How To Make Deliciously Healthy Ginger Chews

How To Make Deliciously Healthy Ginger Chews | Growing Up Herbal | Ginger chews are not only a delicious way to get herbs into your kids, but they help with upset tummies, car sickness, gas and more!

Have you ever had a ginger chew?

I hadn’t until earlier this year. I went out to eat with a friend, and after dinner she handed me a neatly wrapped little ginger chew. She said she often ate one after eating to help her better digest her food. I was intrigued so I ate it.

Sweet and spicy juices filled my mouth, and I was in love! It was so good. It definitely had the heat of ginger, but there was a sweetness to it that made the heat a good thing.

A week later she bought me my own pack so I could enjoy them some more.

Ginger is an amazing herb… one I’m glad to know and use often. In fact, you can learn even more ways to use ginger in my FREE Herb Folk Ginger Herb Study right here.

I’ve written about using ginger at the first sign of a cold (along with a good dose of echinacea) in a Lemon Ginger Tea. Well, ginger chews are another way you can get the goodness of ginger in your system. You can use them to aid in digestion, upset stomach, gas or cramps, induce sweating, relieve nausea/motion sickness/morning sickness, and decrease inflammation among many other things.

I personally use these healthy ginger chews to aid in digestion after meals and to prevent or counteract nausea or car sickness. Below is how I make ours… its been adapted from common cough drop recipes so that it ends up chewy and not rock hard.

BTW… my kids actually love these. I didn’t think they would because they’re a bit on the spicy side, but they ask for them over and over again!

Ginger Chews

Adapted from Vintage Remedies recipe

How To Make Deliciously Healthy Ginger Chews | Growing Up Herbal | Ginger chews are not only a delicious way to get herbs into your kids, but they help with upset tummies, car sickness, gas and more!



How To Make Deliciously Healthy Ginger Chews | Growing Up Herbal | Ginger chews are not only a delicious way to get herbs into your kids, but they help with upset tummies, car sickness, gas and more!Grate ginger root, pack it down into a 1/4 c. measuring cup, and add to water in a saucepan and simmer until half the liquid has evaporated (about 30 minutes). Strain and compost ginger. Reserve 1 cup of ginger decoction.

How To Make Deliciously Healthy Ginger Chews | Growing Up Herbal | Ginger chews are not only a delicious way to get herbs into your kids, but they help with upset tummies, car sickness, gas and more!

Grease a small glass dish (I use 7×4 inch) with coconut oil. Cut some parchment paper to fit the bottom of the pan and cover it with coconut oil too.

How To Make Deliciously Healthy Ginger Chews | Growing Up Herbal | Ginger chews are not only a delicious way to get herbs into your kids, but they help with upset tummies, car sickness, gas and more!

Pour ginger decoction in a large clean saucepan. Add in sugar and honey over high heat until it reaches 260 degrees or passes a water drop test which is the preferred method.

I tried this recipe 3 times to get it right. The first time I heated it to 245 degrees, and in the end my chews were more like runs. Then I reheated the batch and got it to 300 degrees. I ended up with ginger cough drops. So finally I completely remade the entire recipe and used the water drop test. In the photo above, you can see the progression of the bubbles… how they change from light in color to a deeper color and how they go from bigger bubbles to smaller as the syrup gets thicker. When I reached stage 3 (around 250 degrees) I started doing the water drop test.

Get a cup of VERY cold water and drop a small amount of syrup in. Use a spoon to retrieve your candy. You’ll be able to feel if it’s too soft or just right. Remember… you want it chewy… not runny or hard.

How To Make Deliciously Healthy Ginger Chews | Growing Up Herbal | Ginger chews are not only a delicious way to get herbs into your kids, but they help with upset tummies, car sickness, gas and more!

When temperature is reached or syrup has passed a water test, pour candy into pan. Let sit for 30 minutes.

