Miracle Breakfast Cream: My Go-To Weekday Breakfast

Miracle Breakfast Cream: My Go-To Weekday Breakfast | Growing Up Herbal | Wanna know what I eat every morning for breakfast? It's healthy and delicious, and I'm sharing the full recipe with you!

This past week, a couple of my sisters-in-law and I were sitting around chatting about healthy eating after Sunday lunch, and one SIL mentioned that healthy breakfasts were a struggle for her.

Now, if you’ve been reading Growing Up Herbal long, you’re probably aware of my relationship with breakfast. As in, I’m in no rush to jump out of bed and start whipping up a full course southern breakfast (unless it’s a Saturday or a special occasion). This means that if I want my kids and I to have a healthy breakfast, it has to be a quick-fix (otherwise, I can’t promise that boxed cereal won’t magically appear in my pantry, and I really dislike it when that happens).

Seeing how I could totally relate to my SIL when it came to this particular struggle, I shared my go-to breakfast recipe with her. It’s called miracle breakfast cream, and it has saved me from crappy breakfasts. No joke! Not only is it healthy, but it fills me up until lunch and is super easy to make. In fact, I eat every single day and never get tired of it.

So today, I’d love to share this recipe with you in case you are looking for a healthy, easy breakfast recipe to add to your meal plans. 

The Many Different Faces of Miracle Breakfast Cream

Miracle Breakfast Cream: My Go-To Weekday Breakfast | Growing Up Herbal | Wanna know what I eat every morning for breakfast? It's healthy and delicious, and I'm sharing the full recipe with you!

There are a variety of recipes floating around for miracle breakfast cream (aka… MBC). The few that I tried before finding this version left a bad taste in my mouth (literally).

Some versions call for lemon juice which makes your MBC more on the sour side. Some call for crushed whole wheat cereal, and since I’m not a fan of cereal, I try to stay away from that one. Some versions even call for different kinds of sweeteners, oils, or nuts. The point is this. Substitutions can be made for sweeteners, nuts, grains, and oils so if you don’t like one version of miracle breakfast cream, don’t give up on it.

The version of miracle breakfast cream that I use is adapted from Mireille Guiliano’s cookbook, The French Women Don’t Get Fat Cookbook. It’s called “Giovanna’s MBC,” and although the original recipe is great, I alter mine just a touch to suit my preferences.

I will say that when I first made this recipe, I had my doubts. I mean, it isn’t the prettiest thing out there, and I just wasn’t sure the ingredients would combine well. Thankfully, though, it tastes really great! It’s creamy, and it has just the right touch of sweetness. It’s perfect for a light breakfast!

What’s This “Miracle” Business About Anyway?

Now, if you’re wondering why it’s called “miracle” breakfast cream, it’s because it’s known to help you drop some extra weight if you eat it on a regular basis. However, that’s only going to work for you if you tend to eat large portions for breakfast or breakfasts that are higher on the carb/fat side of the scale. If your breakfasts are already healthy and you eat correct portion sizes, then this won’t do much for you as far as miracles go.

No matter, miracle breakfast cream is quick and addictive! Seriously! If I miss a day or two of it, I start craving it, and sometimes, I’ll even have a bowl of it when the kids have snack. It’s soooo good, y’all!

Miracle Breakfast Cream 

Miracle Breakfast Cream: My Go-To Weekday Breakfast | Growing Up Herbal | Wanna know what I eat every morning for breakfast? It's healthy and delicious, and I'm sharing the full recipe with you!

So like I said earlier, miracle breakfast cream is my go-to weekday breakfast. I eat it almost every single morning, Monday through Friday. And, if you prepare a few of the ingredients ahead of time (see the “tips” section below) then you can whip this up in less than 5 minutes.


  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt (2% if trying to lose weight… whole milk otherwise)
  • 1 teaspoon flaxseed oil
  • 1 tablespoon finely ground nuts (equal parts pecans and almonds)
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 2 tablespoons finely ground old-fashioned oats 
  • juice and pulp of 2 clementines or tangarines (or 1/2 orange)

Miracle Breakfast Cream: My Go-To Weekday Breakfast | Growing Up Herbal | Wanna know what I eat every morning for breakfast? It's healthy and delicious, and I'm sharing the full recipe with you!


  1. Combine your yogurt, flaxseed oil, nuts, and honey together. Mix well.
  2. Add the ground oats on the surface, but don’t mix it just yet. Pour the juice and pulp over the oats and leave it to sit for a minute or two, then mix and taste.

Miracle Breakfast Cream: My Go-To Weekday Breakfast | Growing Up Herbal | Wanna know what I eat every morning for breakfast? It's healthy and delicious, and I'm sharing the full recipe with you!


You can grind the nuts and oats ahead of time and store them in the freezer to use as you need it. I do this once a month, and it makes putting this breakfast together even faster.

And there you go! I hope you enjoy this yummy (and healthy) breakfast!

Be sure to print this recipe, and pin it to your Pinterest boards!
[yumprint-recipe id=’4′]
  1. Tessa Simpson says:

    MMMM!! The hint of orange made this extra delectable, thank you!

  2. Rebecca says:

    Can it all be made in advance, stored covered in the fridge for the next day like overnight oats?

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