Herb Bites: Calendula Cream Cheese Fruit Dip

Calendula Cream Cheese Fruit Dip | GrowingUpHerbal.com | See how I use calendula in this delicious real food fruit dip!

Ummm… I love fruit… especially with fruit dip. I mean, fruit all by itself is great, but sometimes it’s even better to pair it with some delicious fruit dip, don’t you think?

The problem with most fruit dips is this. They’re not healthy, and they don’t qualify as a real food fruit dip thanks to the marshmallow cream… which tastes delicious I might add. Unfortunately for those of us “trying” to stick as closely to a real food lifestyle as possible, this has us skipping the fruit dip on most occasions.

Thankfully, there are other ways to make yummy fruit dip and to make it qualify as a real food fruit dip. But, here on Growing Up Herbal, I have a passion for herbs and using them in all areas of life… including food. So today, I’m sharing a real food fruit dip recipe with you that contains herbs… beautiful calendula petals to be exact, and yes, it tastes delicious.

Enjoy the following how-to photos and the recipe will follow!

Calendula Cream Cheese Fruit Dip | GrowingUpHerbal.com | See how I use calendula in this delicious real food fruit dip!

Calendula Cream Cheese Fruit Dip | GrowingUpHerbal.com | See how I use calendula in this delicious real food fruit dip!

Calendula Cream Cheese Fruit Dip | GrowingUpHerbal.com | See how I use calendula in this delicious real food fruit dip!

Calendula Cream Cheese Fruit Dip | GrowingUpHerbal.com | See how I use calendula in this delicious real food fruit dip!

Calendula Cream Cheese Fruit Dip | GrowingUpHerbal.com | See how I use calendula in this delicious real food fruit dip!

Calendula Cream Cheese Fruit Dip | GrowingUpHerbal.com | See how I use calendula in this delicious real food fruit dip!

Even the cowboy and the kid that bashes his head on gravel approve!

Calendula Cream Cheese Fruit Dip



Set cream cheese out and allow it to reach room temperature. Next combine your cream cheese, honey, and vanilla extract in a bowl and mix well. Give it a taste test and see if it needs more honey or vanilla. If so, add more to taste. When your ingredients are nice and creamy (no lumps) add your calendula petals and gently fold them in with a spoon. Serve it up in a pretty bowl and add some extra petals for garnish!

Okay, now it’s your turn! Pick your favorite photo above and pin it on your real food Pinterest boards! Thank you so much!
  1. Kimberly says:

    Thank you so much Meagan, for sharing this recipe with us! I make a fruit dip like this too. Except I put sucanat in it in place of the honey. It makes it taste kind of like caramel dip. So it is wonderful with apple slices. But I have never thought about adding herbs into the mix. I would love it if you would please share more recipes including herbs in them. Thank you!

    • Meagan says:

      That sounds delicious Kimberly… I’ll have to try it. My kids love apples. And yes, the plan is to try to share one herbal food recipe each month. We’ll see how it goes! Thanks for your comment!

  2. Monica says:

    Thanks Meagan, This looks very pretty!! I’ll have to get some strawberries etc… Meanwhile, I’m Trying to get a raised bed started with strawberries.

  3. Amanda says:

    This looks so delicious! I can’t wait to try it 🙂

  4. Sarah D. says:

    The recipe looks simple and delicious. I don’t have Pinterest, but I would pick the picture of your boys. They look about the same ages as my own, and the oldest looks so serious. =)

    • Meagan says:

      Yes! He is serious… LOL! Must be a first born thing because his brother is a complete goof-ball which is characteristic for second-born children, or so I’ve read.

      • Sarah D. says:

        Yes, my oldest son is serious, too. But his brother, who’s 19 mo. younger, is the complete opposite! Their sister is totally different all together. It will be interesting to see how our newest one (due in a week or so) will be! =)

  5. Herbal Academy A Family Herb: Helpful Calendula Blossoms – Herbal Academy says:

    […] into stews, soups, casseroles, sauces, eggs dishes, rice and other grains, veggie and fruit salads, herb cream cheese, muffins, cookies, whipped butter, puddings, and […]

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