Turn dish over and remove parchment paper from the bottom of the candy. Using a sharp knife run under HOT water or coated in coconut oil, cut the candy into small strips (1/2 x 1 inch). Wrap in extra parchment paper for storage. Are shelf stable 4-6 weeks… longer if stored in the refrigerator.

If your candy gets stuck in your pan, you’ll have to use a spoon and scoop out bits of sticky candy to mold and wrap. Your chews will be exactly the same… it will just take a bit of extra work.


  • To use to aid in digestion, use 1 chew before or after a meal.
  • To help with nausea, car sickness, or upset stomach, use 2 chews every 2-4 hours.

If you make these chews, and they are too spicy for your little ones, feel free to cut the ginger down to 1/8 cup to lessen the heat!

Now if this is way too much work to go through for some ginger chews (and I totally understand), you can buy them premade here… and yes, they’re just as delicious as the homemade version!

Learn more about ginger in my FREE Herb Folk Ginger Herb Study right here!

[yumprint-recipe id=’32’]
  1. Jill York says:

    These sound so great!

    • TaMmi says:

      Hi, do i need to use sugar or can i just use more honey? Thanks!

      • Meagan says:

        You can use more honey, but they may not end up as chewy. Honey doesn’t make candies or chews well because it doesn’t get to the hard crack temperature like cane sugar does. Hope that helps!

  2. Peter says:

    Any substitute for honey?

  3. Terry says:

    Thak you!

  4. Monica says:

    I remember getting that way as a passenger in the back… When I became a driver, I was less nauseous. We use peppermint lifesavers at the time, now no longer safe with the high calories in each savers…maybe inter change with the ginger chews, make other mints flavor. Wintergreen was my favorite, just a thought. Now I carry herbal tea with club soda to help get rid of the bloated,nausea feeling.. There are still some roads in Pa still gets to me…al the sharp turns.. 🙂

  5. Missy says:

    Hi Meagan, how many would you say this makes? I was looking for recipes for anti inflammatory chewies when I came upon your page. My two and a half year old daughter has Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and I am looking for herbal anti inflammatory remedies that actually taste good, since she can’t swallow pills yet 🙂 Do you have any other recipes that would fit the bill in addition to the Ginger chews?

    • Meagan says:

      Oh man… around 30-40 depending on how big you roll them. I make mine about 1/2 in. x 1 in., and I don’t really count them.

      Unfortunately I’m not sure this would be the best fit for something anti-inflammatory because of the amount of sugar in it as sugar is highly inflammatory. There are other recipes you could make and give your kiddo that would be a better fit than something with so much sugar though. These are meant to be more of an occasional thing… not something you’d take on a daily basis. I’d definitely suggest working with a clinical herbalist on this sort of thing since you’re dealing with a chronic condition, and you’ll want to find the right anti-inflammatory herbs that fit your child. Hope that helps Missy, and thanks for your comment!

  6. Erin says:

    I made these and loved them. How do you think they’d taste made with turmeric root instead of ginger? I have a bunch and thought I’d try it.

  7. domestickate says:

    Thanks for this post! I came across it while searching for stores that carry ginger chews (doesn’t seem like any stores in my area carry them). I had all the ingredients, so I gave it a try. Your directions were great, but I’m bad at following directions, so mine came out too runny but almost right. I think they’ll still serve their purpose, though 🙂

    • Meagan says:

      Yeah I had to test mine with the water drop test a few times until they were just chewy enough, but not too hard. It’s a tricky balance. Hope they’ll work for you though!! Thanks for sharing!

    • strangevista says:

      Trader Joes has them. Addictive.

  8. Tessa says:

    So I am constantly buying ginger chews, and was hoping to find a better/cheaper option, and I came across this article. I decided to try it out, and needless to say, as someone who is constantly getting distracted, I definitely ended up with cough drops (but I don’t mind, it helps me to savor them rather than chew through them in a hot minute). What I really messed up on was the measurement of ginger. You have it as 1/4 c. and for some reason that registered as one whole cup. Yeah, I don’t know why either, but they are definitely spicier than any ginger candy I’ve come across. I’ll be trying it again until it’s perfect, but even the mistakes aren’t that bad!

