Chamomile and Rescue Remedy – An Herbal Teething Remedy That Actually Works!

An Herbal Teething Remedy That Actually Works! | Growing Up Herbal | Having a teething baby is no fun, especially when all the go-to relief products don't work. Thankfully, there's an herbal teething remedy that works!

It stinks when your little one is teething and you just don’t know what to do. Obviously, as a natural mama, you don’t want to opt for the toxic ingredients in teething gels, so what are you to do?

Why, try something natural, of course!

Herbal Teething Remedy Options

Wednesday I talked about a couple of natural teething aids that were not the best choice for your little ones, and I also shared a few natural options that were great. Today, I’m gonna give you another one, but this time, it’s all herbal.

Enter chamomile tincture and rescue remedy.

An Herbal Teething Remedy That Actually Works | - having a teething baby is no fun. Here's a natural, herbal remedy that actually provides relief!
An Herbal Teething Remedy That Actually Works | - having a teething baby is no fun. Here's a natural, herbal remedy that actually provides relief!


 Let’s look at each of these natural remedies and see how they each help teething babies.

Chamomile Tincture

First off, let’s address one important piece of information.

When I talk about chamomile tincture that will help with teething, I’m talking about an alcohol tincture, not a glycerin tincture. Now you may be thinking that sounds crazy and not safe for babies, but let me explain why it matters.

  • A glycerin tincture is never a good thing when using it for anything tooth related. I’ve explained before how glycerin coats the teeth like wax and prevents remineralization. You can read more about it in this post on toxic ingredients in children’s toothpaste. It’s not that all glycerin tinctures are bad, it’s just that when using them specifically for teething (by actually rubbing it on the gums and teeth), it’s not best.
  • Another thing is that glycerin tinctures aren’t as potent or effective as an alcohol tincture. For the most part, this doesn’t matter, but when using an herbal tincture for an important therapeutic purpose, I want something that’s going to really work. Alcohol works really well at penetrating the cell structure of the plant material and extracting the constituents from it. Glycerin doesn’t do this as well.
  • Lastly, glycerin tinctures taste good therefore they don’t last as long. It’s like sugar but without the blood sugar effects. Again, this is normally a good thing as it gets kids to take the tincture, but when it comes to teething, you want to apply the tincture to the swollen or irritated area of the gums and if your kids lick it all off, it’s not gonna do you much good. Am I right?

So, in my opinion, an alcohol chamomile tincture is the way to go. Not only will this tincture last a good long while, but it’s antimicrobial, it provides the benefits of relaxation, helps to sleep, and decreases inflammation thanks to the chamomile, and it provides some on-the-spot pain relief due to the alcohol.

Now you may be thinking, “But Meagan! This is my baby, and this is alcohol. I thought that was a big no-no to give children alcohol.” Well, yes, typically alcohol and children don’t mix, but when it comes to medicines (over-the-counter, prescription, and herbal), alcohol is a common solvent that’s used. Not only is it effective at providing relief, but you aren’t really giving your child a large amount of it.

There are two different ways to use a chamomile tincture for teething, and I’d recommend both.

  1. First, you can figure out how to dose your child’s herbal tincture by using Clark’s Rule found on the determining dosages page of Using Herbs. (The standard adult dose of chamomile tincture for a 150 lb. adult is 30 drops BTW.) You can then add this amount to some water or juice to get your baby to drink it. If they’re nursing, you can squirt a little bit into the corner of their mouth as they’re eating, and they’ll swallow it that way too. This will help them to relax and calm them down. You can skip this step if you’re choosing to use the rescue remedy that we’ll be talking about below as it helps to do the same thing but don’t forget it as an option.
  2. Next, you can put a drop or two of tincture on your finger or a cloth and rub it on the spot where you think their tooth is trying to come in. It will usually look red and swollen and sometimes you can see the tooth just below the surface of the gum. This will help to numb the area a bit.

So that’s it for the chamomile tincture. You can either buy it premade (this is the brand I recommend) or you can make your own tincture as well. You can also check out this article about liquid extracts in pediatrics by Dr. Aviva Romm who’s an MD, midwife, and herbalist if you’re still concerned about using alcohol tinctures with your kids. And of course, by all means, use glycerin if it’s a big issue. I’d never want you to do something you were uncomfortable with!

Let’s move on to the next piece of the natural teething remedy puzzle.

Bach Flower Rescue Remedy

Bach Flower remedies were discovered during the 1920s and 1930s in England by Dr. Bach. They consist of 38 different wildflowers that each help bring balance to the mind and emotions of a person in different ways, and they’re safe for the whole family. They’re preserved in alcohol although they do have an alcohol-free bach flower rescue remedy for kids if parents prefer that, and they’re very diluted much more so than an herbal tincture.

