7 Postpartum Must-Haves For Any Natural Mama

As a seasoned postpartum mama, I have a few things that are postpartum must-haves on my list after baby comes. Today, I wanna share those things with you in case you are a soon-to-be postpartum mama or you know of someone who will be soon.

1. Herbal Teas

When it comes to drinking healthy drinks, you’re kinda limited. At our house, we typically drink water and raw milk, but I’m trying to get into the habit of keeping herbal teas around for us to enjoy throughout the day. As far as postpartum must-haves go, the following 3 teas are the ones you’ll find in this mama’s fridge. Of course, the whole family can benefit from the first tea, but the other 2 are for mama only!

Mama’s Red Raspberry Brew – A Bulk Herb Store blend that uses red raspberry leaf, alfalfa, nettle, and peppermint to nourish the female reproductive system. This blend is a must-have before and after birth.

Mama’s Milk Tea –  Another Bulk Herb Store tea blend that helps support healthy breastfeeding. Not only does it help to add nourishment to your milk, but it helps increase milk production if that’s needed.

Feminine Balance Tea – A 90210 Organics blend that supports hormone regulation… something that is very needed after birth!

2. Herbal Sitz Bath Mix

I love herbal sitz baths, and this is another one of my postpartum must-haves! After birth, every mama could use the healing power of herbs found in sitz bath blends to help soothe the tissues, calm inflammation, promote healing, and decrease the chance of infection you know where. You can use these blends as a normal sitz bath or if you’re like me, you can use them in your whole bath. I love to use these blends as a bath tea and just take some time away, all to myself, to soak in warm water and breathe in the smell of the herbs.

My favorite blends are Sitzing Pretty by The Spoiled Mama and Postpartum Bath Herbs by Earth Mama Angel Baby, but you can also make your own herbal sitz bath blend as well.

3. Homemade Witch Hazel Pads

Much like using herbal sitz baths after delivery due to their soothing properties, witch hazel pads are great too and a big postpartum must-have. Witch hazel is an astringent and it helps to tighten tissues, decreasing swelling and pain. You can buy pre-made witch hazel pads or you can make your own like the one is here.

4. Homeopathic Arnica Tabs

This is something new to me. In the past, I’ve used arnica in my salves and creams, I’ve used arnica gel for sprained ankles, and I’ve used the homeopathic arnica tabs when needed as well. However, I’ve never used arnica after delivery until my last baby.

I asked the mamas on the GUH Facebook page what I needed to get together for the postpartum period, and this was one of the suggestions. In fact, it was suggested that I take them consistently during labor as well to help decrease the chance of swelling after delivery. So I did, and I kept taking them for about 12 hours after delivery.

Did it work? Well, I can tell you that I was back up and getting around the day after I had Ezrah which was much quicker than my other kiddos, so it must have helped. If we do have another baby, I’ll be sure to use this again!

These are the homeopathic arnica tabs I use, but I’ve heard great things about the Hyland’s brand too.

5. Homemade Nipple Cream

Any nursing mama knows that some sort of cream or salve is a definite postpartum must-have, especially in the first few weeks of breastfeeding, if not longer out. This helps to not only protect the nipple from damage, but it also soothes and helps heal the skin if any cracking or blistering occurs. I can personally say that the first few weeks of nursing are not my favorite. Sure I love nursing my babies, but it can be tough at first. This DIY nipple cream from my friend Marillyn, over at Just Make Noise, is a life-saver. If you’d rather buy one pre-made, Motherlove’s Nipple Cream works well.

6. Breast Pump

The above postpartum must haves bring me to this one.

Seeing as how the first few weeks of nursing can be really rough, I can not make it without my breast pump. I can’t tell you what a relief it can be to have a break from nursing baby and instead pump milk for him to eat.

Not only does using a breast pump give you some relief from the pain of initial nursing, but it has other great uses too.

  1. It’s great to use if baby develops thrush as it keeps you and baby from spreading the yeast back and forth to each other, and it helps with the pain of having yeast on you while nursing. OUCH!!
  2. Another great use is that you and your man can go out on a date while baby spends some time with your mama or a trusted family member and still has breastmilk to drink instead of formula.

Breast pumps may not be for everyone, but this mama LOVES hers. I use a Medela pump, and it has lasted me through nursing each of my 4 boys. It’s been the best investment, in my opinion, and I would not go without it. If you’re one of those mamas that toughs out the first few weeks of nursing, my hat is off to you girlfriend. You are a trouper!

7. Postpartum Belly Bands

Having a postpartum belly band is the last postpartum must-haves for mamas on my list, and it serves two purposes after delivery.