    • Meagan says:

      I bet that is spicy Tessa! Well, it will definitely clear any sinus congestion up and hopefully alleviate a sick stomach! LOL! Yeah, I’ve found out that there’s a very fine line between “chews” and “cough drops.” That cracking point can sneak up on you really quickly. Thanks for sharing your experience, and let me know when you get it perfected!

  9. Linda says:

    Hi Meagan,

    Do you think that adding a “healthy starch” like Kuzo starch or arrow root will help make it chewier? I want to try this though. At least I’ll know what’s in it.
    Have you ever tried Gin Gins Original Ginger Chews? I’ve been addicted to them, and want to make something healthier for myself. Thank you for posting!

    • Meagan says:

      I’m not sure what brand I had before I made my own, but they were so sweet and spicy! I loved them! I’m not sure about the starch. It makes sense that it would make it chewier, but I’m not sure when you would add it. If you put it in before bringing it to temperature, it may burn instead of boiling, and if you added it after it had reached a chewy consistency, it may not stay mixed in. I really don’t know. It’s definitely worth trying, but I’d cut the recipe in half just to see if it works before you try it with a whole batch. If it does work, let me know. I’d love to try them with some arrowroot powder. Great idea Linda! Thanks!

  10. Martynn says:

    Made a batch of these but added 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper powder for extra kick. Perfect! I’ve been addicted to GinGins for while and wanted to make my own. Very easy recipe. Perfect to sooth a sore throat or for a little sweet treat on a cold day. Thank you

    • Meagan says:

      I’m a big fan of cayenne Martynn! I’ll have to try that with a small batch of my own. Thanks for sharing how they turned out with me!

  11. Karol says:

    How many candies does this recipe make?

    • Meagan says:

      It varies Karol. It varies on how big or small you cut them, and if they don’t cut well and you end up scooping them out, it will vary depending on how big or small you mold them. I’m so sorry. I feel like I get around 50 or so when I make this recipe. Hope that helps some.

  12. Holly says:

    Hi … I love ginger chews, but unfortunately have been diagnosed with diabetes. .. sooops is there any way to make these with less sugar and maybe some stevia? I assume you have to have sugar, but just wondered what you thought? Thanks in advance 🙂

    • Meagan says:

      I’m so sorry Holly. I actually think you have to have sugar to make them, and if you don’t, I have no clue on how to make them with less sugar. I have never attempted this, but I wonder if glycerine would work as it doesn’t affect blood sugar? I don’t know if heating it to high temperatures would give you the same reaction as the honey would. Sorry I can’t be of more help!

  13. Leelee21 says:

    Hi, I saw this recipe and was excited to try it because I am newly pregnant and have terrible morning sickness/nausea/all day really. I have tried taking ginger in the past and it helps curb the nausea, however, it gives me terrible heartburn, so bad that I can’t even lie down. Is there something else I can take along with these chews so that I am neither nausea or have bad heartburn? Thanks.

    • Meagan says:

      My first thought would be peppermint Leelee because it’s a carminative and it’s cooling, but peppermint isn’t to be used in high amounts during pregnancy. Some is okay, but I’m not sure how often you’ll be eating these. The next best thing would be to add chamomile in with the ginger as it too is a carminative and cooling. You may be getting too much heat from the ginger so the cooling chamomile may help balance that out. No matter, I’d try adding the chamomile in and see how that goes for you! You can also cut the amount of ginger back a bit too and see if that works. Best of luck. I’d love to know if you find success with this!

  14. Destiny W. says:

    I will definitely make these soon, but I wanted to know if you could make them with other flavorings?
    Such as mint tea or apple juice? If not, thats okay I just wanted to know the options.

    Thanks for the recipe.

    • Meagan says:

      I’m sure you could Destiny. I’ve never done it, but whatever you use for the decoction part should work the same as the ginger would when you add the sugar parts and heat it to temperature. Hope that answers your question.

