4 Herbal Remedies To Relieve Itchy Skin

4 Herbal Remedies To Relieve Itching | GrowingUpHerbal.com | Itching is the worst. Here's what causes it and remedies to help.

Wanna know what my biggest annoyance is?


Yep. I detest it.

Whether it’s from a sunburn (and I’ve had some bad ones back in my tanning bed days) or from poison ivy (had lot’s of that too)… the resulted itching could dive me CRAZY!!!!!

Ugh! Seriously. It’s annoying me just to think about it.

So after getting a question on how to relieve itchy skin, I thought I’d share some herbal remedies that are known to relieve itching as well as my top-secret remedy to knock out the itch of poison ivy quick… and keep it away for a good amount of time.

These tips are great for adults and kids alike!

What Causes Itching Anyway?

Itching is a response to a skin irritant. The nerves that tell your brain to feel itching are the same ones that tell it to feel pain. So when your brain senses the irritant and tells you that it itches, your natural instinct is to scratch that spot and remove the irritant.

Some Irritants Can’t Be Removed Quickly. What Then?

The problem with things like sunburns and itchy rashes is that they don’t just go away when you scratch them. Most of these sorts of things, including eczema as well, are the bodies response to an irritant… be it overexposure to the sun, exposure to an irritating plant, or irritation in the gut that causes eczema.

So what do you do then? You know you’re stuck with this irritant, but how can you ease the itch.

Well before I give you 3 remedies that work well, let’s first look at two underlying issues that need some focus.

2 Underlying Causes of Itching

1. Inflammation

Almost anything that causes itching is accompanied by inflammation. Soooo, if you want to help decrease itching, you need to work on decreasing inflammation. I’m thinking again of sunburns, rashes, eczema, and other similar things.

In order to decrease inflammation and do something good for the skin, you’ll need to focus on using herbs internally and externally. Internally would be things like teas, tinctures (extracts), or capsules, and externally would be things like skin washes and oils. You could also do poultices, but that would only be if the itchy area is localized in one area of the body.

My top internal pick would definitely be tinctures, and my top external pick would be oils that have been infused with anti-inflammatory herbs. Not only will the properties of the herbs soak into the irritated skin which will sooth and help heal it, but it will also moisturize it at the same time.

Some great anti-inflammatory herbs are listed below. If you’re new to herbs, pick one, research it online (Google is great), decide if you’re going to try it, and whether you’ll be using it internally or externally.

I’m sure there are more. A lot of herbs have anti-inflammatory properties. These are some of the more common, well-known herbs that you can start trying.

 2. Excess Fluids

Another thing that I’ve personally found helpful is trying to dry the irritation up quickly. Using anti-inflammatory herbs will help with that since they decrease swelling and the fluids around the problem, but for things like poison ivy – where you’ve got a weeping or oozing type rash – you can work externally to dry it out and help it go away faster.

What you need are astringent herbs. Astringent means to draw out. These are the kinds of herbs that you can use for embedded objects in the skin like gravel, dirt, and splinters. You can also use these herbs to draw out poisons from snake and spider bites. Many people also use astringent herbs when they have head colds that are particularly affecting their sinuses or if they’re loosing too much fluid due to frequent urination or diarrhea as well as a host of other things.

Two of the most common astringent herbs… which are also anti-inflammatory as well – are Plantain and Witch Hazel.

These are great to combine and dab on the  rash several times a day to help it dry quickly.

Herbal Remedies To Relieve Itchy Skin

Okay, now that you know you need to decrease swelling and help dry up anything that’s weeping or has excess fluids, let’s get to the actual remedies that will help do these things and will help relieve itching.

Again… in my opinion, when you or your child’s body is majorly strained from something like a sunburn, major eczema, or poison ivy rashes, it’s best to treat internally and externally. Internally would be through teas, tinctures, or capsules (powdered herbs mixed in honey for the kiddos), and externally can be through some of the remedies I’m going to share with you below.

