Celebrating Handmade Soap With Making Soap Magazine

Celebrating Handmade Soap With Making Soap Magazine | Growing Up Herbal | Do you love handmade soap? This magazine is probably for you then!

My friend’s mom was into all things natural. She cooked healthy foods, grew a garden, had goats and chickens, sewed beautiful clothing, lived way up on a mountain, decorated with handmade and made all their skin care products from scratch. As a teenager, she took me under her wing, and I will be forever grateful for the lessons she taught me. She was, and still is, a HUGE influence in my life. 

One of the things she taught me was how to make homemade goat milk soap. It was one of the first handmade things I’d ever made, and I remember being amazed that you could mix oils, goat’s milk, lye, water, and essential oils together and end up with beautiful, creamy, all natural, so good for you, soap. The process seemed complicated that first time, and I thought that making soap was something that I’d never be able to do by myself.

Well, in hindsight, it wasn’t as complicated as I first thought, and it was definitely something I could do myself. At Making Soap Magazine, being a beginner and not know where to start is something they know all about.

Celebrating Handmade Soap With Making Soap Magazine | Growing Up Herbal | Do you love handmade soap? This magazine is probably for you then!

Never heard of Making Soap Magazine? Well, if you’re into handmade soap, candles, or cosmetics, you’re going to love what they have for you! Making Soap Magazine is a magazine for beginner, hobbyist, and professional soapmakers as well as folks who make cosmetics and candles. They offer a ton of information on how to get started, how to grow your business, how to improve your skills and techniques, where to find the best supplies, and SO much more. This magazine is a wealth of information!

Making Soap Magazine is a monthly print magazine that’s available for $12.00 an issue. You can also purchase digital PDF copies of the magazine for $7.00 an issue, or you can purchase an annual subscription to the digital magazine for $30.00 a year. Past issues are available in digital format for $4.99 an issue. 

Their current issue (#76) is their annual Design Mania issue where they share four specialty design tutorials (baroque soap, carved soap, molded soap, and hot processed soap) and encourage readers to enter the design contest beginning June 1, 2016 to win a grand prize worth $1,600.00! 

CLICK HERE to preview this issue or to purchase it in print and digital versions.

Celebrating Handmade Soap With Making Soap Magazine | Growing Up Herbal | Do you love handmade soap? This magazine is probably for you then!

If you’d like to learn more about making your own soaps, cosmetics and candles, or if you would like a resource that will help you grow your handmade soapmaking business, this magazine may be for you.

I know that I would have jumped on this when I was running my Etsy shop selling herbal skincare products for babies and children! Investing in your business is something you’ll never regret.

Making Soap Magazine is offering all Growing Up Herbal readers a 20% discount on all their annual digital magazine subscriptions when they use coupon code GUH20 at checkout. 

  1. Jill@JillsHomeRemedies says:

    I love handmade soap! It is so noticeably better than store bought.

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