You can purchase and use each of the 38 Bach Flower remedies separately for different things, but the original rescue remedy blend was made to use when you don’t have time to figure out which of the 38 flower essences you need. This is what’s most commonly used for teething.

Rescue Remedy was created using a blend of the following 5 flowers: Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose, and Clematis, and it helps to relieve stress, calm the nerves, relax, and focus.  This blend is not meant to be used long-term but for short-term, immediate situations, like teething babies! If you or your child needs something long-term, you’d look into individual flower essences to help. (Source)

Now as far as dosing Rescue Remedy goes, I’ve received a lot of questions from moms wanting to know if the dosage is the same for small children or if it should be less than it would for an adult (which is the case most times). The answer is no. The Rescue Remedy site says that adults and children can take the same amount. Remember… this is not a drug. It’s flower water and it’s very mild. It’s meant to balance the mind and emotions… not drug you. Adults and children are to take 4 drops of Rescue Remedy in water or directly on the tongue at least 4 times a day.

And no, you can’t overdose on it. In fact, this is what their site says about taking too much. 

It is impossible to overdose with the Bach Flower Remedies, they are 100% natural and safe. You can drink a whole bottle of Remedies and not “overdose.”. However, if you think that “more is better” you are wrong. The Bach Flower Remedies work best over a period of time, taken from the treatment or stock bottle at least 4 times a day.

So there you go… relax and help your teething little one relax too!

It Boils Down To This

All babies experience teething in different ways, and each time will be different. There’s nothing wrong with them. It’s just something that they have to go through. However, you can make it easier for them mama. Not all natural teething remedies or aids will work for your little one, but they’re definitely worth giving a try. In my opinion, this is THE ONE that seems to work consistently as its actions are not only focused on the pain in the mouth but also on the emotions of the child.

You can purchase chamomile tincture (recommended brand) and Rescue Remedy (recommended brand) at your local health food store or online at Amazon.

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  1. Sarah D. says:

    Definitely looking into these! Thanks!

  2. Kristi says:

    Thanks so much for this article I would have never thought to use the rescue remedy for teething. I just have two questions about using it. On the bottle it says you can use 4 drops in a glass of water or 4 drops on or under the tongue. If I were to use it for my 10 month old who is teething would I use 4 drops or less since she is so young? And how often would I be able to give it to her? Thanks again!

    • Meagan says:

      Good question Kristi. The Bach flower website states that the dosage is the same for adults and children, and rescue remedy is safe in all aspects so you don’t have to worry about giving too much. From my understanding, any of the Bach flower remedies are very diluted flower essences so they aren’t toxic or problematic for people. Their website here says “a child should take 4 drops, 4 times a day until happiness is achieved.” Hope that answers your questions. You can also get consultations through the website if you’re unsure as well.

  3. Cait says:

    What a great idea! I just ran out of rescue remedy, so I’ll have to order more before my next plane flight or teething baby 🙂

  4. Erin C. says:

    Thank you so much for this post!!! I can’t thank you enough! My 20 month old son is getting 5, yes you read that correctly, 5 teeth all at once and he has been having screaming at the top of his lungs fits since he started teething this time around. I was giving him Motrin and rubbing whiskey or southern comfort of his gums, but neither were working with the mood and emotions part of teething. I read this post last night and went and bought the rescue remedy, tried getting the chamomile, but neither place had it (special ordered it though) and just the rescue remedy alone (2 doses of 4 drops in the mouth) has already worked wonders! I can’t wait to get my chamomile tincture and see how it works in combo with the rescue remedy! Thank you again.

    • Meagan says:

      Oh poor baby… and mama! 5 teeth at once! How crazy is that… I can’t imagine. I’m glad the Rescue Remedy helped and I’m sure the tincture will too when you get it!

  5. Carin says:

    I just got some German Chamomile essential oil. Do you know how I could use this for my teething 7 month old? I have a feeling I shouldn’t just rub it undiluted on her gums. Thanks!

    • Meagan says:

      Yes Carin… I too wouldn’t use it undiluted. Perhaps you could dilute it and rub it along her jaw line, back of the neck, and bottoms of the feet! Just be sure to test the diluted oil on her wrist first because some people have allergies to chamomile since it’s in the ragweed family. As far as using the diluted oil directly on the gums as people do with clove… I suppose you can as long as it’s diluted well and there are no reactions to the oil, but I’m a bit hesitant to use EOs internally at all. Chamomile is safe for small babies (according to some aromatherapists), but I personally just use the chamomile tincture and rescue remedy. That works best for me personally.

