How To Get The Most Value From The 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle

How To Get The Most Value From The 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle | Growing Up Herbal | Here's how I get the most out of bundle sales. Plus, I'm sharing my top 10 picks from this year's Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle!

This week, the 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle is for sale, and you may be hearing a lot about this bundle from some of your favorite bloggers. 

I’ve been buying bundles from Ultimate Bundles for several years now, and each year, I change up how I use the bundles in order to get the most value from them.

Today, I’d like to share my top 10 picks from this year’s bundle as well as how I go about getting the most value from the bundle as well. I’ll be sharing what I plan on studying here and there over the course of the next year as well.

My Top 3 High-Value Bundle Favorites

In order to get the most from these bundles, I like to pick 2-3 high-value items from the bundle to focus my learning on during the coming year. These high-value products are usually in the form of an e-course, and I’ve found them extremely helpful in pushing me forward with my natural living goals. Below are my top 3 high-value favorites from this year’s bundle

1. DIY Herbal Apothecary: Your Blueprint to Reconstruct Your Medicine Cabinet by Christine Dalziel ($197.00 value)

How To Get The Most Value From The 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle | Growing Up Herbal | Here's how I get the most out of bundle sales. Plus, I'm sharing my top 10 picks from this year's Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle!DIY Herbal Apothecary is the blueprint to reconstruct your medicine cabinet with nourishing, health-building, handcrafted herbal remedies. Learn how to use herbs safely and effectively for everyday complaints and restore your self-reliance and confidence. This e-course covers common complaints that people fill their medicine cabinets to solve. You’ll learn the best herbs for first aid, pain relief, digestive remedies, herbal remedies for cold and flu as well as which herbs to use to provide all the vitamins and minerals your family needs and to break your chemical vitamin habit.

This course is a strong introduction to herbal remedies with a focus on herbal medicine making, using easily available herbs. You’ll also get a head start on creating a Materia Medica for future study by focusing in-depth on 15 medicinal herbs.

2. Essential Oil Ingestion: An Evidence-Based Approach by Jessie Hawkins ($79.00 value)

How To Get The Most Value From The 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle | Growing Up Herbal | Here's how I get the most out of bundle sales. Plus, I'm sharing my top 10 picks from this year's Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle!While essential oil use transitions from niche to mainstream, the topic of essential oil ingestion still brings about passionate responses from advocates and traditional aromatherapists alike. “Ingestion is perfectly safe!” some advocate, while others warn that ingestion is dangerous and even deadly. Which leaves the enthusiast with a lot of claims but little in the way of substantive evidence. 

So which is it? Are they safe to consume? Are they dangerous? Is there an evidence-based balance that addresses both concerns? In this online class, essential oil clinical researcher and PhD candidate Jessie Hawkins walks you through the scientific literature to separate fact from fiction, turning this once highly charged debate into an empowering approach to aromatherapy that you can use in your own home.

3. Herbal Materia Medica Course by Marlene Adelmann ($79.00 value)

How To Get The Most Value From The 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle | Growing Up Herbal | Here's how I get the most out of bundle sales. Plus, I'm sharing my top 10 picks from this year's Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle!One of the most valuable ways to spark the excitement for your herbal studies is by working with your herbal materia medica! By studying plants one herb at a time, you have the opportunity to connect with individual herbs at a meaningful level through in-depth study and experience. The Herbal Materia Medica Course will teach you this simple—yet powerful—study process and help you organize what you are learning into plant monographs. These will be invaluable for future reference and will become a treasured keepsake. 

Learn what a materia medica is (if you don’t already know) and follow along with the Herbal Academy’s step-by-step instructions on how to research a plant. This course will equip you with the tools you need to experience and study herbs on your own.

4. Making Herbal Ointments, Salves & Balms: The Ultimate How-To Guide by Meagan Visser ($7.99 value)

How To Get The Most Value From The 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle | Growing Up Herbal | Here's how I get the most out of bundle sales. Plus, I'm sharing my top 10 picks from this year's Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle!If you look at my natural medicine cabinet, you’ll find the herbal ointments, salves, and balms make up nearly half of it! Not only are they easy to make, but they work well, have a decent shelf-life, and can be used for many illnesses and injuries. So, of course, I had to include my own updated e-book in this top 10 favorites list because it’s truly one of my favorites. 

Making Herbal Ointments, Salves & Balms will give you an overview of the different methods of making herbal ointments, salves & balms as well as detailed instruction on basic & advanced practices. Not only that, but you’ll also learn who will benefit from these preparations, how to use them, how to source quality ingredients, and you’ll get 12 herbal ointment, salve &  balm recipes to help you get started.

5. Top 60 Essential Oil Profiles by Lea Harris ($24.98 value)

How To Get The Most Value From The 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle | Growing Up Herbal | Here's how I get the most out of bundle sales. Plus, I'm sharing my top 10 picks from this year's Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle!The more I learn about using essential oils to keep my family healthy, the more I realize how convenient it is to have essential oil profiles on hand for quick and easy access to information about the oils I have in my home. Not only do essential oil profiles tell me how and why an essential oil works the way it does, but it gives me safety and dosing information that can come in handy as well.

If you are frustrated with the lack of accessible safety information and you struggle with remembering–or knowing in the first place–how to use essential oils safely with your family, then this is for you! Get access to the top 60 essential oil profiles from Lea Harris’ personal Evernote notebook, accessible on all your devices. 