  1. It helps in the correction of diastasis recti. Learn more about that and the therapy I endorse to correct it here.
  2. It helps slim down that postpartum mama body.

As you can imagine, both of these things are beneficial, to most mamas at least. Diastasis is common during pregnancy and many exercises can make it worse or prevent it from healing. Belly bands and proper exercises can correct it. Again, read more about correcting diastasis here.

As far as belly bands go as postpartum must-haves, there are MANY options out there. This is the one I have. It’s not too expensive, it doesn’t make you too hot, it’s not that noticeable under clothes, and it really feels like it gives you some good back and abdominal support too.

What can you not live without during the postpartum period? Share in the comments below!
  1. Whitney says:

    Similar to how Witchhazel acts as an astringent (I use it as a facial toner!), my hospital made what they call “tea diapers” – a newborn disposable diaper with Lipton black tea poured inside, then frozen. Use it the same you would any other postpartum pad!
    According to the nurses the antioxidants in the tea decrease swelling and are soothing. They were nice! I see more benefit to herbs and their healing power vs. a commercial tea, but it worked in a pinch when I hadn’t the time to research. This list will definitely come in handy for future babies!
    Also, I will have to look into the belly band. I have a slight diastisis recti (maybe one and a half fingers width…), and have heard that it can be healed even months after birth. Is that correct? I want to exercise but an so afraid of making it worse or not allowing it to heal …

    • Meagan says:

      How interesting! I’ve heard of black tea being an astringent so I suppose it makes sense. It’s cool that the nurses in your hospital used “homemade” things like that. As far as diastasis, it can heal quickly with the binding and the right exercises. I totally hear you about being nervous about other exercises making it worse. That’s why I would only go with “tummy friendly” programs like the one mentioned in the diastasis article I linked to. After you’ve healed, I suppose it’s okay to go back to other types of exercises though.

  2. Sarah D. says:

    Good info. I’m due in a few weeks, so will keep this list handy! =)

  3. The Paisley Butterfly says:

    Thank you for posting this! I wish I had this information after I had my first child — it took me 8 weeks just to walk normal after giving birth. I will definitely keep this in my back pocket for when we have our next child. Not to mention, my husband and I want to live a more ‘from the earth’ lifestyle, and are making strides ever so slowly toward that goal. I appreciate this information.

    • Meagan says:

      You’re so welcome, and I know exactly what you mean about the whole “walking normal” thing after the first child! Thanks for your comment!

  4. Jamie says:

    Meagan, do you have a link to the therapy you endorse for DR? You mention it, but I didn’t see a link. Thanks!

    • Meagan says:

      Oh sorry about that Jamie… I added the link. It was to the diastasis post we did on the BHS blog! Thanks!

  5. Stephanie @ Naturally Mindful says:

    Cool article, Meagan. I’m due at the end of the summer, pinning this for later!

  6. Kat says:

    Thanks for the great list! I wonder if you could give me the specifics on how you used the arnica tabs, like how many how often? Really interested in giving this a try!

    • Meagan says:

      I just followed the dosing recommendations on the bottle. I think it was 3-5 tabs at a time, but I can’t remember how often.

  7. Sarah says:

    I’m curious to know if the arnica tabs help at all with afterpains? They just keep getting worse and worse after each kid, and in the past, ibuprofen is the only thing that made them manageable. I tried herbal after pain tinctures and they made me and baby super gassy and unhappy about that on top of the after pains, lol. I have heard some things about taking some big doses of calcium during transition and after to help quell the afterpains, any experience or tips on that or anything pertaining to the subject?

    Due with my fifth in July, preparing waaay early! 😉

    • Meagan says:

      Congrats on another baby Sarah! And yes… I can totally relate to the afterpains getting worse with each child. Personally, the arnica tabs were for the swelling only. I took a tincture to help me through the after pains this time because I remembered them being so bad with my third (I too took meds for them) and this time I wanted to do it naturally. The arnica tabs are homeopathic, and I’m not sure they’re strong enough to deal with afterpains. Arnica herb is toxic when taken internally, but homeopathic doses are okay. Anyway, here’s the link to the tincture I made and took. I’m not sure why others you used caused gas and bloating, but maybe taking the tincture and sipping on some teas with carminative herbs like chamomile, peppermint, or fennel will help with the bloating. Hope that helps!

  8. Deena says:

    Can you still use the belt 4 months postpartum? That’s one thing I didn’t do and I’d like to start now but will it make any difference?

  9. Anonymous says:


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