  6. Libby Ipson says:

    Hi Meagan. Thanks so much for your post! I have a 2.5 month old and I have been doing some mad research on teething. He hasn’t started yet, but I just want to be prepared for if he has a hard time when he does. I have a friend who has a son 3 weeks older than mine who has started teething and he is having the worst time! I am definitely going to get the chamomile tincture and rescue remedy! My question to you is….is there an age limitation on when these should be introduced? I’m hoping he doesn’t start teething for a few months, but I just don’t know and want to make sure I have all of the correct information. And you can use these separate or at the same time, together, correct?

    • Meagan says:

      Good for you for being on top of things Libby! Yes you can use these two remedies for your little one. I linked to the Rescue Remedy website where it says that babies can use it. The chamomile tincture is safe for little ones as well, but you’ll want to do a quick test for allergies first and then dose it based on his weight. The great thing about this combo is that they’re safe and gentle in small amounts. And yes, you use them at the same time.

  7. Libby Ipson says:

    It’s me again, Lol. I am wanting to put this to use now, but I can’t find where it says how much of each (chamomile) and rescue remedy to put together. Did I just miss it? I’m wanting to just put them in an herb roller to keep handy. My son is now 4 and a half months old and I believe has started the fun teething process 😉 Sorry for all of the questions, but I am very knew to the whole holistic {and mommy} thing.

    • Meagan says:

      Hi Libby… the questions are no problem at all… that’s why I’m here. Be sure to read through the comments for answers to your questions. I think others have addressed the dosage topic there.

      As far as the chamomile goes, you need chamomile tincture which is in a dropper bottle. Roller bottles are for essential oils, and that’s not what you want although it would probably help with inflammation as well. You could put a small amount around his jaw line. As far the tincture goes, what I do is figure out my kids dosage using Clark’s Rule. The link for dosing is in the post, and the standard adult dose is 30 drops. I take 2 ounces of water in a bottle, add in the chamomile tincture and Rescue Remedy along with a SMALL amount of juice, and let my babies drink that 4 times a day. My 12 mo. old is teething now, and this remedy along with his amber teething necklace keeps him a happy camper. Hope it helps, and don’t feel bad about the questions!

  8. Kandace says:

    Should I just give her the drops in her mouth or put them in her bottles?

    • Meagan says:

      You can do either. It’s easiest to me to put the drops right in their mouth. I think ideally you put the drops under your tongue and hold it there to absorb, but that’s not that likely with little ones so dropping it in their mouth or adding it to a bit of water first works too.

  9. Kate says:

    Another way of using Chamomile to help soothe teething children is soaking a terry cloth in chamomile tea. Then freezing it. The cold and the cloth itself seems to help and the chamomile works just like in the tincture to ease the inflammation and soothe the gums. It’s an alternate way to give them if you don’t like using alcohol.

    • Meagan says:

      Great advice Kate! I’ve also heard that you can soak the fabric teething necklaces in chamomile tea and freeze them so baby can chew on the little balls of cloth. That’s a great idea, and definitely worth trying if you want to stay away from alcohol. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Saedra says:

    Great article! I was just turned on to Rescue Remedy by my chiropractor. She instructed me to rub the Rescue Remedy on my baby’s gums. Have you heard of using RR this way as opposed to placing the drops on the tongue?

    • Meagan says:

      Yes Sandra. My guess is just getting in your baby will help. I believe that ideally you’d put it under your tongue for quick absorption, but that doesn’t work well for little ones.

  11. Jamie says:

    Hi! I’m interested in making my own tincture, but when I click on the link, “make your own tincture,” it isn’t working. Is there a way to get the recipe? Thanks, Meagan!

  12. Cassandra says:


    Im trying to figure out the dosage for my daughter whom is 6 months using clarks rule.. The number seems rather big. How would I add 6 months to the formula ?

    • Meagan says:

      Sorry, that dosing link was broken Cassandra. You can find dosing help here, but basically you take 150 and divide your child’s weight into it. The answer will be the fraction of the adult dose they’ll take. Their age doesn’t matter. For example, if you have a 50 lb. child then your answer will be .20 or 1/5 of the adult dose. Simply divide the average dose by .20 to get your child’s dose. Again, with chamomile, a mild, tonic like herb… the dosage doesn’t have to be exact as they can’t really take too much of it. But, the standard adult dose for chamomile is 30-60 drops so for a 50 lb. child that would be 6-12 drops at each dose. Hope that helps, and if that doesn’t make sense I can try again.

  13. lilah says:

    Hi Megan ,

    I’ve purchased both the rescue remedy and the chamomile tincture . I’m confused . I’m using clarks rule for my 20 pound baby .. I came up with 2.25 – is that in ML or Mg ? Also , should I be using the chamomile and the rescue remedy both 4x a day ? I’m a bit confused .. thanks

    • Meagan says:

      When I did the dosage calculation for a 20 lb. child Lilah, I ended up with close to 1/10 of the adult dosage (.13333 to be exact, but rounding it out will make it easier). So if 30-60 drops is the adult dose, that means you’d give your little one 3-6 drops. And yes, the chamomile and rescue remedy are both used 4 times a day. Hope this helps! Good luck mama!