  15. How to Treat 45 Common Ailments with All-Natural Remedies | Eat Real Stay Sane says:

    […] Motion Sickness – How to Make Deliciously Healthy Ginger Chews via Growing Up […]

  16. Autumn says:

    I just made my first batch! Instead of using whole ginger I used the washed peels and trimmings from ginger that I was crystallizing at the same time. That way there was no waste. The flavor is wonderful!

  17. John says:

    Just made my first batch and they turned out great. I used 5 Tbs of juiced ginger rather than shreded and I added 2 Tbs of Lemon juice just to add some extra flavor.

    • Meagan says:

      Thanks for sharing John! I’ve actually never juiced ginger, but I’ve heard really great things about it so I’m gonna have to try it soon! Glad it turned out for you!

  18. FRESH FOOD!! | Down a Dusty Path says:

    […] on Pinterest. It’s a super dangerous place, I know, but this time I found a big win – Ginger Chews. Great recipe and my first attempt at something like […]

  19. Ly says:

    Hi, when you say pure water, do you mean distilled water or bottled water ?

  20. Rui Xuan says:

    Hi Meagan! Just wondering – will the chews get sticky if not wrapped individually in parchment paper? I’m thinking of storing them in a small jar and popping one into my mouth on the go!

    • Meagan says:

      They will get sticky if they are exposed to heat or moisture so it’s best to wrap them or store them in the fridge. You can also coat them in arrowroot powder (or non-GMO cornstarch) to help prevent sticking as well. Hope that helps!

  21. Zachris says:

    Hey your social media icons aren’t showing. Also it would be great if you allowed people to pin your articles right from your site. Great articles by the way!

    • Meagan says:

      How strange Zachris. They’re showing up for me. They’re at the bottom of the post under the banner for my Treating Fevers Naturally book. If they still aren’t showing up after refreshing the page, maybe a different browser would work. Also, if you really want it pinned, you can repin it from my account here or manually pin it. Hope that helps, and sorry for the trouble.

  22. Tonya says:

    I was wondering what you mean by “compost” ginger. Is that a cooking term or are you saying to put in compost pile? Sorry, this probably seems like a silly question.

  23. Growing a Medicine Garden: Spearmint – Swamp Yankee Style says:

    […] took this recipe :Ginger Chews from Growing Up Herbal Website and added 1/2 cup finely chopped spearmint leaves to the recipe. […]

  24. Marley says:

    Hi Meagan! If I don’t have coconut oil, could I just use butter to keep them from sticking? I guess it might change the flavor a bit. Also, I’m going to add in some coffee to try and make my own version of my favorite GinGins 🙂 Thanks for the recipe!

    • Meagan says:

      Yes, Marley! You can definitely use butter instead of coconut oil. I’m sure it will taste even better. I mean, who doesn’t love the taste of butter, right?!

  25. Sahar Abdus Sabur says:

    I hust finished making to batches of these. One as ginger chews, the other as lemon, garlic and nigella sativa ( everything tastes better as candy). I have a house full of very sick children, who are going to be very happy when they wake up! These are delicious. Thank you!!!

  26. Azita Yashar says:

    Hi Meagan. I was so happy to come across this recipe. I love ginger chews and now I’ll be able make them myself. I have couple of questions though. I was confused about whether you use the ginger itself after staining or only the strained liquid ? if you use the stained liquid only, what is wrong with keeping the ginger in the mix?
    One of the comments was about adding starch in the mix. commercially made ginger chews all contain starch which may also act as a preservative.. Do you think we may be able to add the starch mixed with a small amount of cold water before adding the sweeteners, and just before boiling? I would appreciate your answer and any thoughts on that. Thank you!

    • Meagan says:

      I use the strained liquid only, but I don’t see why you can’t keep the grated ginger in the chews. I’ve never made them that way, but I’m sure it can be done. As for the starch question… I’ve not had any problems with these going bad so I’ve not really had a need for anything to preserve them soI honestly have no idea about adding starch to the recipe. I’ve never made them with it, and I don’t know how it would turn out. I’m sure you could half this recipe and try it. I’d love to know if it works for you, though.

