How To Make And Use A Simple Herbal Burn Salve

This past month, my four-year-old landed a second-degree burn on his leg, thanks to a cup of accidentally spilled hot cocoa. Thankfully I had an herbal burn salve in our medicine cabinet that was a perfect remedy for this painful situation.

The Story

Now isn’t that just the way things tend to happen? Kids always seem to get hurt when mom isn’t right there watching them. Here I was, stealing some peaceful moments nursing my one-month-old while my three older children enjoyed a snack, when all of a sudden, I’m startled out of my cuddle session by a blood-curdling scream… that lasted… and lasted… and lasted.

Read the rest of this story and get the herbal burn salve recipe right here!

  1. Jill @ Jills Home Remedies says:

    Hey Meagan! Do you ever use this salve to soothe and heal sunburns?

    • Meagan says:

      Yes! This would work well for sunburns as the herbs and oils in it are very nourishing and healing, but I typically don’t use salves on large area burns. Instead I’d use something like this herbal sunburn spray. Hope that helps!

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