Goals + Plans for May 2022

Now, I don’t know about you, but I have this feeling that May will be a busy month here at Wild Rose Cottage. I mean, April was a busy month for us, but as we move into a season of rising energy, I expect May to be even more action-packed.

While I typically try to only say yes to a few things in an effort not to overcommit myself, leaving me feeling overwhelmed and like the ground is moving faster than I am — in the summer months, I find that I can keep up with a faster pace of life a bit easier.

This month, I have some big dreams to bring into reality, and I’d like to share some of them with you. Not everything I share below will come to completion over the next 30 days, but my goal is to get started on these things and complete them before summer’s end.

Goals + Plans for May

  • Finish the trim in our house (only one more room to go!)
  • Start my big kitchen painting project of repainting the cabinets, finally getting a backsplash up, and maybe repainting the walls too.
  • Add new plants to 3 garden beds from last year and create a completely new one at the front of the house.
  • Finish the mulch and rock in the pond stream.
  • Start flooring in our new study.
  • Completely wrap up a big Herbal Academy project that I’ve been working on all year!
  • Begin the process of streamlining Growing Up Herbal’s digital offerings.
  • Plan out summer content for the Inner Circle membership and get one month ahead.
  • Finish getting the foundational pieces I need for the new wardrobe I’ve been working toward for a couple of months.

While most of these things are home projects, they are top priorities for me at the moment. We’re in the middle of year 3 of our 5-year remodel project, and I’m feeling the pressure to make considerable progress this year!

If you would like to follow along with my progress on most of these things, Instagram and YouTube are the places to do that exact thing. I share snippets of life on Instagram, and I share longer behind-the-scenes vlogs over on YouTube.

Love and light,

PS. I would love it if you shared one of your goals for May with me in the comment section below. It can be so nice to actually write them out and share them with someone.

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