Hazelaid Giveaway Winner

Hazelaid Giveaway Winner | Growing Up Herbal | Who won the Baltic amber teething necklace? Find out here!

We have a winner for the Hazelaid $50 gift card giveaway!!

Thank you so much to all of you who participated in this giveaway by liking, sharing, and signing up for things… I really appreciate your efforts and interest.

So let’s get to it and see who won this giveaway, shall we?

And the winner is:

  1. Diane R. (nos…e7@ao…com) who entered on April 4th, 2014 by joining the GUH mailing list.

CONGRATULATIONS Diane. You have 72 hours to contact me by emailing me at – meagan (at) growingupherbal (dot) com – to claim your prize.

Didn’t win?

No problem… you can use the Growing Up Herbal Hazelaid coupon code “Growingupherbal10” to get 10% off your Hazelaid order… forever! This coupon code doesn’t expire so if you’re looking for a teething necklace or even something else they offer in their shop, be sure to use coupon code “Growingupherbal10” to get 10% off your total!

Did you like this giveaway? What else would you like to see as a giveaway here on Growing Up Herbal? Let me know what you’d like to win in the comments below, and I’ll get a move on it!

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