Get Your First Month of Herb Folk For FREE!

Get Your First Month of Herb Folk For FREE! | Growing Up Herbal | Herb Folk is an exclusive membership site dedicated to helping herbal-minded folks learn about and use herbs through the study and use of one herb a month. Get your first month FREE!

I get it, mama.

You’re reading the books, drinking herbal tea, stocking your essential oil and herbal apothecary and pinning all things natural and herbal. You really want to use herbs to take charge of your family’s health naturally, but you don’t have ANY free time to learn and it seems very overwhelming to “do it all.” So you close Pinterest to get the whimpering baby up from his nap. The herbal information goes unread and you feel even more confused and behind in your herbal journey.

But, It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way

That’s why I created Herb Folk.

Herb Folk is an exclusive membership site dedicated to helping herbal-minded folks learn about and use herbs through the study and use of one herb a month.

Not only does this approach cut down on the overwhelm learning herbs can cause, but it solidifies what you are learning by immediately putting that knowledge to use through hands-on projects.

Who Herb Folk Is For

Herb Folk is for:

  • Every day people like you and me who want to take a laid back approach to learning and using herbs for health and healing.
  • People who are interested not only in an evidence-based approach to learning about herbs but a traditional-based approach as well.
  • People who don’t only want to learn how herbs work by reading about them, but by using them day in and day out.
  • People who are busy but want to make progress in their understanding of herbs.
  • People who want to connect with others in a community setting to share their knowledge and to find help when needed.

Get Your First Month of Herb Folk For FREE! | Growing Up Herbal | Herb Folk is an exclusive membership site dedicated to helping herbal-minded folks learn about and use herbs through the study and use of one herb a month. Get your first month FREE!

What You’ll Learn Each Month

As you study a new herb each month, you’ll learn:

  • how the herb is used
  • how it works in the body
  • the energetics of the herb and how they affects its usage
  • safety and dosing information
  • how experienced herbalists are using it
  • what medicine and science are currently saying about it
  • how to put the herb to use in your own life through hands-on projects

How Herb Folk Works


Two weeks before your lessons arrive, you will receive an introduction to the herb you’ll be studying over the course of the coming month. Here you’ll receive information on the four “actions” or uses you’ll be learning about the herb, the four projects you’ll be making, and the list of supplies you’ll need to gather before your study begins. 


When class starts, you will receive one new herb lesson at the beginning of each week (4 lessons a month). Each lesson covers one use or “action” the herb has as well as anecdotal and evidence-based information to support its use. Questions, comments, or thoughts about each lesson can be left in the comments section. I will be responding to you there, and I encourage you to respond to each other as well. Remember, Herb Folk is a community that helps and supports one another!


Alongside your weekly lessons, you will get access to specific herbal projects that support the lesson you just learned. Each project is designed to be made by you and used over the course of the week so you can see the herb work first-hand. To get the most out of Herb Folk, it’s important that you set aside time to complete these projects as they will bring the herb to life and help you retain what you’ve learned about the herb you’ve just studied.


All Herb Folk lessons will remain on the site for two months (the month class is in session and the following month) to give you time to complete lessons and projects. After two months, the lessons will be gone, so make sure you take notes of anything you want to keep track of in a journal or using the free Herb Folk workbook you’ll find inside the membership site.

Get Your First Month of Herb Folk For FREE! | Growing Up Herbal | Herb Folk is an exclusive membership site dedicated to helping herbal-minded folks learn about and use herbs through the study and use of one herb a month. Get your first month FREE!

Don’t Put Learning How To Use Herbs Off Any Longer

Herb Folk is perfect for those new to herbs as well as those with some previous experience. It’s for the busy mom who needs the information pulled together and presented to her in a way she can understand and retain it. It’s for the hands on learner who wants to stock her home apothecary with effective natural remedies. It’s for the herbalist who’s looking for a place where she can ask questions and get feedback on the topics she’s studying.

Herb Folk is for you! Won’t you join me? 

Get Your First Month of Herb Folk for Free

Sign up below and get your first month of Herb Folk for free! No credit cards or commitments required. Just a curious mind and an adventurous heart!

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I hope to “see” you inside!

Blessings, Meagan

  1. Jade says:

    Your blog is such an inspiration. I’ve always wanted to live naturally and be a part of nature in a way most people aren’t nowadays. Reading your emails and updates on you and your families life is such a wonderful thing, I wish to be able to live with your advice when I move and start fresh. Thank you 🙂

    • Meagan says:

      You’re so welcome, Jade! I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog, and I wish you the best in your pursuit of more natural living!

  2. Future Herbalist says:

    I absoloutly love this website! I love to research herbs, and this has really given me a boost in my knowledge of herbs. An herbalist is what I want to be when I grow up. Living naturally has always been something I have wanted to do.

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