.

Any ideas about which herb I’m talking about?

If you answered Queen Anne’s lace (Daucus carota), you’re right!

I’m over on the Herbal Academy blog this week sharing ALL about Queen Anne’s lace from fun folklore facts to how to identify her from other look-alike plants to her traditional wellness benefits.

If you’ve seen this herb scattered here and there around your property, and you’d like to learn how to use this herbal ally, these articles and my Queen Anne’s Lace Identification YouTube video are a great way to get started.

You can find my articles below!

Enjoy, friends!

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