The Most Important Thing To Do When Your Child Has A Fever?

The Most Important Thing To Do When Your Child Has A Fever | Growing Up Herbal | When your kid has a fever it's hard to know what the best thing to do for them is, but there is one thing that should be your priority!

How would you like to learn the most important thing you should be doing for your child when they have a fever? As in, your #1 responsibility.

Well it’s simple, but not always easy… depending upon how sick they are.

Ready? Your answer is below…


When kids are sick with a fever they aren’t going to feel like eating or drinking much. As mom, you have to stay after them quite a bit… which can be a big challenge depending on how sick they are and their age, but it’s worth it.

Dehydration is a common side effect of fevers, but it’s totally preventable. It just takes a little bit of work on you and your kids part.

Now if you’re wondering why hydration is so important when your child is sick, let me tell you a little story.

A little over a year ago, my youngest son Uriah came down with a fever. He was 11 months old. You can read the majority of the story here, but what I didn’t really talk about much was the dehydration issue he had with this illness. He had a fever from a bacterial source and he was dehydrated. I honestly believe that the source of the fever could have been dealt with naturally as I’ve read and heard many successful case studies on it, but our biggest problem became the dehydration.

The sicker he got, the less he wanted to drink. When I got him to the ER, his diaper stank of concentrated pee and when they needed a pee sample… it took him HOURS, even with IV fluids, to pee.

What I didn’t realize was how dehydrated he was and how quickly it could happen. Sure he had a fever, but I’d been giving him sips of drinks and even squirting some in his mouth when he refused to drink it on his own. In fact… I hadn’t even brought him to the ER because of dehydration or the fever… it was because his leg looked terrible and he was so small.

All in all, I learned that with a sick kid, especially with a fever, you need to keep them drinking from the get go, and it needs to be more than just sips here and there. It’s the most important thing you can do. It doesn’t matter that they’re gonna puke more… it doesn’t matter that they may have more diarrhea. Keep them drinking. You don’t want dehydration to cause a normal virus to turn into a 3 day hospital stay!

7 Easy Ways To Keep Kids Hydrated

Since fevers cause the body temperature to rise which increases water loss through perspiration and increased respiration and because kids don’t conserve water like an adult does, getting your child to drink is important. Below, I’ve gathered up some ways to encourage your kid to drink when they don’t feel good and have a fever.

  1. Room temp spa water (My Spa Water)
  2. Sweetened Herbal tea
  3. Natural Sports Drink (Wellness Mama)
  4. Homemade Electrolyte Drinks (Growing Up Herbal)
  5. Diluted organic 100% no sugar added fruit juice
  6. Natural herbal tea or juice popsicles (DIY Natural)
  7. Natural jello (Mama Natural)

Enjoy, and I hope this helps you like it’s helped me since our awful experience with dehydration.

What do you do to keep your kids hydrated when they have a fever?
  1. Amy says:

    Great article. Bookmarked 🙂

  2. Stephie N says:

    Give a fevery child a bath! Tempid water will help to bring down a fever if need be and since skin is our largest organ and will quickly draw into itself what it needs, it will draw water from the bath keep hydrated, not that pushing the fluids is wrong, but sometimes it’s darn near impossible! Make sure there is a steady stream of water coming in from as many angles as you can, remember that there is water sources in our food too if you can get your baby to eat anything it will help with hydration too, Popsicles smoothies fruit soup almost all babies I know will still atleast try those things and they all have a high moisture content, it’s hard but it’s not impossible to keep their little bodies hydrated even when they refuse to drink

    • Meagan says:

      Great thought! I never really considered absorbing water through the skin from a bath, but you’re right… I suppose they can. I’m not sure how much they would actually absorb, but I’m sure it would help. I like to give my kids herbal popsicles and herbal jello when they’re sick too. That’s another way to get liquids in them. You can also do herbal enemas to help bring fevers down if you’re comfortable with them. They are a great way to get liquids in your child’s body. And of course, if worse comes to worse, an IV at the hospital will do the trick. Of course that’s a last resort sort of thing, but if your kiddo is sick, you do what you need to do. Thanks for your comment!

      • Nancy B says:

        No IV at hospital!
        May come out with something you didn’t have before.
        That is the last of the last resorts.

        Meagan, did you give the enema ?
        what herbs did you use for the enema?

        • Meagan Visser says:

          Yes, I agree an IV is a last resort (as is the hospital, if you ask me). However, when my 11-month-old was ill (the story I’m referring to in this post) the hospital and an IV was very much needed, and I was grateful for that option. With that said, for most fevers, we manage them at home by encouraging various herbal teas and electrolyte drinks, taking tepid baths, and herbal syrups made with diaphoretic herbs. I did do enemas when my boys were little for fevers that didn’t respond to other measures. I mostly used chamomile, but catnip and other relaxing diaphoretic herbs work well too.

          • Betty N says:

            Meagan, Omg yes! The IV and even a hospital visit is avoided at all costs. Like someone mentioned on here “may come out with something didn’t go in with.”

