Hunting For Bear

Hunting For Bear | Growing Up Herbal | Come along an outdoor adventure and track a wild bear with us!

Today, Dean, the boys, and I went on a bear hunt adventure!

My mother-in-law and father-in-law walk down our long road every single day together… just to enjoy some time alone with each other and to look at the beautiful country God has placed us in.

We too take a walk every day, weather permitting, down our road after lunch, just to get out together and have some fun in the middle of the day when Dad is home for lunch.

Today, after my in-law’s walk, they came back telling Dean about the big bear prints they saw up the road in the mud. He couldn’t wait to get home for lunch and tell the boys that we were going to go on a bear hunt after we ate!

They were so excited! They love doing anything adventurous.

Hunting For Bear | Growing Up Herbal | Come along an outdoor adventure and track a wild bear with us!

This is where our journey takes us. A quiet, beautiful “holler”. From here, there are no roads – only mountain.

Hunting For Bear | Growing Up Herbal | Come along an outdoor adventure and track a wild bear with us!

The boys were so excited when they spotted a print! Too bad it was only a raccoon print. They didn’t give up though… they kept at it and were determined to find the bear prints that Mum-Mum and Pop-Pop were talking about.

Hunting For Bear | Growing Up Herbal | Come along an outdoor adventure and track a wild bear with us!

Finally! A bear print is spotted. Judah is amazed by how big it’s paw is. Not far from this print, we found some more big bear prints along with some smaller prints near it.

Could this be a mama and her cub? If so, we don’t want to find out!

Good thing Dean always has his gun with him. Watch out!

Hunting For Bear | Growing Up Herbal | Come along an outdoor adventure and track a wild bear with us!

What a great home-school lesson the boys had on different animal footprints. Dean also taught them about how bears travel, behave, and eat. Here’s where our bear has been digging for worms or other bugs to eat. I love that my guys learn all sorts of things all throughout the day. Who goes on a bear hunt in public school? I know I never did!

So this was it for our adventure today. I think the boys were thinking we were going to actually see a bear, but I believed they were relieved that we didn’t!

Until next time…

Have you been on any adventures lately? Tell me about one in the comment section below!
  1. Jody says:

    How exciting for your boys and to be able to go on walks with your husband and family at lunch! What a blessing! We had our encounter with a huge bear camping several years back and I will NEVER forget it. We were all safe but still use our coolers with teeth marks in them! Aren’t the advantages of home education just marvelous?! I enjoy your blog as my daughters and I are making almost everything from natural ingredients. We also order from bulkherbstore each month. Thanks for your knowledge in this area. We are still learning.
    Always Experiencing Him,
    At the girls blog you can link to their etsy shop for knitting and crocheting products.

    • Meagan says:

      Yes Jody! We are so blessed that we can have lunch with my husband every day. It’s so nice!

      Thanks for sharing your bear story with me! How scary! You really had a close encounter! I could handle keeping ours to a distance. Glad you all were safe.

      Yes, we love homeschooling. We’re at the beginning of our journey with it, and I’m constantly learning and trying new things out. It is fun to be able to do it as a family! I love being with my guys!

      Thanks for you comment!

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