Anti-Itch Skin Wash

Infuse Plantain into Witch Hazel extract. Squirt on a cotton ball and dab on itchy skin or soak a cloth in your wash and lay it over large areas of skin to cool.

Skin Soothing Bath

Combine all dried herbs in equal amounts in a muslin bag or tied up t-shirt/sock. Allow to soak in a hot bath to form a tea. When water is warm enough, add in Oatmeal and get in. Soak in the water for as long as possible. The hot water will open up the skin’s pores and cells and allow the herbal properties to be better absorbed.

Cooling Aloe Vera Gel

Combine ingredients and rub gel on irritated skin to soothe and decrease inflammation as often as needed.

I also have another aloe sunburn remedy over on the HANE blog that uses an aloe and herb mixture. It works great!

Itch-No-More Salve

Warm oil in a saucepan using a double boiler. Add in herbs and keep warm for 4-6 hours allowing the herbs to really infuse into the oils. Don’t allow your oil to get too hot! You don’t want to kill all the active properties of the herbs. After your oil has infused, strain the herbs out using a fine strainer or cloth. Compost your herbs. Put your oil back in your saucepan over medium-low heat and melt your beeswax. Once your wax is melted, add in your essential oil, and pour your liquid into a tin or jar and allow to slowly cool.

Be sure to click on the photo at the top of this post to find even more anti-itch remedies!

My Secret Anti-Itch Remedy – Using Heat To Stop Itching

Well, I’m not actually sure how secret this is, but it’s what I do when I get poison oak or ivy really badly, and it works every time… and lasts. Also, I’m not really sure how well this would work for a child since you can’t feel for them and know when to stop.

I simply grab my blow dryer and blast my itchy rash with super hot air. Simple, eh? It doesn’t hurt. It actually feels really good! At first, you’ll feel that itching sensation build up and up and up until it stops, and then all you feel is heat. That’s when you stop with the blow drying.

What’s happening is the heat changes the sensation on the skin. It’s working on the nerve endings that are telling your brain they feel itching. Once you apply a lot of heat to the skin, the nerves stop telling your brain you’re itching, but that you’re now hot. The great thing here is that it lasts. I can do that, and I won’t itch for an hour or two usually. It definitely beats being miserable and crazy with itching!

SCIENTIFIC UPDATE: The physiological reason heat stops itching is because heat causes mast cells to dump their histamine contents. As histamine is the chemical that causes itching, this histamine-release provides several hours of relief (because it takes several hours for mast cells to re-synthesize histamine). Heat directed at an area of itch often provides as much relief as taking an anti-histamine tablet. One caution should be observed – don’t use a heat level that is strong enough to burn the skin. Hot compresses will also work, but are not advised. Because the moisture in the compress will – over time – cause the skin to dry, which will by itself contribute to itching.

A BIG thanks to Dr. Gardener who so kindly explained the actual physiological reason using heat helps stop itching in the comment section below.

What do you do to help stop itching in its tracks? Share your tips and tricks with me in the comment section below!
  1. 4 Herbal Remedies To Relieve Itchy Skin | Herbs and Oils Hub says:

    […] 4 Herbal Remedies To Relieve Itchy Skin […]

  2. Weekend Links {and Giveaway Winners} says:

    […] 4 Herbal Remedies to Relieve Itchy Skin @ Growing Up Herbal (it's winter for most of us still, and along with winter often comes dry, itchy skin. Perhaps some of these natural solutions might be helpful for you?) […]

    • carrie says:

      During Christmas break (I was in junior high school), I got a severe case of poison oak on my face. Somehow, I figured out that if I put my face over the forced air vent on the floor and let the hot air blow over my face, I was able to get some relief. It was interesting to read that you had found that little secret as well. And I would also like to thank Dr. Gardner for sharing the underlying physiological mechanism which explains how and why this works.