            Good to learn you gave the chamomile enema.
            Just make mild chamomile tea and give it?

            I haven’t given an enema yet. But will. Pray giving one to my 3 yo b and 5 yo b will not be difficult. But, I believe it is far better than giving OTC stuff and Tylenol.

            I read not to give an enema to one under two years old. Did you read the same?

            As far as giving….Did you use the bulb syringe for giving the enemas?

            I read the Fleet one is horrible and not to give that one.

            Love your blog!


          • Meagan Visser says:

            Hi Betty! I’ve only ever gone the enema route with my children when they were babies, and I used a bulb syringe. I’m a nurse, so I was trained how to do them in school. As my children have gotten older, I have used other methods to bring fevers down gently, as enemas felt a bit invasive for older children.

          • Sue Mom says:

            Very good and interesting blog.

            Best to consult with holistic doctor and/or well informed herbalist.

            I had to look up diaphoretic herbs. Found it interesting to read about; but, left me little confused about exactly how such diaphoretic herbs exactly work and when should be used.

            I would love to have even a fraction of Megan’s herbal knowledge. It’s not a subject to learn overnight.

          • Meagan Visser says:

            Thanks for your kind words, Sue. Sometimes we don’t always understand why or how herbs work. We can make educated guesses and build upon the knowledge of others, so it’s definitely a good idea to do some research. From my understanding, diaphoretic herbs come in two forms — stimulating or relaxing. Stimulating diaphoretics stimulate the circulatory system to increase peripheral blood flow, which warms the body and causes the pores of the skin to open so heat can escape. On the other hand, relaxing diaphoretics act on the nervous system to relax muscle tension so blood can flow to the periphery and the pores can then relax and open so heat can be released. Both types shift blood flow from the core to the periphery of the body and allow the pores of the skin to open so sweating and heat loss can take place. If you find a better or different explanation, I’d love to hear it!

          • Barb C says:

            Megan, good article.
            I also administered bulb syringe enemas To two when was needed.

            I did not like giving over the counter OTC junk to them. Stayed away from giving Tylenol.

            I gave either a chamomile or a catnip enema.
            If didn’t have the herbs for the enema I gave a cool (never cold) water enema.

            Giving him the enema, especially for the late night fever, always brought the fever down.
            He slept well after getting an enema.

            When kept him home from school the next day, a second enema the as given.

            It helps reduce fever and helps remove toxins.

            I also used the bulb syringe.

  3. Stephie N says:

    One of the biggest things I’ve learned with my babies, I have three under three right now, is not to treat a mild fever, the illness it’s fighting can be way worse than the mild fever!

  4. Carol b says:

    Keep hydrated!

    Normally if not too high I let it rub its course. If over 104f then go to doctor or call dr.

    Keep comfy.

    I have given tepid bath. Helped.
    Also give enemas. Both helped.

    Catnip tea works as well as chomolie tea.

    I repeat enema every four hours. Always worked. Not only brought fever down but cleansed as well.

    Consult doctor before giving any remedies.
    Not medical advice. Just what I have done.

  5. Carol B says:

    I just saw Megan’s reply about enemas.

    Good you suggested herbal enemas. The ones I have give are catnip or chamomile tea enemas.

    Given with rubber enema bulb syringe.
    Give across my lap or on table.

    I am very comfortable giving enemas. They are not difficult to give. Very soothing and relaxing.

    Yes, a great natural remedy. Great way to get liquid in, cool them down and remove toxins. Enemas have always worked!

    The first time ever may be little hard. But easier the next time one is given.

    All three of mine have gotten an enema. Never been a problem giving one. Never a mess. Some moms do not give enemas because think will be hard to give. A mess. Or a fight to give, or unpleasant or hurt. None is true.

    Not giving medical advice. Seek advice from your doctor before giving any remedy or enema.

  6. Dan says:

    Coconut water is probably the best natural form of hydrating drink full of potassium. I’ve personally found it better than ACV and distilled water with Honey and is very thirst quenching!
    Harmless Harvest is fair trade and organic (available at Costco, for those close to one, otherwise their website). Only downside would be price and needs to be refrigerated and tastes better cold… I’ve used it mixing with other juices for my son.
    Not suppose to be frozen, but had one bottle freeze at the back of the fridge and simply thawed on counter and kept in fridge. No ill affects…
    I’m in no way affiliated with them but have grown very fond of the drink, and more than I thought I would have ?

  7. Anonymous says:


  8. DeeDee says:

    Good article and comments left by others!
    I normally let a fever ride it’s course. Keep the sick one comfortable and more importantly hydrated.
    Glad Megan told of giving a herbal enema!
    Not only does the enema hydrates, it helps remove toxins.
    I administer an enema often in my home. Given for fevers, constipation and when he is sick in bed.
    The older one is given a bag enema (about half full bag) and the younger one (toddler and little older) receives the enema with the bulb syringe.

    Blessings and hugs

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