DIY Autumn Bath Salt Recipe

Autumn is the season to begin slowing down, drawing inwards, and doing some heart evaluation. It is also a time to connect with others in a real and meaningful way.

I refer to this as autumn work, and one of my favorite places to do this type of work is in the bath.

As the days shorten and the weather cools, a warm bath complete with candles, instrumental folk music, my journal, and some mineral-rich bath salts so call my name!

autumn bath salts

Below is a recipe for some spiced autumn bath salts. These bath salts not only provide minerals for your body that help with inflammation, balance pH, and assist the body in detoxification, but they also include healthy fats that nourish and help hold moisture in your skin. Not only that, but they also include warming herbs that stimulate the circulatory system and have anti-microbial properties as well. All of these benefits make them a perfect fit for the skin on a cool autumn evening.

Taking some time to make these autumn bath salts can be a lovely autumn ritual you can do at the beginning of the season each year. Once made, you can package your salts in a pretty labeled jar and place it near your bathtub or in a basket filled with all your favorite things for autumn self-care.

These autumn bath salts would make a lovely gift to surprise your friends with as well!

autumn bath salts up close

autumn bath salts overhead

Autumn Bath Salts

Adapted from Parsnips and Pastries



  1. Place pink Himalayan salt in a high-speed blender and blend until powdered.
  2. Mix all of the ingredients in a large bowl until thoroughly combined. Place in glass jars.


To use, mix 1/2 cup Autumn Bath Salts into a warm bath. Enjoy!

autumn bath salts with fall leaves

Here’s to making autumn-work more pleasurable!

Love and light,

  1. cathie orozco says:

    How much does this recipe make? There are 3 of us making it together and we want to have enough to take home!!

    • Meagan Visser says:

      I think I filled 3 1/2 (maybe 4) 8-ounce bottles with this, so you should have enough. Have fun, and I hope you all enjoy these bath salts!

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