DIY Exotic Massage Oil For Lovers

Now I don’t know what makes you feel loved by your partner, but one of the ways Dean shows me he loves me is through physical touch.

While physical touch can most certainly be sensual, it doesn’t always have to be to show love and affection. In fact, for me, it’s the daily non-sensual touch that lets me know my husband loves me most whether it be through a long hug, lightly touching my skin to let me know he’s thinking of me, cuddling with me on the couch, rubbing my back as we watch a show together at night, or giving me a relaxing massage. 

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, I’m busy prepping some fun little Valentine’s Day treats for me and Dean this year, and this exotic massage oil is one of the quickest and easiest.

massage oil, essential oil bottles, lavender flowers

While this exotic massage oil can most certainly be used in a sensual way, it really has a variety of uses. It is so nice to use if you have sore muscles after an intense workout, as the scent is very relaxing and grounding. It can also serve as a really nice body oil that you can use to nourish your skin after a shower (or even as a bath oil). You can even heat it and use it as a hot oil treatment for your hair!

Not only can this exotic massage oil be used in a several different ways, but it’s super easy to make, as there are only carrier, vitamins, and essential oils involved — no herbal infusions necessary (but you can totally do that to take it up a notch if you want)!

If you’re looking for some natural Valentine’s Day DIYs to make your night a bit more special, I hope this one fits the bill!

Exotic Massage Oil for Lovers

Valentine's Day massage oil

close up of Valentine's Day massage oil



  1. Combine all ingredients together in an 8-ounce glass bottle. Cap the bottle, label, and gently roll the bottle back and forth between your hands to disperse the oils together.
  2. Place the bottle in a dark location for 24-48 hours so the scents can meld and synergize before using.
  3. Store at room temperature. Use within 1 year.

So there you have it friends — an exotic massage oil that can double for many more of your scented oil needs, not only on Valentine’s Day but year-round as well.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love and light,

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