  14. Wendy says:

    I’m assuming that I can, but I thought I’d ask anyways…. Can I make a tincture out of wild chammomile, and will it work the same? I have lots of wild, but no german chamomile. Thanks.

    • Meagan says:

      From my understanding Wendy, all chamomile species work in similar ways, but each species has varying levels of chemicals that give them different effects. Some have more chemicals that produce anti-inflammatory responses where others have more chemicals that produce more relaxing responses. With that said, I think using wild versions that grow in your area is best, but not everyone has that option. If you make it and it doesn’t work as well as you hoped, you could try a tincture with German chamomile and see if it’s any better. Best of luck, and I’d love to know how it goes for you!

  15. Krissy Rowan says:

    What do you think of using Bach Rescue Sleep Spray to help a 1.5 year old sleep while they are teething? Here is what is in it:

    Rescue Sleep Spray 7 & 20ml

    White Chestnut: To help ease restless mind.
    Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock.
    Clematis: For the tendency to “pass out”, and unconsciousness, being ‘far away’ and not present mentally.
    Cherry Plum: Fear of mind giving way, verge of breakdown, anger.
    Impatiens: For irritability, tension and fidgety.
    Rock Rose: For frozen terror and panic.

    5x (HPUS) dilution Star of Bethlehem – Orithogalum umbellatum Rock Rose – Helianthemum Cherry Plum – Prunus cerasifera Impatiens – Impatiens gladulifera Clematis – Clematis vitalba White Chestnut – Aesculus Hippocastanum

    Inactive Ingredients:27% Grape Based Brandy as a preservative

    • Meagan says:

      From my understanding, Krissy, Bach remedies are very safe as they’re floral waters and very diluted. However, I am NOT an expert on floral waters or homeopathic products. What does the website say? Can you email them and ask or look up info on using floral waters safely with children? I’m sorry I can’t be of more help.

  16. Jessica S says:

    I read in an article ( not to put alcohol tinctures directly into the mouth. You mentioned using the chamomile by rubbing it on the gums directly. I am an herbal novice, so I’m curious if you think it’s okay to put the chamomile or the RR directly on the gums or should I first dilute it with a bit of water?

    • Meagan says:

      The reason some people caution against taking tinctures directly in the mouth is because the alcohol can be too strong and damaging to the mucosa (and healthy bacteria) in the mouth. However, there are times when you would take more of tincture in your mouth (like when using the tincture as a mouth rinse or to tighten the gums or counter bad bacteria in the mouth). It really just depends on what you’re using the tincture for. For most internal uses, you mix the tincture in a small amount of water or juice and drink it down. When using chamomile for teething, it’s recommended to rub a drop or two directly on the gums so it helps to numb the area a bit and the chamomile helps to soothe your littles nervous system. It’s a small amount so you don’t have to worry so much about it being too strong for your little one, especially using a chamomile tincture that’s 50% alcohol or less. Hope that helps and clarifies a bit. The RR is mostly water so you wouldn’t need to worry about it at all.

  17. Anonymous says:


  18. Anonymous says:


  19. Anonymous says:


  20. Brittany says:

    Hey! I was trying to research Wellements Teething Oil and came across a few of your articles. I think this product is new since you wrote these blogs about natural options for teething babies. What’s your opinion on this new product?

    • Meagan Visser says:

      Hi, Brittany! Wellement’s Teething Oil is new to me. It does have clove essential oil which is a very strong essential oil, particularly for babies. The product doesn’t way what the dilution ratio is for the essential oil, so it’s really hard to say just how safe it is. I talk more about why I’m not a fan of using clove EO for babies here, and in short, it basically boils down to the dilution. You could email or call Wellements to see what dilution ratio they use. However, if the dilution ratio is small, chances are it won’t be as effective as the two remedies I’ve outlined in this post. If the ratio is larger, then chances are it isn’t all that safe for your baby. Best of luck, mama!

  21. Nathalie says:

    Hi Meagan, thank you so much for your post!
    After I read here about other teething solutions that claim to be natural and it’s not like that.
    My doubt is that I went to read the ingredients on Rescues Remedy and showed Glycerin as a an inactive ingredient. Is that correct ou I understood wrong?

    • Meagan Visser says:

      I believe they use glycerin in the mix to sweeten it a bit, but (food-grade) glycerine isn’t harmful to the body so it shouldn’t be an issue to worry about in Rescue Remedy.

  22. Annie says:

    Thank you so much for this post! So very helpful (and the Q and A comments too). Fingers crossed these two solutions can help our 8mo little one with her teething pains!

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