  3. Dr. E. Gardner says:

    Your suggestion to use heat (from a blow dryer) to combat itching is quite correct. But your explanation for the underlying mechanism is wide of the mark. What really happens is that heat causes mast cells to dump their histamine contents. As histamine is the chemical that causes itching, this histamine-release provides several hours of relief (because it takes several hours for mast cells to re-synthesize histamine). Heat directed at an area of itch often provides as much relief as taking an anti-histamine tablet. One caution should be observed – don’t use a heat level that is strong enough to burn the skin. Hot compresses will also work, but are not advised. Because the moisture in the compress will – over time – cause the skin to dry, which will by itself contribute to itching.

    • Meagan says:

      Oh awesome! I’m glad there’s a real scientific reason behind why this works! I’m gonna update the post with this info… thank you!

      • Aurelie says:

        I wanna try to do the ointment, but I dont understand what “T” means. Sounds like the quantity to apply but I cant figure out how much it is…

        • Meagan says:

          Hey Aurelie… it stands for tablespoon. I made it more obvious in the post. Hope these remedies bring you some relief when you need them!

  4. Herbal First Aid: Managing Bug Bites | Bulk Herb Store Blog says:

    […] insect bites in general, we want something that will sooth the itch from inflammation/excess fluid, draw out poisons/stingers, lessen any pain and help the area to heal from infection, […]

  5. cathy says:

    Thanks so much for the information. It helped greatly. There’s always a natural way to heal. More people need to learn about this topic.

  6. lizzie says:

    Hi i have a skin rash from using imack cream 5 years a go its still red and i keep scratching thw dead skin how can i heal it compelity please creams dont work xxx

    • Meagan says:

      I’m so sorry Lizzie… I don’t know what imack cream is, and I can’t give any advice as I don’t know your history or even what the rash looks like. My advice would be to find someone local to you who can help you. Again, I’m so very sorry!

  7. Renee says:

    I’ve been having intense itching/welting for over two weeks now and am going crazy. Have been using over-the-counter antihistamines, hydrocortizone creams, as well as some natural remedies. First was taking Chinese herbals until they just weren’t relieving enough; that’s when I went to drug store remedies. The itching/welting sites are quite random, popping up all over my body. It’s so uncomfortable and annoying. Meditating helps me a little bit, albeit briefly. The antihistamines & hydrocortizone creams give a modicum of temporary relief for which I’m grateful, however I need this to stop. Started acupuncture and received some [again] temporary relief. The acupuncturist said he could make me some tea for $450, however this is quite out of my budget. He also said this is caused by stress and working too much…this may be true, however, I would be most appreciative if you have any suggestions about my situation. I am pretty desperate, and truly want to avoid going to a physician as it’s a sure thing he’ll recommend stronger drugs. Thanks so very much. Is it possible for you to write to my email address? I’m older, and not always the most computer adept individual. Thanks from the bottom of my heart! ++Renee Smith

    • Meagan says:

      Sure thing Renee… I’ll definitely send you an email!

      • Pam MacPherson says:

        In response to Renee’s comments, my husband (69) has been suffering from identical symptoms regularly for the past 3 months (We live in the Western Isles off north west Scotland). He had relief previously, when he had the same stress-induced symptoms 2 years ago, from Chinese Herbal medicene plus acupuncture but this time it is not working. Steroid creams from the local doctor work somewhat , but are not good to take long term. Some herbal mixtures help but the worst of all was when it began in his scalp. Using heat from the blow drier just now has instantly stopped the symptoms – thank you so much.
        I am so glad to find your practical site. I have ordered some witch hazel (which I had forgotten about ) and I can make infusions with locally growing plantain and some of the other herbs you recommended. I used chamomile and rosemary just as a rinse this morning as he was so itchy and it did help.

        • Meagan says:

          I hope you all find what you’re searching for to relieve the itching, and don’t forget to work on decreasing that stress if that’s what’s causing it. There are lots of lifestyle considerations you can make, but herbal adaptogens can help with stress as well. Here’s a blend I use with my kiddos.

