
Let me send you letters…

Twice a month — on Sundays — I send out an email “letter.” These letters aren’t quite “newsletters” because, frankly, most newsletters are boring. Instead, my letters are written from the heart about what’s really going on — in my life, in my business, my struggles, my successes, what I’m learning about natural and seasonal living, how I’m using herbs for my family, so on and so forth.

These letters are my story, one that tells of my journey towards seasonal, natural living. While they are about my life, I hope you see your life reflected in them as well. These letters connect us together, imperfections and all, so we can embrace living the lives we want to live while supporting each other on our individual journeys at the same time.

When you sign up for my Lunar Letters, you’ll also get access to my secret Seasonal Living Collective — completely for FREE. This resource library is designed to help make your dream of living a seasonally-aligned natural lifestyle a bit more achievable. Here you will find free printables, downloads, recipes, and discounts for my favorite natural living products. Each of these items is designed to support and guide you as you pursue slow, intentional moments in your days.

I just know you’re going to love them and look forward to receiving them every single month! 

You’ll also get occasional updates on things happening at Growing Up Herbal such as new products, giveaways, and awesome products from other natural living companies you may be interested in. I also try to include some sort of natural living tip, DIY, or recipe for you in each letter in hopes to make natural living a bit more doable for you!

I’ve been subscribed to your list for a few months and I just wanted to say that out of all the emails I get, I’ve actually grown quite fond of yours :). In fact, earlier today, I thought about when your next email will be! And there it was, a few hours later sitting in my inbox. And to be quite honest, I was shocked that I actually anticipated someone’s newsletter at all. So I thought I’d share, as it goes to show you how loved your work is in my neck of the internet woods. I love the work that you do and just wanted to send some love your way!Ana-Maria

What a lovely issue. Just the right length with articles and info to return to time and again, as I plan to do!Carol

Will You Join Me?



the Collective!

Get FREE access to my secret

Seasonal Living Collective

— a resource library designed to help make your dream of living a seasonally-aligned natural lifestyle a bit more achievable!

Thank you for subscribing!

Truly beautiful newsletter! Thank you for that. I am struggling at the moment with everything in my life, and I am very grateful for your newsletter. Wishing you health, courage, and happiness in a New Year. Jolanta

I just wanted to say that I absolutely loved the January magazine (as I do all of your work!) Thank you soooooo much for putting the time and effort into this new endeavor. It is just what I need right now! I’m trying really hard to live more seasonally and intentionally and this is a fantastic inspiration! I love the calendar with moon phases too, such a nice touch! Amanda

You are something else! Your creativity and seemingly boundless energy never cease to amaze me. What a great idea and thank you very much. I’ve downloaded this. It’s beautiful. I actually missed the previous one but have found it in my Inbox and will download that too. It was my birthday on Tuesday and on the day I felt like I wanted to make one or two ‘birthday notes’ on my intentions/wishes/personal goals for this year but… I didn’t (distractions distractions distractions).

So I feel like your mini-magazine was maybe meant for me to see…a gentle nudge perhaps…? ? Also, just to mention, for one of my birthday gifts I was given a beautiful book that you once recommended… not sure if you recall: ‘The Healing Kitchen’? I sat by my fire, reading it. Bliss. But all too brief! I’ll pick it up soon again. Anyway well done and thank you so much for all your hard work and sharing. Big hugs from Scotland! Keri

I just wanted to write a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed your mini magazine this morning. I was thought provoking and uplifting. Great job! Looking forward to the months ahead of your work. Laurie

I just wanted to drop a quick note that I really enjoy your content and I look forward to receiving your emails. I’m a mom of 3 with a firefighter husband in Southern California. It’s so great to connect with another mom from a different walk of life in another part of the country- especially when our world is so divided. When I read your emails, I know that you and I may have differing beliefs about many things in this world and, yet, it doesn’t really matter because we connect on a human thread. So from one caring, loving, hustling mother and wife to another- Happy belated Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas to come. Niki

Thanks so much for this! It was perfect. I was blessed as I took a couple of hours today to go through these questions and do some soul searching and reevaluating. I have been interested in seasonal living for quite a few years but trying to integrate it into my life has always just seemed too big a task. I have three kids, 7 and under, and have begun the homeschooling journey in earnest this school year. Compound that with the health problems of my oldest and all the things I try to do for him and I feel pretty much maxed out. However, I realize seasonal living doesn’t have to be harder, it’s more the process of learning how to do it and then being mindful to make it happen.

I always enjoy your letters but this mini magazine was truly wonderful. I love that it’s small and gets you started with seasonal living. I love the beautiful images and that poem! Yes, please! If I ever doubted I liked poetry it’s poems like that one that make me wonder why. Your message was short enough to be read in a busy household but long enough to be rich. Truth, Beauty, and Goodness all the way. Excited about the recipe too. Seasonal eating is gonna really shake things up if I can ever get a grip on it! Catherine

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