How To Make Homemade, Non-Toxic Herbal Kid’s Paint

My kids LOVE to get messy with art and craft supplies. What kid doesn’t? Their favorite thing to play with (and make a mess with) just so happens to be paint — homemade, non-toxic herbal kid’s paint!

Now as I’ve learned and grown more into natural, non-toxic living, I’ve learned a lot about so-called children’s “non-toxic” arts and crafts products. I recently wrote a post called The Toxic Truth Behind Children’s “Non-Toxic” Art And Craft Supplies where I discussed my concerns for small children using these supposedly “non-toxic” products.

As I’ve discovered more and more things, I’m not thrilled with when it comes to store-bought children’s arts and crafts supplies. So, I’ve decided to do my best at finding recipes for many of these supplies and making them at home with my children, such as this herbal kid’s paint and this homemade glue. Not only is it safer for my kids and cheaper on my wallet, but we have a blast doing it together! Plus, it instills a bit of self-sufficiency in them which is something else I love. I want them to be creative and not feel like they have to run to the store every time they need something.

So today, I want to teach you how to make some homemade, non-toxic herbal kid’s paint too. It’s called Herbal Earth Paint, and I’m sure you and your kids will love it!

CLICK HERE to get the full tutorial over at DIY Natural!!

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