      • Peanut Joseph says:

        I am so happy I found this sight in searching for herbs that help, dries up & stop itchy rash. I have the same problem as Renee. Can you please send me whatever you are sending her.
        Tks. Peanut

        • Peanut Joseph says:

          I agree with the hot water theory. However, after showering or running as hot water, as I can tolerate, on the affected area, I follow with cold water. It is very soothing.

        • Meagan says:

          My main advice to her was that I’m not a clinical herbalist, and I don’t work with clients. I advised her to find a nutrition response testing practitioner to narrow in on what’s causing her issues. Hope that helps you too.

      • cathy says:

        Hi Meagan!
        May I please be advised as to what you told Renee? I have had a mysterious itch rash show up – coincidentally it appeared the morning after I was laid off. I too do not want to go the coritcosterol route. So far, I have tried Nettle tea, gynostemma tea, aloe vera with lavender or frankincense or myrrh or palmrosa or moroccan chamomile essential oils added. This thing is moving around though! Any advice?

        • Meagan Visser says:

          Hey there, Cathy! I actually can’t find my response to Renee. I must have deleted that email. However, it sounds like your itching may be due to the stress you are experiencing. My suggestion would be to do what you can to decrease stress in your life for a bit and see if the rash resides–good sleep, self-care activities, healthy diet, stay hydrated, help others, etc. Until then, any of the itch ease suggestions in this post can be used to soothe the rash while you have it. Best of luck, friend!

    • LOrraIne says:

      Stop the hydrocortisone cream, every time you use it you may be getting a rebound flare which is very itchy. This was causing my daughter problems. The itch will stop but not straight away , can take 20% of usage time.

  8. Marvin L. Zinn says:

    How about killing all those mosquitoes?

  9. Monica says:

    Sound like psoriasis, my son also broke out on the armpit, middle arms and inner thighs… An RN caught him on his inner arms said to use black coal tar soap… Well we ordered it but hasn’t come in yet.. Oh his scalp too, we did get the shampoo with the coal tar in it. Helping some so far… Mainly, being an computer person he is not getting enough vit D from the sun because he is indoor, oh the indoors Air conditioning also irritates his skin.. So it drys the skin, we use the herb salve to keep it moist…Stress also is a factor with his skin breaking out red and itching. I’m going to try the oatmeal paste on him,if I get lucky to find jewel weeds in the meantime..still whacking my brain what to do. I too trying not to deal with the chemicals they have out there..

    • Meagan says:

      I hope you have some luck with your son’s psoriasis Monica. I’d love to know how the coal tar soap works for you. We have some pine sap soap that I’m trying to figure out how to use!

    • Josephine M says:

      I used to have this problem a few years ago. What I found out was that my body needed to detox, and after trying all sorts of creams and most of the treatments that many have mentioned here which didn’t work, what worked finally was drinking 100% Mulberry Green Tea. It flushed away the toxins internally. I hadn’t had an itch for several years since and I can eat whatever foods i like now(for some people, certain foods will make your itch worse ie. anything salty, wheat, pasta, seafoods, eggs). Now I think my body needs detox again because my itch is back so I’m sitting here feeling cool after applying neat peppermint essential oil on the itch(others may need to dilute first with carrier oil) and drinking green tea. I put 2 teabags in a cup of hot water and drink before i go to bed(or thruout the day…just refill the cup with hot water. You need to drink plenty of water after that to help flush away toxins). Hope this helps some people.

      • Meagan says:

        I think you bring up a great point Josephine. If there’s something your body is reacting too (foods, toxins, etc.) then you have to deal with that first or else natural remedies like the ones mentioned here won’t be as effective. I’m glad you’ve found help using the green tea to detox. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!

      • Christine E. says:

        Josephine you darling! Thank you for reminding me about peppermint!! I am dealing with what the doctors think might be mast cell disorder possibly complicated by a drug or mold allergy. I was up scratching in the middle of the night and here I searched and found this response. Thank you! I can sleep now! And Megan, thanks for writing this post so I could find it!

