
Welcome to the Growing Up Herbal Journal where you'll find information on herbal education, recipes, tutorials, natural living tips and tricks, and behind the scenes glimpses of how I live life naturally.

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Nature vs. nurture. What does that mean? Now don’t worry. I’m not about to give you a college lecture in child psychology. I just want to bring up an interesting point that I was thinking about recently. We mothers (and fathers) play a huge role in our children’s health and well-being. When it comes to […]

Oh my word, it’s been way too long since I’ve done an updated post on our house adventure. Thankfully we’re almost done and ready to move in. In fact, we’re moving in the weekend after Thanksgiving which is like… in a week. I’m a bit stressed about moving and all, but thankfully we have a […]

All of a sudden, you hear it. That nasty, loud sound coming from your little one that just irks your ears. You know what it means — a virus most likely. It interrupts your day and your night, makes your child irritable, and leaves you exhausted. Thankfully there’s help — simple, natural help. Keep reading […]

Eco-Friendly Kids Art & Craft Supply Giveaway | GrowingUpHerbal.com

Times up and we have a winner for the big collection of art and craft supplies!! Thank you to all of you who worked really hard at this giveaway… everyone went above and beyond. Okay… are you ready to know who won?? Here you go! The winner is Danielle F (ja…at@jun…com) who entered on September […]

It hurts. That void you feel when you see a small baby snuggling in his mothers arms. It HURTS. Those jealous twinges you feel when you see a mama’s swollen belly full of new life inside. IT HURTS. The thoughts you have of missing out on something magical when you see a family playing together […]

Eco-Friendly Kids Art & Craft Supply Giveaway | GrowingUpHerbal.com

When I was little, art was one of my favorite things! Whether it was sitting at home with my mom coloring in a coloring book, trying oh so hard to stay perfectly in the lines like she did, or making a rag doll in my Girl Scouts troop with all my girly friends, gluing on […]

Are you interested in learning how to use plants to support your health in as natural a way as possible — plants that grow in your backyard or in the forest behind your home or can be found in the local herb shop? If so, here's how you can become an herbalist!

How to Become
An Herbalist

Looking for books, recommended courses and workshops, and my must-have herbal supplies. You've got it. I'm dishing out all my favorite herbal resources with you!

My Favorite Resources for the Home Herbalist

behind the scenes

Eco-Friendly Kids Art & Craft Supply Giveaway | GrowingUpHerbal.com

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