    • Laura Heath says:

      I think thr starch is only used on the outside of the finished candy to keep it from sticking to the wrapper (and everything else).

  27. Forrest Aldrich says:

    I’ve made this recipe twice; they are good. However, the types of “chews” it produces are the kinds that pull fillings out (and that actually happened to me, in the first batch!). When I hear “ginger chews” I’m thinking of the commercial “Gin Gins”, which is made of tapioca starch, ginger and sugar – that is something I want to figure out how to make (more tooth-friendly, too). I’m not sure you can substitute cornstarch for tapioca.

    I always put in a lot of extra ginger, too, to give it that spicy kick.

    • Meagan says:

      Yikes, Forrest! I’m so sorry that happened to you! Yes… they are chewy, but Gin Gins are chewy too, in my opinion at least. I’m not sure there’s really a way to make them less chewy. I do know that the more you cook them, the more candy-like they get which could make them less chewy. If you really do want to make your own, I’d try that and see how it turns out. If that doesn’t work, maybe just suck on them instead of chew them. Having cavities pulled out is no fun! Hope this helps some!

  28. Steve Stussey says:

    How do you keep the syrup from bubbling over. Both pots I tried it would erupt over the top of the pot around 200. Any suggestions?

    • Meagan says:

      Maybe use a bigger pot so it has sufficient time to stay on the heat and reach the correct temperature without bubbling over everywhere. Hope that helps!

  29. Forrest Aldrich says:

    I had the bubbling-over thing happen, and something caught fire! LOL It was brief and smacked down with a towel, but I did laugh. You have to use a larger bowl, but I’ve also just stirred the mixture until it gets to the next stage where it’s not apt to do that. If you search Google, there is some info about what size pot to use.

  30. Sandra says:

    We’ve been sick with a nasty cold here and we’ve been loving ginger tea. I decided to look for a recipe for ginger cough drops and came across your recipe. I wanted to also add honey but have been reading how too hot of a temp kills the good stuff. What about the ginger? Does the good stuff get cooked off like honey? Is there a way to have the benefits of of fresh ginger and honey that travels better than tea?

    • Meagan says:

      You’re right, Sandra. Heating raw honey does destroy the enzymes and some of the other beneficial properties, and the same is true for herbs to an extent. However, I’m not sure that making ginger chews has your ginger at too high of a temperature for too long. Sure some of the properties may be affected, but I don’t think that all of them would. Another option to ginger tea would be juicing fresh ginger and combining the ginger juice with raw honey. You can bottle it up and take it with you to add to water whenever you want to drink it. Hope that answers your question!

  31. Anonymous says:


  32. Anonymous says:


  33. Anonymous says:


  34. Jamie says:

    I love this simple recipe! Your pictures of the various boil phases have been a perfect guide as I don’t own a candy thermometer. Thank you!

  35. Chris Calkins says:

    My husband who has acid reflux has had to stop taking medication for it due to a chronic kidney problem. Frankly, I was sceptical about ginger chews being able to manage his symptoms, but, upon finding your post I decided it was worth a try.
    Oh my! What a surprise! It takes a lot of them, but, he does as well on these as he did on traditional medication. I can’t thank you enough!
    FYI – I’ve started doing this in the microwave and it seems to work just as well as stovetop. I really appreciate your wonderful pictures! They make it easy to get the right temp. Also, I found a silicone candy mold the makes 80 – 1/4″ squares. That’s just about right for a double recipe. I pop them out, dump then in a plastic container, keep them in the fridge, and then wrap them in parchment as needed for my husbands bedside bowl. 🙂

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Awesome, Chris! I’m so glad these were helpful to him. I’d love to know where you got your silicone candy mold. That would make things so much easier. Feel free to share a link if you bought it online. Thanks for your comment!

  36. Onyx says:

    Anyway to make this using the powdered version of ground ginger?