        • Meagan Visser says:

          You are so welcome! I too have been desperately searching for answers when a blog post found late at night was just the thing I was looking for. One addition to Josephine’s comment above. While peppermint essential oil works fabulously to cool the skin and soothe that itching feeling, I do (and most aromatherapists as well) recommend that you dilute it first. Peppermint EO is very strong and diluting will not minimize its effectiveness. If you’re putting it all over, a 1-2% dilution will work, and if you’re putting it on smaller spots, a 3-5% dilution will work. Thanks for your comment!

  10. Chris says:


    Interesting article. Do you know of any herbal matches to psoriasis?


    • Meagan says:

      Psoriasis is a chronic, long-term condition Chris, and to manage it with herbs you need to find the right herbs for YOUR body. Just using herbs that are good for skin conditions doesn’t mean they’re the right ones for you. That’s why I recommend people with chronic health conditions to see a clinical herbalist so they can get more customized help. That way you get much better, faster results than just trying all different types of skin herbs. Hope that helps a bit!

  11. Corey Mondello says:

    The heat suggestion, is the only thing that has ever worked for be, be it by “tricking” the skin like with menthol from products like Icy/Hot and Goldbond powder, to products containing Lidocaine and other October skin analgesics. I don’t find otc anti-itch creams that are absent of these, work, not even Benadryl or hydrocortisone.

    i always have had itchy patches of skin on different parts of my body. never usually red until i start scratching the area. i have tried all kinds of sensitive soaps and lotions, to no soap and no lotion, different laundry detergents, short showers, not hot showers, no showers, etc.. it doesn’t matter where i live, what season it is, what i eat, what time of day/night it is, etc. i am convinced I have some microscopic bug living in my skin. the only thing that seems to help is skin analgesics like menthol, lidocaine, or even using a heating pad, etc. i dont want to take Benadryl. i don’t need to get all drunk just to stop itching, and i don’t want to use steroids like hydrocortizone so much, thats not really a good idea. anyone else have any such thing and suggestion as to how to soothe this? my black lab that passed away about 5 years ago got an allergy one year, that made her scratch until she got “hot spots”. i told the vet this was new, and she said, my pup could just have allergies, that she may have one season and not not the next. my pup never had the issue again after a few months and she lived to be almost 13. I, almost 50, not so lucky. its to the point that it actually effects my daily life. what aggravates it is sweating, and not always after physical exercise either. i have tried the taking a hot shower when it is hot out, suggested to me by someone who read this would make your body naturally cool itself down, but that only seems to work once in a while. What does happen many times is, what i do after i start sweating. I sometimes take a warm shower after cleaning the house, which makes me sweat. this initially stops the itching, until i get out of the shower and dry off. if i start sweating for any reason, i start to itch all over. to the point that i have to bundle up in a turtle neck, and sweet it out, as if trying to sweat out the flu or toxins in a sauna. which defeats the actual taking a shower in the first place. so again, anyone have this same issue? is it some microscopic organism living on me, knowing we all have them, but does this type make people itch uncontrollably with the only relief given is by heat, and/or skin numbing products? thanks in advance to anyone who offers help. 🙂

    • Meagan says:

      Thanks for sharing your story here Corey. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. Itching can be really obnixious and wear on you after a while. Seeing how you’re dealing with a chronic issue, seeing someone is your best bet. Naturopaths can help get to the root of the trouble and work on helping there… not just covering up the itching. Hope that helps a bit.

    • Anti-Antihistamine says:

      No antihistamines. Topical, nose spray, or pill form. This is the cause of itching. Zyrtec, Benadryl, Claritin, etc should be taken off the market. They all cause severe itching from the scalp to the feet. It’s a withdrawal symptom. Stay away from antihistamines. Google it.