6. Cancer, Nutrition & Natural Healing eCourse by Sayer Ji ($39.00 value)

How To Get The Most Value From The 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle | Growing Up Herbal | Here's how I get the most out of bundle sales. Plus, I'm sharing my top 10 picks from this year's Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle!I’ve always known that if cancer were to rear its ugly head in my body, I’d approach it from a completely different perspective than the one I was taught about in nursing school. So, when I saw Sayer Ji’s Cancer, Nutrition & Natural Healing e-course included in this bundle, I was super excited to learn more!

This 2-part e-course combines the newest information from whole food nutrition, mind-body medicine, and nutrigenomics. It explores an alternative view of cancer causation, challenges current medical paradigm, and will inspire those who wish to take back control of their health or that of their loved ones. Sayer Ji explores many topics surrounding causation, prevention, natural approaches to cancer, longevity-promoting foods, and essential cancer killers in this powerful e-course.

7. Simple Remedies for Cold and Flu Season by Angi Schneider ($19.95 value)

How To Get The Most Value From The 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle | Growing Up Herbal | Here's how I get the most out of bundle sales. Plus, I'm sharing my top 10 picks from this year's Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle!Two of the most common ailments that send people in search of natural therapies are the common cold and flu viruses. Everyone will experience these viruses at least once in their life (mostly more) so when it comes to approaching these situations from a natural perspective, Angi’s Simple Remedies for Cold and Flu Season e-course can help!

Simple Remedies for Cold and Flu Season is a four-module e-course that will help you prepare healthy remedies for your family in your own kitchen. Each module has video demonstrations and printable recipes. With a few simple ingredients that can be found in your garden, local grocery store or farmer’s market, and a bit of time, you can make time-honored remedies to help you make it through cold and flu season with minimal fuss. 

8. Essential Oil Love: A Practical Guide to Getting Started with Essential Oils the Safe and Effective Way by Kristyn Bango ($2.99 value)

How To Get The Most Value From The 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle | Growing Up Herbal | Here's how I get the most out of bundle sales. Plus, I'm sharing my top 10 picks from this year's Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle!I wish I had a guide like this one when I first started using essential oils. I get emails from readers all the time who are new to essential oils but want to know how to use them in their homes for better health. Kristyn’s e-book is great for beginners who are interested in learning more about using essential oils in a safe, accurate way. 

Essential Oil Love is designed to help you get started using essential oils in your home. It includes easy to follow recipes and tips for using your essential oils. You will also find safety guidelines, terms to know, proper dilutions for different situations, and a printable dilution chart for easy reference when creating your own blends. If you’re new to essential oils or concerned about oil safety in the home, this guide will have you using them confidently in no time.

9. Organic Skin Care for Natural Beauty: DIY Homemade Organic Skin Care Recipes by Andrea Green ($4.99 value)

How To Get The Most Value From The 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle | Growing Up Herbal | Here's how I get the most out of bundle sales. Plus, I'm sharing my top 10 picks from this year's Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle!As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve always been kind of lax when it comes to a skin care routine, but the older I get, the more I’m finding that having one is important. With that being said, I’ve kind of become a skin care DIY junkie. I’m constantly searching for recipes that work well for my skin, my routine, and my time and budget, and this e-book doesn’t fail to deliver!

Andrea’s convinced that each of us has the ability to buy simple, inexpensive ingredients and create a skin care routine that works as well as any of the products on the market today. And we can do this without adding any of the ingredients that are harmful to our health. The Organic Skin Care for Natural Beauty e-book includes easy-to-make recipes and skin care routine tips that work with all skin types. 

10. How to Host an Essential Oil Make and Take Party by Rachel Zupke ($6.99 value)

How To Get The Most Value From The 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle | Growing Up Herbal | Here's how I get the most out of bundle sales. Plus, I'm sharing my top 10 picks from this year's Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle!Every year, two of my sisters-in-law throw a Mother-Daughter party for their daughters and their friends. They teach the girls lessons about what true beauty is, eat healthy foods, play games, get to know each other better, and do girly things to beautify themselves. One of the things they always do is make a fun skin care DIY they can take home and use later. When I saw Rachel’s How to Host an Essential Oil Make and Take Party e-book, I knew this would be a great resource for them to use at this year’s party!

How to Host an Essential Oil Make and Take Party is just that: a practical, to the point resource to give you everything you need to host a fun and enjoyable make and take event. It includes a shopping list, handouts, and printable label sheets for 3 different self-care products and 9 roller bottle essential oil blends.

A $770 Value For Only $47

As you can see, the total value of my top 10 e-course picks is $569. If I pay $47 for the bundle then you’ll see that I’ve come out ahead by receiving $522 more than what I paid for these products… and that, my friend, was just on 10 of the products. There are $200+ more products in this bundle that I didn’t even mention!

If you’re interested in learning more about using herbs and essential oils, and you don’t want to waste your money, the 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle has a lot to offer in the way of value on many levels.
Click the button below to learn more!

How To Get The Most Value From The 2017 Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle | Growing Up Herbal | Here's how I get the most out of bundle sales. Plus, I'm sharing my top 10 picks from this year's Herb & Essential Oil Super Bundle!

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