    • Meagan Visser says:

      You can. I’d only use 1/8 cup of powdered ginger, though. I’d love to know how it turns out for you if you try it like this.

  37. Hari V says:

    Hello Meagan,

    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe. I made my first batch and they turned out perfect. The images with the bubbles helped a lot while doing the cold water test.


  38. Tara says:

    Thanks for the recipe Meagan. I would love to find a way to modify this to have much less sugar. I will need to think on that. I noticed a few discussions here about exchanging sugar for more honey etc but that won’t do it for me. If you have any recommendations, I would appreciate it. I make “candy” occasionally but not often enough to know which ingredients react in which ways. This recipe seems to very much act like a confection. Thanks for sharing. Not I have something to think on:-)

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Yeah, it would be great to be able to make this sugar-free, but I have no clue how to do that. From my understanding, sugar-free products like stevia, xylitol, and even glycerine won’t reach the hard-crack stage… or even get close to it… so instead of having chews or candy, you’d have a sugar-free syrup. Anyway, if you do come up with something, be sure to let me know. I’d definitely be interested in it!

  39. Matthew Kitchen says:

    Hi there, I just tried making a batch, but the whole thing just burnt before reaching 260; any advice?

    • Meagan Visser says:

      I’m so sorry, Matthew. Maybe try approaching that temperature slower. I’m not sure. When I’ve made these in the past, I have to keep a careful eye on the pot, turning the heat down while I do the water drop test and then back up if it needs a bit longer on the stove. I wonder if the type of saucepan could have anything to do with it. I usually use a thick-bottomed stainless steel pan. They distribute heat fairly well. I’m sorry I’m not much help here!

  40. Ma. Lourelia amolato says:

    Thanks a lot, Megan for sharing with us healthy, simple and practical ways of making a ginger chew which in fact has motivated me to try by myself after buying one from the mall. My children loves it! It would be more satisfying if I could produce my own so I can also share the stuff with others.
    Hope to hear from you anything of equal value:)

  41. Ahulani says:

    I love ginger and am so grateful to you for giving a recipe for ginger chews. Just a note, though. If you are going to call yourself an “herbalist”, one basic distinction you should be aware of is that between herbs and spices.This stuff is often confusing, so I hope the following information will be helpful to you and your readers. Think for the most part, herbs = leaves.
    Spices, on the other hand, come from roots, flowers, seed or bark.

    Thus, Ginger is not an herb, but a spice. It is the tender root of the herbacious perrenial ginger plant. (This is what can be confusing, while ginger is an “herbacious” plant(meaning that it’s stems aren’t woody and that it dies back to the ground) we are not talking about using its leaves here. Because we use the root, it is a spice.

    Some plants can be both, like corriander whose seeds are a yummy spice and whose leves are a delicious herb.
    I hope this is useful for those who care about these things, like me.

    • Meagan Visser says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed the recipe, and thanks for sharing your opinion. I think you’re right as far as the technical definition of “herb” and “spice” go, but as an herbalist, the term “herb” is used for both leafy herbs, roots, seeds, berries, etc. Obviously, the terms used in any field change over time and also vary based on the person using them. I think you’ll find that many herbalists (past and present) use the term “herb” broadly to cover all plant parts that are edible and have therapeutic properties.

  42. Marsha says:

    I am so happy to have come across your recipe. I was familiar with the ginger candy since I use to buy them and they were made in Indonesia. I have made your recipe several times already and have made them even stronger than when I purchased them. I can say that I watched my neighbor who had a bad cough and a raspy voice feel better and become clearer right in front of me after having tea and some homemade ginger candy. I have also made some for my sister who has a lung condition which causes her to have a dry but continuous cough. She has been taking one of these ginger candies two or three times a day and the cough subsides. It is truly amazing. I have a blog of my own and would love to tell my friends about this. Could I please share your website among my friends? You have great how-to pictures and your instructions are easy to follow. Once again, thank you for sharing your knowledge and post and it is certainly making everyone who tries it feel so much better. I believe in the power of herbs to heal. Thank you Meagan.