  12. Lisa says:

    Hi Megan,

    Thank you for the article. I have some questions about your cooling aloe vera gel. 1- Have you used it and if so, how were the results? 2- Where do you get your aloe vera gel? 3- How much essential oils per gel? 4- My recollection w aloe vera gelus that its a bit sticky. Can you wear clothes over the gel?
    Thank you!

    • Meagan says:

      No problem Lisa. I have used aloe on sunburns and love it. Not only do I feel like it nourishes burnt, parched skin, but it penetrates deep into the skin and speeds up healing. There are a good bit of studies on aloe and its benefits for the skin. I get my aloe from my local health food store, but you can order the gel and juice on Amazon or from Mountain Rose Herbs if you want to find it online. When it comes to essential oils in anything, it’s based on who the remedy is for. For myself, I may use a 3-5% dilution, but for my kids it would be anywhere from .5-2% depending on their age. And yes, aloe gel can be sticky. This is the recipe I use most often as it’s a mixture of liquid and gel, but you can keep it simple and use aloe juice instead of gel and it won’t be as sticky. Hope this helps you!

  13. Mo says:

    Hi Meagan.
    is there a herbal or natural supplements for chronic nerve related itching that you know of?

    • Meagan says:

      If it’s a chronic issue Mo, then you’ll need to address more than just taking an herb to help. Diet, lifestyle, cleansing, and finding the right combination of herbs for the issue is a better approach. There are relaxing nervine herbs that can help as well as herbs that can nourish and soothe the skin, but like I said, I’m not sure you’d get the long-lasting results you’re looking for without taking a holistic approach. My advice would be to find an herbalist to work with and to do a good bit of research in this area. Best of luck!

  14. 4 Herbal Remedies To Relieve Itchy Skin | Health & Natural Living says:

    […] 4 Herbal Remedies To Relieve Itchy Skin […]

  15. MadLav says:

    H i
    Is there anything that can be used where there is itching but no rash. After every impact with water bathing (shower, bath, river, sea) this is followed by extensive itching. Have been suffering from this for as long as I can remember. Tried changing soaps, shower gel.
    Use medicated soap, inshower moisturizer, anti itch ointment, change body lotion nothing seems to work. Some days worse than others.
    Would really like a remedy to stop or soothe this itching.
    Thanks in advance
    Please also forward your response via email.

    • Meagan says:

      The issue could be with your water, MadLav. I have a friend who’s allergic to water… or perhaps it’s the chemicals in the water. If you live in an area where additives are put in your water, like here in the US, then your skin could be reacting to the chlorine in the water. I’d suggest getting a filter on your shower head. This is the one we use on our showers. Best of luck!

  16. Alan Habbaz says:

    I was in the attic because the air conditioner caused a leak and was going through ceiling. Over the course of a few hours my arms became itchier and itchier. It seemed as if I would get another case of scabies. Now I am using a fan over most of my body. Earlier I munched on 3 teaspoons of flaxseeds mixed it with water in my mouth causing it to form flaxseed oil. Before that i put ice on my arms. The itch is lessening.

    • Meagan says:

      Thanks for sharing, Alan. Flax seed is a great seed all around. When it’s mixed with water it creates a mucilaginous substance that can really help to soothe skin.

    • HelenChicago says:

      Did you brush up against some fiberglass insulation? That stuff will drive you bonkers.

  17. Mary E Myers says:

    Hi Meagan. The 14 or about 20 years ago I have run around outside barefoot and on my ankle my right ankle I got this bug bite stepped in to stop itching it and so it has become a big problem and I went to the doctors and they put a hole in it which never healed up for like 5 years and now it’s just a big ugly red thing it hurts to walk it hurts the Run can’t do anything strenuous and now it wants to peel and when I go down for sleep at night when I stand back up on it it feels more that dead dry skin that constantly over it and it bleeds and plus it’s all over I’d like to know what do to fix it.

