What Every Woman Ought To Know About Pregnancy Hormones (Plus Some DIY Herbal Remedies for Pregnant Mamas)

What Every Woman Ought To Know About Pregnancy Hormones | Growing Up Herbal | Come learn about pregnancy hormones and how they contribute to common pregnancy-related ailments. Plus, I’m sharing some helpful DIY herbal recipes to help support the body through these ailments as well!

Welcome back for part 2 of the Naturally Healthy Hormones for Women blog series. If you missed part 1, you can find it here.

While every woman and her experience with hormones is unique, for many post-pubescent women, hormones are rarely thought about until something causes a hormonal shift — like pregnancy for example.

Growing up, I was blessed with fairly stable hormones. Sure I experienced occasional moodiness, and a lower back ache was a sure cue that my period was right around the corner. Other than that, I never had any hormonal conditions that disrupted my life — until pregnancy, that is.

It wasn’t until I became pregnant that I learned just how much hormones could fluctuate and how important they were.

Whose Body Is This?!

What Every Woman Ought To Know About Pregnancy Hormones | Growing Up Herbal | Come learn about pregnancy hormones and how they contribute to common pregnancy-related ailments. Plus, I’m sharing some helpful DIY herbal recipes to help support the body through these ailments as well!

Being a nurse, I knew a good bit about the physical and emotional changes that were heading my way as soon as I became pregnant, but it wasn’t until I actually became pregnant that I understood these changes first hand.

When I became pregnant with my first child, I fully expected to have a very healthy pregnancy, and I was bound and determined to do everything I could to stay in good health and avoid many of the pregnancy ailments that are common to this stage of life. That meant eating a healthy diet, taking my prenatal vitamins, minimizing toxins in my home, getting daily exercise, managing stress where possible, so on and so forth. Much of the same things you’d do at any point in living a naturally healthy lifestyle.

However, what I couldn’t control (or anticipate) were the hormonal changes my body would undergo — changes that would happen whether I wanted them to or not.

While all physical and emotional changes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy are the result of hormones, in this article, we’ll look at some characteristic changes some women go through as a result of pregnancy hormones. I’ll even be sharing some natural DIYs remedies along the way that can help support the body through these pregnancy-related hormonal changes as well.

Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of many changes in the body — almost all of which are triggered by fluctuating hormones.

On the upside, your period stops, your skin glows, your hair gets thicker, and your libido increases. Oh, joy!

On the downside, your blood volume increases, your joints begin to loosen, your glandular system is working overtime, and your digestion slows. You’re tired and hungry all. the. time. Your breasts, butt, and belly get bigger. You eventually have to pee 50 times a day, and your mood can change in the blink of an eye.

Oh, the joys of pregnancy! Thankfully, the ups and downs are all worth it because a miracle is happening inside of you. A new life is forming. A life that has a purpose and will, hopefully, positively impact the future.

Want to know even more about common pregnancy hormones, the changes that occur because of them, and herbs that can support you through this season of life? If so, I have an ebook you will love!

Naturally Healthy Hormones: A Guide To Seasonal Herbal Support For Women

Now you can get this entire UPDATED blog series in ebook format with additional information, resource links, and herbal recipes! This beautifully designed 70-page ebook that explores hormone health from a natural perspective.

In this ebook, we will look at how hormones fluctuate as well as some common hormone-related conditions in each of the above seasons. We’ll share some lifestyle practices (from diet and exercise to meditation, herbs, and more) that can help to gently ease your body into a more balanced, healthy hormonal state. You will also find 30+ herbal recipes scattered throughout the chapters of this book to make it easy for you to incorporate these herbal allies into your life as well. Lastly, we’ve included some fantastic hormone resources to help you if you’re looking for more information and support as you transition from season to season.

Inside you will learn:

  • How herbs and lifestyle changes can help keep your hormones “balanced,”
  • A basic overview of the endocrine system,
  • 5 foundational steps that will set you up for naturally healthy hormones right from the beginning,
  • Overview of the most common hormonal changes and symptoms experienced during pregnancy,
  • Common postpartum hormonal changes and complaints,
  • Hormone changes experienced in menopause and how to manage them with grace,
  • Hormone resources for all stages in the hormone journey, and
  • 30+ herbal recipes and countless lifestyle recommendations that can help support your body during every step of the journey of womanhood!

Whether you want to set yourself up for hormone success from the get-go, sail through pregnancy and postpartum period with ease, or manage menopause with as much grace as possible, this ebook can help guide you in the right direction. Not only that but if all the information we share in this book isn’t enough, we’re sharing 45 other hormone resources and a plethora of references that can offer you some extra knowledge and support as well!


CLICK HERE to get your copy today!
Whether you’re currently pregnant, are considering becoming pregnant, or know someone who’s pregnant — hormones will play a significant role during this time of life.

While the experience of being pregnant isn’t the same for everyone (nor is each pregnancy the same for an individual), the hormonal fluctuations women experience during this time of life can be navigated in a healthy, natural way. Knowing about the changes that are happening in your body, what’s to be expected, and how to keep yourself as healthy as possible during this time will all work towards making this season of life an enjoyable one.

  1. What Every Woman Ought To Know About Pregnancy Hormones ~ Locusts & Honey says:

    […] Click Here To Read The Entire Post on Pregnancy at Growing Up Herbal […]

  2. Who Else Wants Naturally Balanced Hormones? (A Blog Series About Hormonal Health For Women) ~ Locusts & Honey says:

    […] PREGNANCY HORMONES: What Every Woman Ought To Know About Pregnancy Hormones […]

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