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Thanks for the kind words, Marsha. You’re more than welcome to share this post with your friends via your blog. I only ask that you don’t post the recipe on your site, but you instead talk about your experiences with the recipe and then redirect readers back to this post for the full recipe. Thanks, and let me know if you do post about it. I’d love to share it on one of my social sites!

  43. Chris says:

    What is the water drop test in the ginger chew recipe?

    • Meagan Visser says:

      To do the water drop test, get a cup of VERY cold water and drop a small amount of syrup in. Use a spoon to retrieve your candy. You’ll be able to feel if it’s too soft or just right. Remember, you want it chewy, not runny or hard. Hope that helps!

  44. Rebecca says:

    Hi how long do these chews last for? A couple months? A year?

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Great question, Rebecca! Refrigerated, they should last around 6 months or longer. Unrefrigerated, I’d say around 3 months or so. Ours are usually gone in a short period of time!

  45. Samantha says:

    Thanks for the recipe! Sounds wonderful. I have a permanent intestinal disorder due to food poisoning and my stomach is a mess. I’m tired of all the meds, and still having issues! Instead of plain water, I think I’m going to make some strong Chai tea, using bottled water. Chai tea soothes my stomach sometimes. Hope it doesn’t mess up the outcome. Thanks!

  46. Judith says:

    I just made the chews and they are very tasty! I had a problem cutting them so ended up taking pieces and rolling them into small balls. Not very pretty. Any advise as to how to cut them. They stuck to the knife rather than the paper. Thanks

    • Meagan Visser says:

      This happens to me sometimes. The consistency really depends on how long you heat them. It’s really a fine line that you’ll learn the more you make them. Too little heat and they’re too gooey. Too much heat and they get too hard and have a burnt taste. You’re looking for that sweet-spot in the middle. You’ll get there, but until then, rolling them into balls is perfectly acceptable.

  47. Roberta says:

    I have made these chews many times now, I add THC for my pain and nausea. I really love them. The only thing I have a hard time with is wrapping them, sometimes they want to stick into a solid mass. When this happens I water it down very slightly and put a tsp of the syrup into my tea. Thanks foi the receipt.

    • Meagan Visser says:

      You are so welcome! Have you tried pouring them into a silicone mold with a small design? That may help with the sticking.

  48. Tracy H. says:

    Hi Thank you so much for this recipe I’m definitely going to try it soon! I do have one question instead of sugar and honey can I just use agave nectar?

    • Meagan Visser says:

      I’m not sure, Tracy. Agave may not get to the “hard crack” stage and your chews may not turn out. You could definitely use it to make a ginger syrup, though.

  49. Dave M says:

    I’m just curious. If you very finely grind the ginger, could you leave it in the candy? I have been buying a candy called GIN-GINS from “the Ginger People” and I believe this is their “Super Strength Boost” variety. These candies definitely have ginger root in them and I love it.

  50. LuLu Stenz says:

    I made these wonderful candies last nite. I had all ingredients but not the fresh ginger. I used ground dry ginger and used 1/8 cup as you suggested. I used 2 cups water not thinking of the water dehydrating when boiling the fresh ginger. But it all worked great. I used my candy thermometer and did the test at 250. I should of just turned my stove off. Candy got a little to hard. I let set overnight and tried to cut, but ended up breaking it by hand and dusted candy with Corn Starch to help with the sticking together, and put in my little candy jar.
    Will make again but will take off stove sooner to get the chews.
    Thank you for sharing!

  51. Michelle says:

    Hi Meagan, I keep trying to make it but it keeps burning on me, how to I fix this and still get to 250 degrees? If I take it off the heat early it doesn’t set up right. Please help, thanks

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Are you doing the water drop test, Michelle? If I heat the mixture slowly and keep doing the water drop test, I tend to get better results than simply shooting for 250 degrees. Hopefully, that will help! It stinks when it burns, and the whole batch is wasted!

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