    • Meagan says:

      I’m so sorry for your trouble, Mary. Unfortunately, seeing how I can’t see what you’re talking about and because it’s such an ongoing problem, I can’t really give you any advice. If you know what kind of spider bite it was, that would be helpful. It sounds like it could have been a brown recluse bite. Next, you’ll need to know if it’s infected as that will need to be dealt with before using other things to encourage the wound to heal. I hope this helps you a bit. Again, I’d see what your doctor recommends, or I’d find an herbalist or naturopathic doctor close by and get their opinion. Best of luck!

  18. Anonymous says:


  19. Anonymous says:


  20. Debbie t says:

    Hi Meagan,

    I have a friend that has non stop itching from a cancer medication. The only relief has been tea tree oil and ice. I want to make the itch- no- more -salve. It’s worth trying! I am concerned that the tea tree oil will eventually dry out his skin.
    How much clove essential oil should I add to the mix? Thank you for taking the time, effort and knowledge that you have to help others.

    • Meagan Visser says:

      From my understanding, essential oils don’t really dry out the skin, but some can be irritating in the long-term. I’m not sure tea tree is that way, but it would be best to consult an aromatherapist about this, especially for a cancer patient, as they have more education about essential oils than I do. Thanks for your comment, Debbie! Wishing your friend the best!

  21. Jenny mariu says:

    Hi I have caught a few ezcema and fungal infections during my life. What I do know is that water makes it itch and certain foods will feed or cure the itching especially sugar. So it pays to go off sugar while finding a solution. Remedies I have found on their own is betonite clay good for spider bites and pain in joints and drying up open wounds and sores or blood disorders that cause boils an certain fungals. Eating walnuts, eating porridge and sausages, might be the sulphites in them cleared up a fungal. Using lavender and tea tree for intense itching under the skin. A gra ndmother found beeswax and almond oil got rid of her grandaughters ezcema that was all over her body. Ive discovered dont eat cheese while doing these foods as it changes the rash and the food remedy loses its effectiveness. Some foods an fruits you can still eat but you need to decide which ones are making you itch and dont eat them. Remember that the above one or two food remedies is specific to treating either an ezcema or a fungal.If its not suitable it will feed it. If its suitable you will feel a very slight light mild itch. I going to try another remedy oatmeal and betonite clay together to see how effective it will be together for itching. Thanks hope this helps

  22. Mimo says:

    Speaking of arnica, when an animal has a wound or you do, the pillules work great to relieve the pain and, when the nerves start screaming for relief it will help with the right dose. If you scratch until you are raw, and especially with swelling involved, eucalyptus and peppermint oils, over top vaseline, triole antibiotic ointment, coconut oil, any kind of goopy salve atop a cloth or gauze will cover the broken skin which has left exposed nerves, the peppermint will help with the swelling and both oils will work to disinfect and heal. A himalayan salt bath is effective in helping with skin conditions, very warm or hot as you can comfortably stand, 20 to 45 minutes depending on the severity, can be beneficial in working to dry out germs and worms and infection. Every day until healing is noticeable then every other day or twice a week until cleared. Baths are also good for warts on feet from athlete’s foot and more. Never forget that parasites are responsible for many ailments. Traditional doctoring does not take that into account but it always worth consudering in order to cover all the bases.

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Great ideas here, Mimo. Thanks for sharing. I agree that homeopathic arnica works well for inflammation, swelling, and other symptoms of tissue injury. And yes, essential oils are very useful for decreasing the chance of an infection developing from scratching the skin too much. I’d just want to caution people to make sure they were diluting it properly before applying it topically to the skin. Salt baths are wonderful, and I totally agree about parasites causing many ailments. I think the risk of that varies depending on where you live, but I do think it’s more common than many people realize. Thanks again for your comment!

  23. Heather says:

    I know this is a super old post, but would any of the herbs you mentioned be helpful taken as a tea? My daughter has a cast on her arm and it’s itching terribly underneath it, but obviously we can’t put anything on her skin. I’m going to give her chamomile tea tonight in the hopes that it will calm everything down (including the itching), but I’d love any ideas you have!

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Hi, Heather. One of the best ways to ease itching from a cast is to put an ice pack on the cast, over the area where itching is felt. The coolness helps change the sensation the skin is feeling. Just be sure to keep the cast from getting wet. And yes, any relaxing herbs can help soothe the nervous system which will help with relaxation. Best of luck!!

      • Heather says:

        Thanks, Meagan! We tried ice a few days ago, but she said she couldn’t feel it. Maybe I didn’t leave it on long enough to penetrate the cast – I’ll try again today!

  24. Anonymous says:


  25. Anonymous says:


  26. Lisa Hill says:

    Nice article! Nature of my skin is dry which cause irritation and I want to get rid of it. So this article can be really helpful. I will try these remedies. Thanks a lot for sharing.

  27. Sue says:

    Hi Meagan: I just found you today! I’m an RN too, I’m trying to find something for my daughter-in-laws itching. She has a big patch on her neck which is very visible and very itchy! The skin is not quite smooth but not really open or oozing. A few other patches elsewhere. She was checked for allergies and not allergic to anything. Was recently told to start a gluten free diet. The rash showed up when she was pregnant and it was thought it would surely go away after the baby was born. That was 10 months ago. I was wondering if you could recommend one or more of your remedy’s that would maybe somewhat clear or not be very visible on her neck as she works outside of the home 3 days a week. She believes you are what you eat and eats healthy as well as exercises regularly. I would appreciate any help! Thank you!

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Hey there, Sue. While I can’t address your DIL’s specific issue, I can give you some direction. What you’re describing sounds like eczema. Eczema is often linked to gut health, so the best thing to do would be to eliminate inflammatory foods, such as gluten and often dairy too. You can Google “elimination diets” to see how to go through this process. Next, look into things that are beneficial to the gut, such as probiotics, bitters before meals, after dinner teas that support digestion, and gut-soothing herbalinfusions. As for an external approach, rubbing the area with an anti-inflammatory herbal infused oil and putting an anti-itch salve (or the Itch-No-More salve in this blog post) on which it itches would be helpful. Ultimately, healing must occur from the inside out. Best of luck, and thanks for your comment.

  28. Diane says:

    I know this is long after the original post and most of the comments, however, I feel compelled to let you all know that unexplained or persistent rashes are a sign of SIBO, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. The doctor who knows the most (probably in the whole world) about SIBO and what to do for it is Dr. William Davis, known as the Wheat Belly Doctor. SIBO is much more common than most people, including doctors, think it is. Many many people, including doctors, have never even heard of it yet. It is an overgrowth of bacteria that belong in your colon but has moved up in your intestinal tract, sometimes as far as your stomach (that’s a severe case). See his blog articles https://www.wheatbellyblog.com/2019/08/new-release-dr-davis-sibo-workshop/

    The free membership allows 5 articles per month and the full membership is $15.99/year. Dr. Davis has another program that goes beyond the Wheat Belly program called Undoctored. There’s a website with some free info but the best cutting edge info is in the Undoctored Inner Circle (UIC) that has a monthly charge of $14.99. That’s to pay his employees (he has a couple who work on the websites, sets.) and to be able to conduct clinical trials on the cutting edge information discovered in this group. It’s a collaborative group. There’s a ton of information on the UIC website, as well as a forum for questions & answers, as well as a weekly 2-hour virtual meeting through Zoom where you can talk directly to Dr. Davis and the others on the call. There are also FB groups for both Wheat Belly and Undoctored. https://innercircle.undoctored.com/new_membership

    I hope this will be of use to someone.

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Yes! Microbiome imbalances are often a key root cause for chronic rashes, and elimination diets (especially for gluten and dairy) are usually the first step in achieving balance in that area again. Thanks for sharing, Diane! I’m sure this will be helpful to someone!

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